Food + Sleep = Comfort

It's been months since my last update on Hive.
But anyway, I finally got the courage back to get back to posting.

Let me just share this simple meal, my go-to when I am stuck at home while finding the courage and the will to cook a non-instant food.

This is instant food with quite a twist. A packed spicy ramyun, cooked in a soup mixed with beaten eggs and small milk. Then I just topped it with boiled egg and the kim chi in the fridge I almost forgot was there plus a few stalks of leeks that I grew in a pot.

After finishing a full bowl, I now feel bloated and couldn't decide what to do next.

What do you usually do when you are full?

NAP. haha

Then the nap turned to an hour sleep.

I guess I needed that to recharge.😁

Thank you for taking time to read my blog.
Til next time.