From Paradise to Ashes: Reflecting on Hawaii and Ukraine

Watching footages from above Hawaii is like looking at "deserted Siberia". People's yards look like they're covered with snow when in fact the visual effect is due to the tons of ashes that resulted from the fire. What was the fire caused by? I don't know... Some say it's natural(hurricane provoked wildfire), and others fall into conspiracy theories by saying that it might have been man caused.

I am not in any mood for falling for conspiracy theories at this hour(10 AM where I'm at), but no matter how the ravaging fire ignited, there's definitely a lot of suffering in Hawaii right now. There are human lives lost over there(27 according to Zerohedge) and there are too many households burned down to ashes.

I just watched a video of some folks driving out of Hawaii while seeing a lady fallen down on the ground, probably dead, while everything else around was burning down. Lots of suffering over there which makes me think we sometimes really don't appreciate what we have.

We're always on a chase for the better car, the new smartphone model, shinier clothes and so on and so forth and spend very little time to appreciating what we got. Imagine how you would feel as a Hawaiian right now... A tropical paradise turned into ashes is hard to grasp...


Luckily, though, the US government(Congress) just apprved anotehr $13 billion in military aid and $8 billion citizen aid to Ukraine. The politicians had Hawaii in consideration as well when having the budget plans on the table, $12 billion going to Hawaii... Is it $12 billion a lot of rebuilding Hawaii? I don't know, maybe you can "build back better" the parts of the island that got burned down to ashes.

But Hawaii will never be the same. And Neither will Ukraine. Ukraine is currently involved, at the will of the US oligarchs(elites) in a losing war. There is no way Ukraine will win the war. Period. Putin would rather nuke the whole fucking planet down to ashes instead of losing against the fagget that Zeelesnkiy is.

The US is however fueling the war with billions and billions of dollars in military aid. The military complex is a dirty but highly profitable business, the oligarchs of the US are highly invested in such a military complex thus the industry of war has to keep the wheels spinning.

It doesn't really matter if we have a war in Iraq or Ukraine. In both cases innocent lives will be lost, and countries outside of the US will be devastated and tons of money will be made out of such painful events while the US is also extracting important natural resources out of the places where this is possible.

The bet was to weaken Russia through this proxy war, but instead, the way I see it it has only strengthened it. Russia is still doing fine(selling oil at above the price cap), its ties with China are even stronger and BRICS is gradually eating into the hegemony of the dollar. Many are overlooking these aspects as they keep on focusing on the official narrative instead of connecting the dots that are less visible.

When you have $13 billion of US tax paid dollars sent to Ukraine for fueling a losing war and only $12 billion for the Hawaii reparations after the wildfire you realize how hypocrites the so called world leaders are, how sold they are to the elites actually pulling the strings of the world and how obedient manking has become.

The war in Ukraine would not have existed without our passive participation. Period. When individuals form healthy communities such fuckery cannot occur, but when individuals are being held divided and hating each other than anything is possible and control manifested over the infdividuals is easier to achieve.

I'm sending virtual condolences to both the Ukrainians and Hawaiians who have lost their loved ones in these painful events. It's all that I can do... The world has a fix, you know, and it's so simple and obvious. Maybe decentralized blockchain technology, DAOs and what we're doing here with Hive will have an impact in transforming the world at some point. Maybe...

Thanks for your attention,


Well of the 12B going to Hawaii you have to consider the 14.5B that will be lost due to embezzlement leaving a net loss of 2.5B for the tax payers to absorb.

Simple political math.

Ask your congressman.

That's not nice, sir...

If I had a congressman I would ask him ;)

You are correct. Most of the aid will not reach ordinary citizens and will simply sit in the bank accounts of another corrupt oligarch and his/her mates. I believe the Clintons have proven with their Clinton Foundation embezzlement operation what happens with most gift aids and donations, most of it goes 'missing'. They literally embezzled millions of charitable aid in relation to Haiti. No one ever found out where the money went. But no prosecutions there, no chance. The Clintons are the darlings of the globalist elitist sphere. They have all the right friends in all the right places to avoid prosecutions.

If America thinks it can diminish Russia by continuing to fund Zelenskyy and this war it is mistaken. Russia is thriving. It's economy has been barely touched. Russians continue, on average, to enjoy a good standard of living with very cheap food prices and affordable rents, even in Moscow. And as you point out Russia's oil revenues are still doing well. Russia also has very little national debt. While I don't have all the data I am almost tempted to say that the average Russian now enjoys a better standard of living than the average citizen in my country here in Britain.

Biden must know that Putin can not be defeated. People must realise that there is no logic to this war other than feeding the MIC and enriching the bank accounts of sick minded global elites. Sadly most ordinary people will think how the media tells them to think and believe that Putin is a monster. When in reality it's Biden.

Hawaii looks like paradise, but it is a relatively small piece of land in enormously large ocean. As a result, real estate there is extremely valuable. Hawaiians are also known for opposing real estate development for environmental and cultural reason. In such circumstances, when something like this happens, conspiracy theories are simply unavoidable.

Those same conspiracy theories also tend to pop out after any large wildfire on the coast of Mediterranean countries for the similar reasons.