Imagina una comunidad repleta de gente comprometida, de usuarios comentadores.
Imagina esa comunidad donde sepas y estés seguro que probablemente no voten alto tu post, pero sí recibirás al menos un comentario en tu publicación.
Imagina una comunidad donde vayas a buscar comentarios, y no solamente votos; y lo mejor es que los has de encontrar porque el engagement que hay allí es de otro nivel, son usuarios de otra galaxia que les gusta interactuar genuinamente con otros.
Imagina una comunidad que permita el cross post desde y hacia ella sin que te silencien o reprendan. Sino que más bien sea la comunidad "obligada" donde publicas o compartes tu post buscando interacción.
No la imagines más.
¡Esa comunidad existe!
Se llama "Hive Comments".
Solo necesitamos hacerla crecer exorbitantemente para que se llene de comentadores comprometidos.
Lee su post introductorio aquí.Te invito a suscribirte a "Hive Comments", la comunidad del compromiso en #Hive.
No olvides suscribirte y empezar a comentar. Si bien es cierto que seguiremos cazando comentarios de valor y calidad en todo Hive, daremos prioridad a los que se generen en nuestra comunidad.
Soy parte del Proyecto @elcomentador
Conócenos y comparte tu comentario para que sea valorado. Únete a nuestra comunidad "Hive Comments".
¿Quieres aprender más sobre los comentarios y su importancia?
Visita la etiqueta #hivecomments y vuélvete un experto.
@elcomentador es un Proyecto de Curación de Comentarios. Nuestra finalidad es recompensar aquellos comentarios que aporten valor a las publicaciones y fomentar el hábito de comentar en Hive.
Si quieres saber más sobre nuestra filosofía y cómo optar a un voto por parte de nuestra cuenta, lee nuestro post de introducción y únete a nuestra comunidad "Hive Comments" donde podrás interactuar con otros comentadores, educarte sobre el arte de comentar, enterarte de iniciativas y mucho más.
¡Te esperamos!
Y si deseas formar parte del grupo que está valorando y recompensando el compromiso en Hive y a la vez ganar recompensas de curación, ¡únete ya a nuestro trail! (abajo te dejo el enlace. Sigue los pasos para unirte).
Como unirse al Trail de Curación de Comentarios de @elcomentador
Si por el contrario, deseas apoyar a este proyecto con alguna delegación de HP, la cantidad que aportes será bien recibida. Así tendremos más poder de voto (VP) para valorar los comentarios de esos usuarios comprometidos de Hive.
Dando click en cada cifra que desees serás redirigido a para delegar directamente.
Apóyanos con 1000 HP Apóyanos con 750 HP Apóyanos con 500 HP Apóyanos con 250 HP Apóyanos con 150 HP
Apóyanos con 100 HP Apóyanos con 50 HP Apóyanos con 25 HP Apóyanos con 15 HP Apóyanos con 5 HP
🔃 Si este post te gustó, no te lo guardes, compártelo. 🔃
💬 Si lo que viste te hizo pensar, no te lo calles, coméntalo. 💬
👍 Si consideras que aporta valor, retribúyelo y valóralo con un voto positivo. 👍
Imagine a community full of engaged, commenting users.
Imagine that community where you know and are sure that they probably won't upvote your post, but you will get at least one comment in she.
Imagine a community where you go looking for comments, and not just votes; and the best thing is that you will find them because the engagement that exists there is another level, they are users from another galaxy who like to genuinely interact with others.
Imagine a community that allows cross posting to and from it without being silenced or reprimanded. But rather it is the enabling community where you post or share your post looking for interaction..
Don't imagine it anymore.
That community exists!
It's called "Hive Comments".
We just need to make it grow exorbitantly to fill it with committed commentators.
Read his introductory post here.I invite you to subscribe to "Hive Comments", the engagement community on #Hive.
Don't forget to subscribe and start commenting. While we will continue to hunt for comments of value and quality throughout Hive, we will prioritize those generated in our community.
I am part of the @elcommentator Project
Get to know us and share your comment to be valued. Join our "Hive Comments". community.
Want to learn more about comments and their importance?
Visit the tag #hivecomments and become an expert.
@thecommenter is a Comment Curation Project. Our purpose is to reward those comments that add value to posts and encourage the habit of commenting on Hive.
If you want to learn more about our philosophy and how to qualify for a vote on our account, read our introduction post and join our community "Hive Comments" where you can interact with other commenters, educate yourself on the art of commenting, learn about initiatives and much more.
We are waiting for you!
And if you want to be part of the group that is valuing and rewarding engagement in Hive while earning healing rewards, join our trail now! (see below for the link. Follow the steps to join).
How to join @thecommentator's Comment Healing Trail
If on the other hand, you wish to support this project with some HP delegation, the amount you contribute will be welcome. This way we will have more voting power (VP) to value the comments of those committed Hive users.
🔃 If you liked this post, don't save it, share it. 🔃
💬 If what you saw made you think, don't keep it to yourself, comment. 💬
👍 If you think it adds value, give it back and rate it with a positive vote. 👍
Translated with (free version)
By clicking on each figure you wish to contribute you will be redirected to to delegate directly.
Imagina esa comunidad donde sepas y estés seguro que probablemente no voten alto tu post, pero sí recibirás al menos un comentario en tu publicación.
Imagina una comunidad donde vayas a buscar comentarios, y no solamente votos; y lo mejor es que los has de encontrar porque el engagement que hay allí es de otro nivel, son usuarios de otra galaxia que les gusta interactuar genuinamente con otros.
Imagina una comunidad que permita el cross post desde y hacia ella sin que te silencien o reprendan. Sino que más bien sea la comunidad "obligada" donde publicas o compartes tu post buscando interacción.
No la imagines más.
¡Esa comunidad existe!
Se llama "Hive Comments".
Solo necesitamos hacerla crecer exorbitantemente para que se llene de comentadores comprometidos.
Lee su post introductorio aquí.Te invito a suscribirte a "Hive Comments", la comunidad del compromiso en #Hive.
No olvides suscribirte y empezar a comentar. Si bien es cierto que seguiremos cazando comentarios de valor y calidad en todo Hive, daremos prioridad a los que se generen en nuestra comunidad.
Soy parte del Proyecto @elcomentador
Conócenos y comparte tu comentario para que sea valorado. Únete a nuestra comunidad "Hive Comments".
¿Quieres aprender más sobre los comentarios y su importancia?
Visita la etiqueta #hivecomments y vuélvete un experto.
@elcomentador es un Proyecto de Curación de Comentarios. Nuestra finalidad es recompensar aquellos comentarios que aporten valor a las publicaciones y fomentar el hábito de comentar en Hive.
Si quieres saber más sobre nuestra filosofía y cómo optar a un voto por parte de nuestra cuenta, lee nuestro post de introducción y únete a nuestra comunidad "Hive Comments" donde podrás interactuar con otros comentadores, educarte sobre el arte de comentar, enterarte de iniciativas y mucho más.
¡Te esperamos!
Y si deseas formar parte del grupo que está valorando y recompensando el compromiso en Hive y a la vez ganar recompensas de curación, ¡únete ya a nuestro trail! (abajo te dejo el enlace. Sigue los pasos para unirte).
Como unirse al Trail de Curación de Comentarios de @elcomentador
Si por el contrario, deseas apoyar a este proyecto con alguna delegación de HP, la cantidad que aportes será bien recibida. Así tendremos más poder de voto (VP) para valorar los comentarios de esos usuarios comprometidos de Hive.
Dando click en cada cifra que desees serás redirigido a para delegar directamente.
Apóyanos con 1000 HP Apóyanos con 750 HP Apóyanos con 500 HP Apóyanos con 250 HP Apóyanos con 150 HP
Apóyanos con 100 HP Apóyanos con 50 HP Apóyanos con 25 HP Apóyanos con 15 HP Apóyanos con 5 HP
🔃 Si este post te gustó, no te lo guardes, compártelo. 🔃
💬 Si lo que viste te hizo pensar, no te lo calles, coméntalo. 💬
👍 Si consideras que aporta valor, retribúyelo y valóralo con un voto positivo. 👍
Imagine a community full of engaged, commenting users.
Imagine that community where you know and are sure that they probably won't upvote your post, but you will get at least one comment in she.
Imagine a community where you go looking for comments, and not just votes; and the best thing is that you will find them because the engagement that exists there is another level, they are users from another galaxy who like to genuinely interact with others.
Imagine a community that allows cross posting to and from it without being silenced or reprimanded. But rather it is the enabling community where you post or share your post looking for interaction..
Don't imagine it anymore.
That community exists!
It's called "Hive Comments".
We just need to make it grow exorbitantly to fill it with committed commentators.
Read his introductory post here.I invite you to subscribe to "Hive Comments", the engagement community on #Hive.
Don't forget to subscribe and start commenting. While we will continue to hunt for comments of value and quality throughout Hive, we will prioritize those generated in our community.
I am part of the @elcommentator Project
Get to know us and share your comment to be valued. Join our "Hive Comments". community.
Want to learn more about comments and their importance?
Visit the tag #hivecomments and become an expert.
@thecommenter is a Comment Curation Project. Our purpose is to reward those comments that add value to posts and encourage the habit of commenting on Hive.
If you want to learn more about our philosophy and how to qualify for a vote on our account, read our introduction post and join our community "Hive Comments" where you can interact with other commenters, educate yourself on the art of commenting, learn about initiatives and much more.
We are waiting for you!
And if you want to be part of the group that is valuing and rewarding engagement in Hive while earning healing rewards, join our trail now! (see below for the link. Follow the steps to join).
How to join @thecommentator's Comment Healing Trail
If on the other hand, you wish to support this project with some HP delegation, the amount you contribute will be welcome. This way we will have more voting power (VP) to value the comments of those committed Hive users.
🔃 If you liked this post, don't save it, share it. 🔃
💬 If what you saw made you think, don't keep it to yourself, comment. 💬
👍 If you think it adds value, give it back and rate it with a positive vote. 👍
Translated with (free version)
By clicking on each figure you wish to contribute you will be redirected to to delegate directly.
¿Quieres aprender más sobre los comentarios y su importancia?
Visita la etiqueta #hivecomments y vuélvete un experto.
@elcomentador es un Proyecto de Curación de Comentarios. Nuestra finalidad es recompensar aquellos comentarios que aporten valor a las publicaciones y fomentar el hábito de comentar en Hive.
Si quieres saber más sobre nuestra filosofía y cómo optar a un voto por parte de nuestra cuenta, lee nuestro post de introducción y únete a nuestra comunidad "Hive Comments" donde podrás interactuar con otros comentadores, educarte sobre el arte de comentar, enterarte de iniciativas y mucho más.
¡Te esperamos!
¡Te esperamos!
Y si deseas formar parte del grupo que está valorando y recompensando el compromiso en Hive y a la vez ganar recompensas de curación, ¡únete ya a nuestro trail! (abajo te dejo el enlace. Sigue los pasos para unirte).
Como unirse al Trail de Curación de Comentarios de @elcomentador
Si por el contrario, deseas apoyar a este proyecto con alguna delegación de HP, la cantidad que aportes será bien recibida. Así tendremos más poder de voto (VP) para valorar los comentarios de esos usuarios comprometidos de Hive.
Dando click en cada cifra que desees serás redirigido a para delegar directamente.
Apóyanos con 1000 HP | Apóyanos con 750 HP | Apóyanos con 500 HP | Apóyanos con 250 HP | Apóyanos con 150 HP |
Apóyanos con 100 HP | Apóyanos con 50 HP | Apóyanos con 25 HP | Apóyanos con 15 HP | Apóyanos con 5 HP |
💬 Si lo que viste te hizo pensar, no te lo calles, coméntalo. 💬
👍 Si consideras que aporta valor, retribúyelo y valóralo con un voto positivo. 👍
Imagine a community full of engaged, commenting users.
Imagine that community where you know and are sure that they probably won't upvote your post, but you will get at least one comment in she.
Imagine a community where you go looking for comments, and not just votes; and the best thing is that you will find them because the engagement that exists there is another level, they are users from another galaxy who like to genuinely interact with others.
Imagine a community that allows cross posting to and from it without being silenced or reprimanded. But rather it is the enabling community where you post or share your post looking for interaction..
Don't imagine it anymore.
That community exists!
It's called "Hive Comments".
We just need to make it grow exorbitantly to fill it with committed commentators.
Read his introductory post here.I invite you to subscribe to "Hive Comments", the engagement community on #Hive.
Don't forget to subscribe and start commenting. While we will continue to hunt for comments of value and quality throughout Hive, we will prioritize those generated in our community.
I am part of the @elcommentator Project
Get to know us and share your comment to be valued. Join our "Hive Comments". community.
Want to learn more about comments and their importance?
Visit the tag #hivecomments and become an expert.
@thecommenter is a Comment Curation Project. Our purpose is to reward those comments that add value to posts and encourage the habit of commenting on Hive.
If you want to learn more about our philosophy and how to qualify for a vote on our account, read our introduction post and join our community "Hive Comments" where you can interact with other commenters, educate yourself on the art of commenting, learn about initiatives and much more.
We are waiting for you!
And if you want to be part of the group that is valuing and rewarding engagement in Hive while earning healing rewards, join our trail now! (see below for the link. Follow the steps to join).
How to join @thecommentator's Comment Healing Trail
If on the other hand, you wish to support this project with some HP delegation, the amount you contribute will be welcome. This way we will have more voting power (VP) to value the comments of those committed Hive users.
🔃 If you liked this post, don't save it, share it. 🔃
💬 If what you saw made you think, don't keep it to yourself, comment. 💬
👍 If you think it adds value, give it back and rate it with a positive vote. 👍
Translated with (free version)
By clicking on each figure you wish to contribute you will be redirected to to delegate directly.
Imagine that community where you know and are sure that they probably won't upvote your post, but you will get at least one comment in she.
Imagine a community where you go looking for comments, and not just votes; and the best thing is that you will find them because the engagement that exists there is another level, they are users from another galaxy who like to genuinely interact with others.
Imagine a community that allows cross posting to and from it without being silenced or reprimanded. But rather it is the enabling community where you post or share your post looking for interaction..
Don't imagine it anymore.
That community exists!
It's called "Hive Comments".
We just need to make it grow exorbitantly to fill it with committed commentators.
Read his introductory post here.I invite you to subscribe to "Hive Comments", the engagement community on #Hive.
Don't forget to subscribe and start commenting. While we will continue to hunt for comments of value and quality throughout Hive, we will prioritize those generated in our community.
I am part of the @elcommentator Project
Get to know us and share your comment to be valued. Join our "Hive Comments". community.
Want to learn more about comments and their importance?
Visit the tag #hivecomments and become an expert.
@thecommenter is a Comment Curation Project. Our purpose is to reward those comments that add value to posts and encourage the habit of commenting on Hive.
If you want to learn more about our philosophy and how to qualify for a vote on our account, read our introduction post and join our community "Hive Comments" where you can interact with other commenters, educate yourself on the art of commenting, learn about initiatives and much more.
We are waiting for you!
And if you want to be part of the group that is valuing and rewarding engagement in Hive while earning healing rewards, join our trail now! (see below for the link. Follow the steps to join).
How to join @thecommentator's Comment Healing Trail
If on the other hand, you wish to support this project with some HP delegation, the amount you contribute will be welcome. This way we will have more voting power (VP) to value the comments of those committed Hive users.
🔃 If you liked this post, don't save it, share it. 🔃
💬 If what you saw made you think, don't keep it to yourself, comment. 💬
👍 If you think it adds value, give it back and rate it with a positive vote. 👍
Translated with (free version)
By clicking on each figure you wish to contribute you will be redirected to to delegate directly.
Want to learn more about comments and their importance?
Visit the tag #hivecomments and become an expert.
@thecommenter is a Comment Curation Project. Our purpose is to reward those comments that add value to posts and encourage the habit of commenting on Hive.
If you want to learn more about our philosophy and how to qualify for a vote on our account, read our introduction post and join our community "Hive Comments" where you can interact with other commenters, educate yourself on the art of commenting, learn about initiatives and much more.
We are waiting for you!
We are waiting for you!
And if you want to be part of the group that is valuing and rewarding engagement in Hive while earning healing rewards, join our trail now! (see below for the link. Follow the steps to join).
How to join @thecommentator's Comment Healing Trail
If on the other hand, you wish to support this project with some HP delegation, the amount you contribute will be welcome. This way we will have more voting power (VP) to value the comments of those committed Hive users.
🔃 If you liked this post, don't save it, share it. 🔃
💬 If what you saw made you think, don't keep it to yourself, comment. 💬
👍 If you think it adds value, give it back and rate it with a positive vote. 👍
Translated with (free version)
By clicking on each figure you wish to contribute you will be redirected to to delegate directly.
💬 If what you saw made you think, don't keep it to yourself, comment. 💬
👍 If you think it adds value, give it back and rate it with a positive vote. 👍