“Omo, this one na eye opener oo bros” as my Nigerian brothers and sisters will say.lol. Wish I had the chance to go back to school again. Like I would have make good use of my long legs. Would have joined high jump, athletics, basketball and many more. It might seem to be too late now but trust me it won’t be late for my kids. I’m going to push them personally to aim at this side as well. Thanks buddy really enjoyed your write ups. Waiting for your next masterpiece..😊
it’s too late now
Lol it’s still not too late bro. You don’t have to be in school to do extra curricular activities. Lol in fact, everything you’re doing now that’s not a job can count as an extra for you. If there’s a high jump club in your neighborhood, join them and jump.
I’m glad you found this useful, man. I’m shifting my niche to posting more content like this to educate people early so they don’t end up like you and I who had to learn these things after school:)
Yeah you’re right, maybe I should try politics 👀..But with the Physical sides like the high jump, football, basketball, or any activities that requires much energy is a no go area for me at this age. I don’t want to put pressure on my already grown bones. Maybe gym workout but the rest won’t take me anywhere anymore.
Please do my guy.. it might be very useful to some of us..
Lol your already grown bones? Bro you’re a young adult.😂