Blog #3: Experiencing top trends (from social Media to reality)

Hello there! Just wanna share these before I get to sleep.I was so happy that I get to experience these trends at Panagbenga 2024. These top trends (for me) can be seen in different social media platforms also. I wanted to see and taste it in reality so I went to Panagbenga Session Road in Bloom and Market Encounter. It's agood thing in life to try some new things and expereince what can it offer. Trying these top trends at Panagbenga made me felt a little bit of a child😅

Check my top trends at Panagbenga, you might wanna go and try it also and experience an escape from the reality. From the office full of workloads, here I am who's very excited to taste,try and expereince.

First on my lists would be Tanghulu. There would be a long que if you want to have some of these snacks.It originated from China as their healthy snack. After China, it went more popular in Korea and went viral on social media platforms.
Tanghulu is a fruit (can be strawberry, grapes, blueberry etc.) which was coated with caramelized sugar and dipped in an ice water. It costs a dollar for some sellers and there were some who were selling it for $3 for two as buy 1 take 1 which would be a higher price.🤣


Second one would be the Smoked Ice Cream. Long que for those who wants to buy it and limited stalls for it.I thought it was a very special dessert or more yummy than my favorite icecream.😃However it's not but worth trying though. I was convinced to buy because it looks so cool and delicious if it gets in my mouth. Smoke comes out from our mouth when we ate it. It was not that cold and it didn't taste like a literral iceream . It was just because of curiosity that's why we bought it. It costs $3 for every cup.


Third one would be the "BIBE"
It's a small clip with a small "bibe". Bibe is a tagalog word for a duckling. When I first saw it, It was so weird and I didn't understand why they were wearing or putting it in their head as hairclip. I also saw it on my newsfeed and it was all over it even the comments and profile pictures. I really didn't understand why it became as a trend in Baguio.😅
Almost every stall for dry goods at Panagbenga, have this item. Mostly students have these clips on their heads.


Even pets have it!😂
It was so cute seeing this dog along Session Road.


My eyes and taste buds were both full.
There you go for my top trends at Panagbenga 2024, let's experience it again next year!
Thanks for reading! God Bless you moore!