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RE: Scenes from the woods

in Photo-essaylast year

Each image tells a story, which is not just one, but as many as the eyes that look at them are capable of imagining. So that leaf for me is part of a masquerade of elves. It's just that it's on display and the goblin who will use it hasn't gone to pick it up.

The second photo speaks to me of pain. These leaves look like beaten skin... and the dry branches, the soul of that person... khjsdghjg/ we'd better move on to the next one...

Then comes the elves' amusement park... 😁

The feather is the metamorphosis of an elf in love. He has flown so far and feels tired, when he arrives at his kingdom, the evidence of his long journey remains.

In the last photo, the girl chronicler of the Elvish world, already needed to rest because her knee was hurting.


This is a whole story! A cool one, of course, with elves. That first leaf with two holes looks like a face to me, but it can easily be a face mask for an elf, you are right. The second photo is pain and death, so yeah, let's skip it hahaha. Amusement park 😂

Thanks for your version of the scenes from the woods 📝