Hello the great ecosystem of web3, hive. We can see we kept you waiting on our last update. Sorry for that, it was due to some permission issues. Today we come with joy and great news to share with the blockchain. Another project will speak and stand as a face for hive amongst the people of Ghana. We can’t talk without giving credit to the main brains behind this project. We say a big thank you to @guilityparties, @appreciator, @theycallmedan, and @valueplan at large for starting this with us. This will go far and we will have a story to share as we journey on this.
Today was donation day in Navrongo. This group was led by @yahuzah and helped by @nhaji01 and @abu78. These people have been supportive of this project and we are glad they have finally carried out this exercise.
They visited Adabayere Memorial JHS in the heart of Navrongo. The headmaster gave us permission to carry out this activity. The teachers welcomed them with open arms. The goal is to sell hive and also impact the lives of students. They had the chance to speak to the teachers about hive. Their interest arose and they said they will be signing up to join the family. This is just the start of the onboarding we are out for aside from promoting education hive through hive.
@abu78 on it.
This was how they carried it out. With about 80 students, each student had 2 books each. They first gave them education on hive and what hive is about. The good hive has done and how it is the future of web3. Aside from that, there was a question and answer section. Where their attention was tested to see if they were actually listening. Students who answered correctly had an extra book each.
The smiles on the faces of these students are what initiated this outreach. We are glad we are all taking the time to be a part of this project. Hive is making it happen. Let’s all do our part when it gets to our doorstep one day. We can’t forget the support we have had from the community leaders (@depressedfuckup, @thisisnativeboy, @abdul01, @shamsudeen13) and the community leaders of hive Ghana (@mcsamm and @collinz).

All the thanks to @guiltyparties, @theycallmedan, @appreciator, and @valueplan at large. Thank you
another great project from the team
Thank you
Smiles are what hive has always been hearing. Its good projects have done much for us. Thanks to hive for making these students have books to writing. Hive will surely grow across the world with time.
Thanks to the community and @valueplan for sponsoring it.
We all have a part to play.
Ahh finally, the Navrongo team did great! Choosing a JHS was an awesome idea as the grown ups probably will have more use for the books. Also since they’re older and generally more curious, I’m sure these books will pique their curiosity to look more into better ways they can use the internet beyond the web2 social media platforms they’re already used to. I see the kids were excited to receive the books. Let’s keep up the good work in touching as many lives as we can with Hive.
It took time. But it is done finally. It is a great one and we thank everyone for supporting us.
This was an inspiring distribution. The students of the school were very excited and showed that through the numerous questions asked. The Navrongo team did it late and we’re glad for the patience of the hive students hub and hive ghana team.
Thank you too for standing in for us over there. We all have a part to play and you are doing great. We are grateful.
Its a shame I couldn't make it for this one. Anyways am glad you guys could see this one through successfully. Those books look super cool. Gratz.
This is a big project which will forever remain in the heart of the children. They must have seen you guys as their role model
The best part of it all is they will grow knowing or keeping the name of hive.
This is what we belive in and will continue to make news about. Thanks for making this big in the northern part of Ghana. Congratulations buddy.
Thanks for the support as always.
I regret missing this. Had to run home and take care of something.
The kids look happy 😃
Very happy buddy.
Yeah 🫱🏽🫲🏾
It was really awesome and amazing having interaction with the students before sharing the books with them. I was actually happy they received it happily. I am happy to be part of the team. We say a big thank you to the teams for their support for this project.
Thank you too for being there.
Wow! This is so beautiful. You guys are doing great!!!