There are a lot of topics that I find hard to decide on what to write on but this is never going to be one. I have had a lot of teachers impart knowledge on me right from kindergarten to now that I am in the university but this teacher of mine will always stand out. He taught me for 3 years and I must say he made a big impact on my life.
What makes me adore this man is that, my first expereince with him was a classic example of "do not judge a book by its cover". I judged my teacher wrongly after seeing him for the first time and I am glad to have been very wrong. The very first day I saw him, I was with Theophilus, a friend of mine I used to roll with in primary. We had heard of this new teacher who just got accepted into our school so as usual, we wanted to see him.
Fortunately, we were on recess and as we came out of the class heading towards the school cafetria, we saw our new teacher. Immediately, Theo told me an information he had been holding for a while and it was that, his sister who was one of his students told him our new teacher smokes. I did not doubt him hinestly, becuase of the way he looked. I was a child then and though anyone with very bushy hair who walked like a gangster was a gang member.
My favorite teacher is Mr Wanya Glover. We nicknamed him "Bhobu" becuase of the high school he attended. Sir Glover is one of the most open, smartest people I know. This man was open about everything and it made his classes very interesting and educative. He had a lot of life life experiences and so you could approach him about anytime at anytime. He'd have his ears open for you whenver you wanted his opinion on a matter.
Sir Glover could literally teach any subject but his designated subject to teach the school was Social studies. Social studies has always been a subject I liked but having this man teach me in my junior high made it better. I also used to attend extrea classes where he taught my brother, my friends and I mathematics, integrated science and social studies. He was more comfortable teaching mathematics than social studies but you would never know because he put in all his efforet. He was a dedicated teacher who never missed a day of class unless it was for a serious family reason. That was another reason why I liked him so much. He never joked with his wife and son.
You never realise how these kinds of expereices help you in growng up till you actually sit down and think. I guess it is one of the reaons why I like to put my family fist and they'll always come first for me. In our part of the world, it is not common for a man to go to the market or folow his wife to shop for groceries but Sir Glover always did. He used to take care of his son very well because the boy schooled in our elemntary school and you could see the love.
Something he did I would never forget is how he made us shame this classmate. Man went to propose to this girl in our class and not only did he get bounced, he was also reppored to the teachers. Sir Glover made us shame him for not proposing with his mouth so he could deny if there was a problem instead of writing a love letter to the girl. It was all fun and jokes that day and it made the class very fun. I don't recall ever falling asleep in his class.
Another instance he gained my respect was when our headteacher asked him to punish a student. He said, he was not in a good mood and he'd be too harsh on the student if our headteacher insisted. Not everyone heard this and I did becuase I was standing next to them during assembly.
Sir Glover not only had academic awareness for when you needed help but only had morals so good that he has left such a big impact on my life.
Thank you Sir Glover and with this, I would like to end my write up on my favorite teacher. Who was yours? Let's interact and remember old memories.
Thank you.
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this is so funny bro. He didn’t force at all.
I really enjoyed reading your post bro. Thanks for sharing.
Can’t stop laughing about this part.
I think you also need to be shamed.😂😂😂😂
This your teacher sounds really amazing. He understands human nature and helps his students.
Now that’s what a good teacher looks like, interesting post bro