Commitment and committed

in Axie Buzz3 years ago


Long live the king of NTF gaming.
Long live to the king of P2E.
Long live to the brain behind and keep pushing.
Infinity and longlivity.

The harsh truth is economic crashed.
All dip to toe, to floor and bashed.
SLP and AXS is no exceptions.
Cryptocurrency is volatile,climb high and dips to the bones.

AxieInfinity is to no compare.
From the dev to the people so fair.
Transparent like still water.
Silent but deep, a ship sinker.

Emulated and imitated.
NFT gaming father as they named it.
Emulated and imitated.
Many haters but the game heated.

The community will survive.
The economy will be stable.
Wait for the surprise in your table.
To moon and only moon is our projectile.


thanks for this info