In general a very good post. I particularly like how you point out some of the foibles of the general culture of Hive.
One point I would like to address regards a term I hear so often, both on Hive and in the world. Is something 'fair'? Quite frankly this is one of the most ignorant terms ever, at least in so far as applying it to anything outside the rules of a game that actually has published rules. Life isn't 'fair' and it never will be.
In talking about this you mention how so many, especially those in third world countries, may depend a great deal on Hive earnings and that their actions in 'taking' from the ecosystem do not conform to 'standards'. You are quite right on both accounts and I think you make some excellent points for those who are trying both to raise their standard of living and those who seek to build more substantial wealth. To my way of thinking those who choose to set expectations for how others should choose to utilize the ecosystem actually deserve the upset they get.
@taskmaster4450 often points out the amazing potential Hive has to change the world, and he is right. However those who need an immediate increase in their daily income simply to survive cannot be faulted for not living up to the expectations of those of us who have it so much easier.
I find it interesting, despite my own abilities and resources I have not made many posts (I have reasons) and the few I have did not receive much notice. The simple truth is that I'm not very good at self promotion. Sadly this is probably true for a very significant part of the world and that will tend to greatly hamper many from making much of an income in this system as it is now. For my own part I'm actually struggling (technical issues of getting money into the system!) to invest fiat $ into hive to increase my ability to curate. The hope is that over time I can build that up and help create more opportunities (including more than the existing means) for others to earn.
I know that there are groups developing projects, #posh for one and some of @trostparadox's students projects, to also increase the number of means for people to actually earn. This of course also requires learning about Hive-engine and how to work with it. Sadly I believe that the present state of the ecosystem is such that few outside the 'first' world can (currently) make notable inroads. The potential is there but it is nascent and a considerable amount of development still needs to occur. Life is not fair, however with our support I sincerely believe Hive can open some very impressive doors to opportunity and (better) economic justice for much of the world.
Thanks for an excellent post. Your right about the 'taboo', fortunately there is a marvelous truth...quite often the things we 'want' to hear the least are the ones we NEED to hear the most!
Blessed be