a shock to the system
Axie Infinity players around the world were surprised to learn that their MMR got reset after the end of season 19 back to 1200.
Sky Mavis had previously said we would go back to our former offseason MMR that we'd established, but balked at doing so due to concerns around SLP inflation. Apparently 40% less SLP is minted per day after a reset compared to at the end of the previous offseason.
the anarchy meta
The result of a system wide MMR reset is the ANARCHY META, absolute chaos in the arena with a ton of random teams. It makes you really focus and pilot your team carefully to deal with everything.
These matches were some great highlights -- both wins and losses - from my stream on January 5th, 2022.
I like the anarchy meta. I get to know a lot of new team compositions I wouldn't ever see otherwise.
I agree with you it is fun to change it up
what's your stream? i want to watch :3
I do my streams on my youtube channel -- same one as the video. usually around 9am EST
Love to see more😍