Lifescape Tribe Blogging Contest Round #4 - PINK

in Lifescape Tribe4 months ago

Hello Everyone! I hope you had a wonderful day today!

This week's color challenge is a bit challenging for me since I don't have much pink in my room or among my things. I had to scroll all the way down in my gallery to look for a photo. Fortunately, I did find some photos of flowers that are pink.

These photos were taken last year during our vacation. The flowers were so beautiful! You couldn't help but take photos of them. I don't know how they took care of them to bloom so beautifully. Even our companions from the tour took photos with the flowers.

I am not familiar with the name of the flowers so I tried using google lens and it appears this is a Camellia.

I'm pretty sure this one is a pink rose.


Since I was looking at the pictures in my gallery, I also saw a picture of my sister holding a balloons. I think this was a surprise birthday gift to her by her workmates. since the balloons are color pink, I decided to add her picture to my entry.

Thank you for reading everyone have a nice day!


Wow! I love the pink flowers on your first picture I just guess they are Hybrid tea roses, but not sure though.

Those rose smells so good for sure 😌