Before she become scholar it was me first and i played Axie Infinity for almost 3 weeks before she acquired her scholarship. And as ahead of her i mentored her for almost 3 weeks. She play her team while i am around for 3 weeks she repeatedly play it like i taught her. Then she become independent and discover the strength of her team. From the start of her scholarship she never played other team. Her aquas with 57 speed and a backliner with angry lam, great skip, upstream and heroes bane is her ace. So far she manage to master the delivery and sequence of her skills and combos. For 3 months she never go down from her rank but also she cannot make it to higher rank since she have to attend to some house chores. But i am still proud of her to maintain her 1300-2k mmr range for until this day.
Tonight i tried her skill by playing with her 1 vs 1 and the result is 4/2, 2 for me and 4 for her in favor of my wife. I am happy because she out played me but i am sad because she will have all my salary from axie slp share to my salary in my work. GGWP.