A Day in the Life of an Agricultural Student.

in Hive Students Hub9 months ago

Today happens to be the first day of school and the first day to appear on the farm with my friends. I have been hearing about farm practice year, but today happened to be the first day, and it was not actually something really smooth for us as students, but we have no choice but to attend to what we have to do. It's actually a stressful first day on the farm because we had to clear about 2½ hectares of land, which we will use to plant some vegetables.

Different portions were shared with different groups, and this will be cleared for the tractor to do the remaining clearing and then plow it for us to save us from the stress we were supposed to go through. We are to sign in to the farm by 7 am and then leave until we are done with the work of the day.


Today, on getting to the farm, we were matched to the main vegetable farm, and immediately we got to the farm, we killed a long snake, which I feel was very scared of the battalion it saw because the students on the farm were so many. We killed about two, and the farm coordinator had to mandate everyone come to the farm with a safety farm boot to prevent injuries and a lot of other things.


We started work by 10am, and we were done clearing at about 2pm and we had to sign out and mark attendance before leaving the farm, and we are to resume back to the farm tomorrow to continue our plantation from where we left it today. Agriculture saves lives and saves the world from starvation. To become an agriculturist, we have to put in our best to make sure whatever we plan grows and germinates.


I know this will be a long journey for us as students because we have a lot of things to do, aside from the farm work we are doing, but we have to do this because our own grades as students are at stake, and we do not want to jeopardize whatever it is. I will continue to share more updates about my agricultural project as it continues to get better. But as it is now, this is what my day has been as a student, and as a student, life is somewhat stressful. So my day today was stressful as a student, and I hope my students like me also went through some stress today.