Short Vacation "In the Desert" on my Balcony

in Photo-essay2 years ago (edited)

( EN / DE ) The new community "Photo Essay" comes just in time to tell you about my wonderful Sunday. I discarded the original plan to go to the Maypole Festival with the family, because I was not 100% fit and thought, better not to go to a place crowded with people. So I stayed home alone with cat and we made ourselves comfortable.
Die neue Community Photo-Essay kommt gerade richtig um euch von meinem wunderbaren Sonntag zu erzählen. Den ursprünglichen Plan, mit der Familie aufs Maibaum Fest zu gehen, habe ich verworfen, da ich nicht 100% fit war und dachte, besser nicht an einen mit Menschen überfüllten Ort gehen. Also blieb ich mit Katze alleine zu Hause und wir machten es uns gemütlich.

The cat was snoring and I was surfing criss-cross through HIVE posts. All of a sudden, I don't know how I landed on an old post from @mfarinato about the desert, the Tuareg and music.
Die Katze schnarchte und ich surfte Kreuz und quer durch HIVE Posts. Auf einmal, keine Ahnung wie landete ich auf einem alten Post von Mfarinato über die Wüste, die Tuareg und Musik.

This picture of the desert jumped out at me. Probably the desert had called me? I listened to the music, I liked it, it touched something deep inside me. I kept searching on youtube until I found this playlist here:
Dieses Bild der Wüste sprang mich an. Wahrscheinlich hatte mich die Wüste gerufen? Ich lauschte der Musik, sie gefiel mir, sie berührte etwas tief in mir. Ich suchte auf youtube weiter bis ich diese Playlist hier fand:

Andalusian Spanish Arabic Music

To feel the magic of the moment too, let the music play while you read on...

A craving for spices, couscous, peppermint and the feeling of sun, space and fresh air overcame me. Sighting the kitchen supplies revealed: Okay, couscous is there but with the rest must be improvised!
Ein Verlangen nach Gewürzen, Couscous, Pfefferminze und dem Gefühl von Sonne, Weite und frischen Luft überkam mich. Sichtung der Küchenvorräte ergab: Okay, Couscous ist da aber mit dem Rest muss improvisiert werden!

And while the desert music played I cooked purely intuitively: onion, carrots, cucumber, beans ... Cinnamon, cardamom, clove, marjoram smelled so fine. In addition salad with sour cream lemon dressing and peppermint tea with brown candy.
Und während die Wüsten Musik spielte kochte ich rein intuitiv los: Zwiebel, Möhren, Gurke, Bohnen... Zimt, Kardamom, Nelke, Majoran dufteten so fein. Dazu Salat mit Sauerrahm-Zitrone Dressing und Pfefferminztee mit braunem Kandis.

The first time this year I set the table on the balcony. Again I played this beautiful music to it, looking far into the distance of this sunny day. Perfect.
Das erste mal in diesem Jahr deckte ich den Tisch auf dem Balkon. Wieder spielte ich diese schöne Musik dazu, den Blick weit in die Ferne dieses sonnigen Tages schweifen lassend. Perfekt.

When I arrived at the dessert (cherry marble cake leftover from Friday), dogs barking and chattering were already returning from their outing. The magic of the moment ended, but it still reverberates :-)
Als ich beim Nachttisch (Kirsch Marmor Kuchen Rest vom Freitag) ankam, kehrten auch schon Hundegebell und Geplapper zurück von ihrem Ausflug. Der Zauber des Augenblicks endete, aber er hallt immer noch nach :-)

Now, while I'm writing this post, this magical music is running again and another call has come to me: "The Alchemist" wants to be read again after a very, very long time. Let's see what he has to tell me.
Jetzt, während ich diesem Post schreibe läuft diese magische Musik wieder im Hintergrund und ein anderer Ruf hat mich ereilt: "Der Alchimist" will nach sehr, sehr langer Zeit wohl wieder einmal gelesen werden. Mal sehen, was er mir zu sagen hat.

Here you can find the new community: Photo-Essay
desert post here
Videos the linked videos are not owned by me, I am sharing just the link to the copyright owner's video. No copyright infringement is by @beeber 10% benificiaire is set up to @mfarinato as a thank you very much for the inspiration :-) for more good music check out his


the cat seems to be very comforteble in the sun , pepermint tea is something we grow in containers here 4 or 5 different flavours my wife loves it .
Thank you for your contribution to our new community.

Have 2 different peppermints too, but they are always the last ones growing. Should plant more to have harvest for the winter

they are very easy to multiply , take some cuts put them on water wait for the roots to arive and then plant them in a pot

Sehr schöne Musik @beeber, mit das Essen hat es die Atmosphäre mit dein Post sehr gut gelungen. Wir hatten gestern und heute auch schönes Wetter. Gestern haben wir unsere Gartensaison wirklich geöffnet. Wir haben erstmal gegrillt.. ziemlich spät im vergleich zu Vorjahr.

Das Wetter ist tatsächlich merkwürdig dies Jahr heute schon wieder kühl mit 7 Grad :-(
Schön, dass ihr auch den Garten genießen konntet

You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE(1/10)@mypathtofire! to your account on behalf of @beeber.

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe
through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

Oh look at you with blue sky, we had rain and grey skies!

Today rather cloudy and much colder again but I stored a little sunshine feeling from yeserday in this post. !HUG

I sent 1.0 HUG
(1/2)Dear @tengolotodo, you just got hugged. on behalf of @beeber.

Well after I said sunny, the clouds got grey then it rained and rained so had to cut short lunch in the park!

Hast recht, verwöhn Dich ein wenig und geniese die Engergie der Frühlingssonne.

Posted using Hive Images

Carpe Diem und Sonnenstunden

Seems "Alchemist" wants to tell me something too. The same feeling "I need to read again this book")))

I was surprised, how many things I forgot over the years !LUV

You know another good thing reading again the same book is that everytime we discover new things. Our mind changes and we see it from the other side))

Wow... 😍 it looks like you had a very nice day.... thank you so much for the mention... music and art needs to inspire.. so I'm really glad you were inspired by good vibrations
“The main thing is to be moved, to love, to hope, to tremble, to live.” – Auguste Rodin

Thank you for the Inspiration once again :-). Thats a great quote!

Having a table in a balcony and enjoying a meal while listening to music is also an art form. Your photographs and posts are truly beautiful.

Thank you. Yes this place is something I am very grateful for

You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE(4/10)@pranavgtd! to your account on behalf of @beeber.

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe
through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

What a beautiful day! A good plan to relax, with good music, good food, and good company 🐱😻. I love couscous. And I'm listening to the music now 😍
Happy week 🤗🌸

PS: by the way I'm liking this new community. I read first a post by Paloma and now yours :)

Yes I think this community is something we missed here without even knowing. Stresskiller was presenting it in ecency discord, so I guess Paloma and I just wanted to be the first ones posting in 😂

Looks like you have a very nice day-off :) I listen to Tinariwen a few years ago in Zagreb. Great music!

Wasnt aware of them until today but I !LUV them :-) also great Videos

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Oh I wish I could have dinner outdoors! Winter coat weather with snow predicted for tonight and tomorrow here. Maybe if I play the music I will feel warmer

Thanks for posting to the Photo-essay community!

Too cold here too the last time, but finally warm today. In few weeks you can use your deck to enjoy for Sure

I sent 1.0 HUG
(2/2)Dear @melinda010100, you just got hugged. on behalf of @beeber.