2021, March

in THE 2020s4 years ago

Downvote Party on Hive Blog on Monday the first of March of 2021. Truck is Here Tuesday. One Step Back, Two Steps Forward, States Are Rising Wednesday. People Shared This On Discord Calling Me Crazy Thursday. Big truck gone now. I want to dance like these Chinese Hat Men Friday. Manure For Seven Hours Saturday.

Come to the Table

Five Types of Cryptos Sunday the 7th. Concrete mix. Good Samaritan Monday. Check out Lauren Witzke Tuesday. Untested Covid Vaccine Tested Many Times? Wednesday. Planned Parenthood Leader was also that father of Bill Gates. Garden Shed Cleaning Thursday. Tilling Day Friday. Alex Jones Flagrant 2. Strawberries Saturday.

China Love Biden Long Time

Bitchute links are banned on Twitter Sunday the 14th. Covid Debate Monday. Squirrel feeder fixed with 3rd log. STC journal posts. These 12 Questions Could End COVID Hoax Forever Tuesday. Jeep wash. Crimson Contagion Plan Wednesday. Vacuum clean. Lion King Vaccines Parody Thursday. Teenage Mutant Ninja Jab Friday. Lawful vs Legal Saturday.

VHS Home Videos

Runaway Lady Sunday the 21st. Vaccines are NOT Serums Monday. President Harris Tuesday. Covid is the Pluto of Pandemics Wednesday. Sliding Door Thursday. Facebook Rocketman Timeout Friday. No-FlyZone Above North Pole Saturday.

Palm Sunday

Reagan Nixon Trump Sunday the 28th. Lawyer Mover Oatmeal Monday. Border Pandemic Flying Tuesday. Hunger Games Triangle in Texas Wednesday.

2021, March

01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31


January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December

Oatmeal Monthly - 2021-03 - March of 2021 | Published in March of 2021

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End of season 2 of The Umbrella Academy

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Downvote Party on Hive Blog

2021-03-01 - Monday

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Plato's Cavemen

I enjoy multitasking and strongly believe in doing many different things at the same time. So, what I post can have multiple purposes simultaneously. Most things that appear to be personal towards individuals may not really be towards them but instead is being used to help make a point, to make points, to tell stories, to help people see the bigger picture, to help people see what they need to see. And I sometimes don't have the time to help people see what they need to see and yet I always have a strong desire to help people grow in their understandings of the cave shadows as described in that one parable or story told by who was it again, Socrates, Aristotle, or Plato? Oh, I think it was called Plato's Cave. I often feel like I am talking to Plato's Cavemen in life. It can be tough talking to cavemen. But I try my best to communicate with the cavemen. I try to lure them out of the cave with my original green oatmeal.

Truck is Here

2021-03-02 - Tuesday

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Freedom Bracelet is So So So So Cool

Are you happy about losing your freedoms? Were all the white hats murdered? Are they all gone now? Millions to billions people will die, are you VERY VERY VERY VERY HAPPY ABOUT THAT?? It appears Trump is a failure. There is so much Trump did NOT do. It is very bad. At this point, I feel like I may never vote for anybody or anything ever again. Why did Trump promote vaccines? Food prices is likely to increase 40% before 2022, plus how much of which items can be purchased, you should be buying from local farmers in order to counter this. Dear farmers and stores, if you promise to sell unprocessed chemical-free foods, produce, we promise to spread the word to grow your customer-base. Dear farmers and stores, if you teach us how to farm, then we will volunteer to you several hours each week, free labor, a good trade, a good exchange. When you go to court, say "I self-identify as Judge, that is my gender, that is my sex, my pronouns is your honor and judge." See how the real judge handles this. If the judge disagrees, then you can sue the judge under the soon to be passed into law Equality Act which is to be federal law in America allowing people to self-identify as any gender be it trans or binary or non-binary or male or female or anything you can imagine or not imagine and there are already many dozens of genders, I could print you out a copy of the genders out there, there are so many already. And if there isn't one already that you like, you can make up a new gender, it doesn't matter what it is, you're covered under federal law.

Lifting Mask Mandates

Texas lifts mask mandate and says all businesses can open at 100% capacity, as health officials warn not to ease restrictions. Also, Mississippi as well. Also, Montana and North Dakota as well. Critical Race Theory will subtract points from your college entrance exam if you're Asian. Talk about racist. Chinese people in particular are generally smarter, especially in regards to math, than the other races, the whites, the blacks, the browns, etc, statistically this has been the case, that is on average. Russians are possible the second smartest group of people. What is happening in 2021 was scheduled to happen in 2025. The good news is that we pressed them into activating their plans at least four years early. The bad news is they're accelerating their plans faster and faster each day, they're trying move ahead fast enough so people don't have enough time to wake up to counter it. Meaning you may wake up in a few years realizing I was right. You'll feel a sudden pounding of regret in your heart before 2025, assuming we don't wake up fast enough to counter it all. Don't say I didn't warn you. I tried my best to warn you for years now. What else can I do to help you see what is right in front of your face?

One Step Back, Two Steps Forward, States Are Rising

2021-03-03 - Wednesday

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Biden to Obama, Michelle Dick Picks to Hunter

One Step Back, Two Steps Forward, States Are Rising. Globalists beat up Mitt Romney to force him to support Open Borders and other things. He says, "Oh no, I just accidentally fell down the stairs, ahahahahahaa!" C.S. Lewis predicted Covid in 1942. Millions to billions are likely to die before 2025 if we are unable to stop enough people from jumping off the cliff. Millions are dying cuz of it, many before 2022. But they say already they died cuz of the virus and not cuz of the jab jab.

People Shared This On Discord Calling Me Crazy

2021-03-04 - Thursday

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People Shared This On Discord Calling Me Crazy

Has the world gone mad? Shows and movies now have new Covid job positions even as actors don't social distance when acting. So, what do these staff members even do if they're NOT doctors? CDC reported over 100K Americans died after taking the Covid Vaccines in 2021. CDC adds that their death has nothing to do with the Covid Vaccines. Just a coincident. A happy little accident. If China declared gay a mental disorder, if the NBA supports China and gays, then what do that do now?

I want to dance like these Chinese Hat Men

2021-03-05 - Friday

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I want to dance like these Chinese Hat Men

People are kicked off airplanes because 6th-month-old babies were not being smuddered by masks. Did you know there are no longer cats inside hats on Ebay or Amazon? Did Germany's Nazis of Hitler take over the world during World War III? Did they find Germans pilot flying saucers, the UFOs, when they find UFOs, Area 51 and other places? A 66-year-old grandma was so scared of spreading Covid, she jumped in front of a train. I didn't say 666.

Are you NOT Michael Jordan?

A few seconds left in the basketball game, you are on the court saying, "I hope Michael Jordan gets back onto the court." Are you really going to stand around and do nothing? If you want to visit China, all you have to do is pull your pants down and let them stick something up your butt. Will you let me record it?

Manure For Seven Hours

2021-03-06 - Saturday

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Cuz Science

If lockdown worked, why do it again? If lockdown didn't, why do it again? Please Google us6506148 b2. Were detention camps or reeducational camps or FEMA camps started in the 1950s in the United States of America? The answer is yes, laws were being created, sites were being mentioned and initiated. In Israel, they send private medical records to police. When I said Michael Jackson was dead, I was banned from the ChristoCord | Custom PC Building Discord server. Facebook told me the patent is real but the claim about it is not. It is called 666 or 060606. One of the biggest lie is Israel. Manure work for 7 hours. Facebook just told me, "Oh no, Soros did NOT say that."

Dumb People Gone Wild

Did you know bad people have been trying to lower the average IQ of humans globally to under 90 for over two centuries? Why would they want a bunch of dumb people? Banned From ChristoCord For Being Too Hot.

Five Types of Cryptos

2021-03-07 - Sunday

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Why is Biden's neck a darker color than his face?

Did you know you can put all the viruses of the entire world combined and fit them all simultaneously together inside one singular Coke can? The image of the doctor, that is public perception, was gradually altered these past two centuries globally. I was homeschooled but then had the desire to attend school when I was 15. But that almost didn't happen as that was in Oregon in 2000, a year after the Columbine school shooting. There were times I was thinking that high schools may be dangerous if kids were to go there with guns. So, there were times I was feeling like I would never want to take that risk. But I ended up going. I think I forgot about my fears of guns. When I started going to public school for the first time, I was not thinking about guns like 99% of the time for my first year in high school and maybe through to the Senior year. But I don't specifically recall any memories of thinking about guns during my Freshman year in high school. I think I do have memories of thinking about public school probably a year or so before going to public high school. Looking back at my life, my best guess is my fears of guns disappeared eventually and that led to me to attending public schooling and the rest is history. I wrote about the Five Types of Cryptos.

Good Samaritan

2021-03-08 - Monday

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Covid Vaccines will kill babies. How liberal. People and children are burning masks instead of flags in Idaho. Covid Tests is actually a DNA-Theft Operation, they swap out your DNA and send it to centralized locations to tie your DNA to databases, etc. Many billions of babies WILL WILL WILL be murdered, will you do nothing? How do they get away with it? They cover up their lies with even bigger lies. And they continue to cover up previous pandemics and other major issues with newer ones. By the way, the I Am Legend movie starring Will Smith predicted all of this. Go watch that movie. Go watch what Elon Musk said on Joe Rogan over a year ago. The plan is to continue these pandemics for many decades to come. If you do nothing, you deserve it.

Deep Fakes Are to Fake You Out

One of the reasons why Super Deep Fakes trend is in order to encourage the general public to roll their eyes more when famous people, politicians, others, get arrested or when they are shown doing bad things, etc, then too many people can smurk, "Hell no, that was not Tom Cruise [or fill in the blank, your favorite politician, actor, etc], that was just a deep fake." So many hospitals in America are saying all their Covid Patients are oddly walking over to them from over the border. Oh my God, who is paying for all of this? They're not wearing masks when they come in to see doctors. But you have to wear a mask. But they don't have to. And they get free medicine. They get free health care and you do not, have fun with that.

Check out Lauren Witzke

2021-03-09 - Tuesday

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Covidliness vs Loneliness

Check out Lauren Witzke of Hold The Line PAC. Airplane tried to abuse a kid, so everyone stood up and walked off the plane. The Covid Vaccine is not a vaccine. Someday, you will understand this. For now, you can call me a crazy person. But someday you will see. There is no rule on a federal level in the United States, well apart from military. A mother called 911 as her boy was possibly dying, she was greeted with, "Please hold." She was shocked and this problem is increasing more and more. Someday, Joe Biden may step down as President and then a woman will be the President. That could happen any day. Trader Joe's try to make people wear masks, I will not shop there. A person in the 2010s had to work 4x harder and 4x longer in order to earn enough money to buy a car of the same value as that of a car back in the 1980s. Imagine if you were able to pay off your car loan or house loan four times faster? If you went back in time by almost half a century, you would in a way live longer four times longer or in affect it would feel like it as you would be able to pay off debts four times faster. Every time I try to post, Facebook says, "Your Request Couldn't be Processed. There was a problem with this request. We're working on getting it fixed as soon as we can." It appears that the post goes through and yet I still get this message. I will probably get this same exact message again, this same pop-up, when I click enter to submit and publish this post as well. Let me know if you see this. It is possible nobody can see this post. If that is the case, it would be a limited example of being Shadow-Banned. This would a type of shaddow-banning when a person does not know they are being suppressed or censored or hidden or whatever the case and cases may be. Let people know when things happen to you and keep backups on other websites as you may be terminated off Facebook at any time for no reason at all. So, your days are numbered, it does NOT matter who you are, you should contemplate life after Facebook and/or outside of Facebook. Prepare yourself as much as you can.

Not Just Making Frogs Gay

Around a half a century ago, they murdered a crazy woman's baby, they took dead baby into a lab, cloned them year after year to harvest diseases to then insert those diseases inside vaccines, some which contribute to making some people gay and other things. So, in other words, it's not just the water making the freaking frogs gay. There is a new cult you can join. All you have to do to join the cult is put on a mask. The cult is totally free apart from whatever it costs to buy or make a mask. Have fun in your cult and make sure to recruit as many people as possible to your little cult. If a person doesn't want to join your wonderful mask cult, please wrestle them to the ground and force them to wear a mask or else. Promise to cancel them if they refuse. If they do put a mask on, then make them apologize for everything. Why? Well, apologizing is one of the cult rituals in onboarding new members. Hey, I didn't make up the rules. So, make sure you follow protocol and make sure to use force if you have to. If anybody questions your authority as a cult leader, simply spank them a little. Hey, they deserve it for questioning your authority. Over 80% of Covid deaths in 2020 were comorbidities unrelated to Covid. Biden is the first widely-known unelected U.S. President.

Untested Covid Vaccine Tested Many Times?

2021-03-10 - Wednesday

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Untested Covid Vaccine Tested Many Times?

Mike Adams says he is planning to bust out in song sometimes via digital drums as it is better not to take things too seriously. Alex Jones is in Florida at a store where you don't have to wear a mask. Young people take the Covid Vaccine and then they die. Each day, you can find new articles regarding this and more all over the Internet. The globalists say you will just "STEP UP" and do things that will kill you, even as you see people getting cancer, even as people die, even as you see people die from the Covid Vaccines and other things, they said this to Alex Jones and to others. You can watch Bill Gates say things on Television in the open. Over 90% of the people who got Covid would always wear their masks according to one study. Hundreds of innocent Americans were thrown in prison in 2021 for walking over to hear the President speak. Judges are delaying court cases. This is violating the 5th and 6th amendments to say the least.

Facebook Says The Untested Thing Was Tested?

Facebook says this thing which was untested was in fact tested, not untested. Not only that, Facebook goes on to say it has been in fact tested many times. This thing that shall not be named, which was not tested, Facebook swears to God, no, swears to Almighty Fact Checkers, that the untested things were actually tested many times for many years even as it is a new thing which most people have T-Cells which give most people immunity to it which strangely the engineered HIV thing was there to attacked the T-Cells which is a major factor in the strength of our immune system. Yeah for science I guess, right? But who is counting? What are Parapsychology Encyclopedias?

Garden Shed Cleaning

2021-03-11 - Thursday

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Bill Gates Father, Leader of Planned Parenthood

NWO stands for Nazis World Order. Judicial Watch sues CDC, they want to see all interactions CDC had with big tech, Hollywood, etc, conversations, messages, emails, because the CDC was telling them to cover up a bunch information which the world is literally DYING OVER. Obama is speaking in front of people in a building like usual and then people tell him to go, to run, to hide, and he smirks with bad attitude he is not going to do what they say kind of thing, the people talking most likely Secret Service or people who were trying to protect him. A few seconds later, you hear guns firing, you hear explosion, Obama literally runs off behind the curtains towards the backstage like a little scared school girl. He literally ran as if he was playing basketball or running in a race. He zoomed out of the building as you hear terrorism or war in the background. Just a second ago he was like no way am I running and then he was like out of there in a second. That was the end of today's dream. Why does Circle Back Girl look like Mark Zuckerberg with a wig, are they running out of drone templates? Is this Battlestar Galactica all over again, again?

China Microsoft

After China hacks into Microsoft, guess who is expanding business with the Great Wall of Globalism, the Great Wall Around Thee World. IBM sold devices to Hitler to help the Nazis track and trace the Jews similar to 2020 Covid Track & Trace apps. Facebook will ban me if I told you which man with a mustache from the 1930s which IBM sold devices for and IBM is doing it again now, apps to help keep track of track and tracing, and much more. I try not to consume toxic foods, toxic tech, and toxic news. Bill Gates has shares in Twitter, Alphabet, Amazon, etc. Way Fair Scandal.

Tilling Day

2021-03-12 - Friday

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If you're wearing a mask, are you going to shave your beard? Globalists are destroying countries in order to push people to run away and rush the American borders and the walls are there to lock Americans inside. Globalists have figured out how to solve famines, droughts, starvation, hunger, thirst, it is very easy, just murder billions of people, then they won't be starving any more, and by 2030, that is the plan, to have less than 500 million people total world-wide, meaning murdering over seven billion people in the next nine years or as soon as possible, possibly even the next four years or sooner if they can.


2021-03-13 - Saturday

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Alex Jones' Most Flagrant Interview Ever

Alex Jones' Most Flagrant Interview Ever. Did Alex Jones lose 10K Bitcoins? Do you control your mouth or does your mouth control you? Clean freaks gave up many times when living in a house with slobs, things end up all dirty and messy all over and that is just a microcosm of things we see on a macrocosm scale. One of my favorite parts of your post is when you wrote "Throwing stones at a giant won’t stop it, but starving it will." One thing I want to add to your post is the following question I wrote earlier today. Black people die twice as much from Covid than white people do because they get less Vitamin D3 from the sun because their skin blocks it out at a higher level.

Bitchute links are banned on Twitter

2021-03-14 - Sunday

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China Love Biden Long Time

Bitchute links are banned on Twitter. Vaccinated people will get really sick when the cold season returns. When you control the language, you control the mind. God made man for the macro and woman for the micro. World War II would have ended within months had the funding depended on gold as opposed to centralized banking which can print out infinite amounts of money out of thin air. It would be awesome if a country said, "If you want a passport, you just need 5 Bitcoins." A country that did that would turn into a great place.

Selling Computers

We need to sell computers with open-source operating systems, cryptocurrency wallets, etc, pre-installed on thumb drives, and then when a person buys it, then they can pick which thumb drives to install, plug and play. Backup data monthly or annually on thumb drives. Kishor Kudale, Trump got over 80 to 100 million votes and Biden got under 40 million real votes. Kishor Kudale, is 40 bigger than 80? Do you know how to count? Only 3% of the cases get sick, at best, I mean at worse. Over 97% were false-positive. Stay 6 feet apart unless if you're a cop, then please jump on people and rape them.

Covid Debate

2021-03-15 - Monday

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Prism Timeline

Their liver dissolved, their organs liquified just hours after you know what. Communism is now being rebranded as Circularity. Their plan is have us fight each other as they murder most of us. In Star Wars, it took Kenobi ten to thirty years to be a master. But the bulk of his beard grew in just three or so years during the Clone Wars. Therefore, according to my Geek Logic, it would take you no longer than the time it takes to be able to efficiently recruit new people (or enough people at a high enough level lol) to Hive, then A Has Been Master you are says Yoda. 17 countries just banned one of those gab gab thingies.

Destroying Economies

They are purposely running the global economy off a cliff in order to persuade people to then beg them for global tyranny, this is a psychological trap to get the majority of people to believe that slavery is actually safety, protection, for the greater good. One doctor called in and said he had many patients die after taking the Covid Vaccine. The problem is the people who administrate the vaccines are only required to monitor the patients for 15 minutes. A few hours after that, then the patients die. But then they will say that was a coincidence.

These 12 Questions Could End COVID Hoax Forever

2021-03-16 - Tuesday

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Prison Planet

Fake news will blame Trump as more and more people die from gab gab in 2022. Be ready for an outbreak due to the gab gab coming the fall of 2021. Hospitals create Super Germs and this thing is creating Super Viruses. 22 of his patients died from the you know what. There are several different versions of the Covid Vaccines and some of them give people cancer. Police Gone Wild. A highly qualified doctor called some of the Covid vaccines an unstoppable bioweapon of mass destruction. Super Lockdowns are coming in the next few months of 2021, as soon as the cold season returns or maybe sooner, because of the gab gab, you have been warned, they will lie about why people are dying and will try very hard to trick you and your friends. People who get the flu gab gab end up getting the flu each year. The gab gab zombies will kill off the other zombies similar to the Technicolor Coat Joseph dream of the cows eating other cows.

Welcome to Matrix Transformers

Over 10 trillion dollars will be added to the American debt before 2022, that is highly probable thanks to the exponential acceleration of bailouts and stimulus checks. Get ready to get more and more free money, who in the world would want to work ever again as welfare increases, as hyperinflation kicks into mega drive, Autobots engage. Transformers, more than meets the eye. Joe Biden is a political stooge. Historically in world history, stooges were used to trick people into going against the stooge. After that, the stooge is removed and is replaced with things that are much worse long-term speaking. It's the Chinese Finger Trap. 12 questions to end Covid hoax post. 2 STC journal posts.

Crimson Contagion Plan

2021-03-17 - Wednesday

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Jeep wash. Agenda 2035. The Crimson Contagion Plan. Globalists are not transsexual, they're literally transrobotic. Kids are going to school with oxygen deprecation. 2030 is the scheduled end of the world, that is their plan, they believe you won't try to stop them, they're counting on it. Antibiotics created super bugs in hospitals, tens of many thousands of people died in hospitals from them each year, many which are inserted through a probe up the rear. The gab gab is very similar if not much worse than this. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation admit to how it will kill your immune system, you will have to take weekly shots from them, they've confessed many times, all we have to do is read it, hear it, share it. CPS is KIDNAPPING maskless kids. WARNING. RED ALERT. Very funny. He got acute immune thrombocytopenia.

Lion King Vaccines Parody

2021-03-18 - Thursday

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We are living in Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back, Storm Troopers are knocking on your door right now. We living in a hollow cough. Biden threatened Russia. China produced and created more billionaires in 2020 than all the others in the world. Rush was murdered via chemotherapy, a major side effect generally is more cancer. If Trump took the jab, he will likely be dead before 2025. Glow in the dark mouse. They're trying to force American military to take Covid Vaccines, many who refuse to, many are looking to quit the military before it's scheduled to be forced upon them by July of 2021. Red Cross stole millions and millions of dollars, I just saw a video. 13th amendment actually federalized and protected slavery by relabeling it. CONFIRMED: NO ONE HAS DIED FROM ANY COVID VACCINE VIDEO includes Lion King parody, oh I just can't wait to get vaccines.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Jab.

2021-03-19 - Friday

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Obama & Oprah play footsies remotely

Exorcism was banned in California. $53K checks were given to hospitals in 2020 per Covid-related death certificate. In the same way super bugs are resistant of antibiotics, Wokies are resistant to knowledge. Your average Democrat remembers the false accusations but not the retractions that followed. A negative hallucination is when you delete a thing from what you saw. The garbage rats eat is more nutrient than the trash leftists feed their children. Fire ants will make a boat consisting of themselves, they'll go on under-water shifts, in order to survive from drowning, from floods, they'll take turns breathing. Your average leftist will happily throw the other ants off the ships while actual ants will sacrifice their bodies to be the ship itself. Some nurses celebrate their own death as they take the jab. There are people who cut off their own arms because they want other people to serve them. STATES BEGIN TO TAX VEHICLES BY-THE-MILE via track and tracing programs in electric smart cars. They piggyback shots, they gave a man 2 shots, he was only trying to get a Tetanus shot but the paper listed a secondary shot as well, an mRNA shot. He told them that was illegal and they kicked him out as fast as they could. When you go to the doctor, they will sneak stuff into your body without your consent. They are KILLING PEOPLE. Each day, MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY people die and if you do NOT know this, you never will.

What is coming up next?

Covid-19 was a bioweapon and Covid vaccines are bioweapons too, oddly not so much a soft-kill engineering, they've told us for years they would do this, you should not be surprised, knowing this can help you see what they plan to do next, you can connect the dots to see the future, to see what is around the corner, the information is out there if you're curious. The mRNA vaccines turn us into the Boy in the Bubble who had NO IMMUNE SYSTEM. Men are stronger but women can handle more poison. Breaking news, Chris Sky went live on the Internet in a video. You should go see the video right now and share it everywhere. Chris Sky went live in Canada, good people came and peacefully encouraged police away from illegally arresting Chris, that is how we change the world peacefully, have a camera with you, have friends, stick together with other patriots, stick in herds, in groups, stay close, they try very hard to divide and conquer. That is why we have to stick together and that is how we win. In 2021, a billion people were put in a science experiment involving gene manipulation but without consent, they were unaware of how they were being tested on, a mad scientist's wet dream, Frankenstein is spinning in his grave hoping he can go to Fauci's new monster party, Frankenstein wants to get out of his hole in order to put all humans inside holes because he is a hole.

Lawful vs Legal

2021-03-20 - Saturday

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Infowars Phone

Thousands of people are out in the streets of London not wearing masks. Americans should renounce their municipal and territorial citizenship. Did Biden go to print more money using American land as what the money is backed by since it can no longer be backed by gold? Was England and the Vatican sub-contractors in the formation of America, were they not granted rights over the lands which belong to Americans, were the founding fathers smart enough to prevent corporate entities from stealing land from we the people? If you are a slave, subject, or a legal person, you're not free. Millions of businesses went bankrupt in the last few months.

Why so capitalized?

According to Roman law, Capitus Diminutio is the means of diminishing of status through the use of capitalization, that is why they put your name in in capital letters, in uppercase letter, in legal documents, it says JOHN DOE in all caps. 40% of your your taxes go to England and the remaining 60% goes to the Vatican. Bill Gates had to end his Ask Me Anything live stream video because of some of the questions and things people started saying. A Warrior Calls and Infowars Phone websites.

Runaway Lady

2021-03-21 - Sunday

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There is a DISTINCTION between what is LEGAL and what is LAWFUL

Restaurant charges customers $50 Face Tax. Obama may someday say, "Hey folks, you can't get me, I'm NOT even American." Is Richard Grenell the first ever temporary acting President of the United States via military rule in 2021 or was it just an accident that he was listed as President on the Internet? Our bodies are on the third dimension, our soul is in higher dimensions, but there are things in the lower dimensions which are trying to suck us in like a black hole, could you imagine living life on the first or second dimension? What kind of Hell would that be? There are places it got so bad in Europe that they started mixing them up into cocktails. Take them all. It's like a party.

Vaccines are NOT Serums

2021-03-22 - Monday

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Robot doctors are here. Vaccines are NOT Serums. There are cash shortages at banks as people try to withdraw. Aiding & Embedding at the border is a big crime unless if you're Biden. Military is currently being trained to hunt down people who think peaceful Black Lives Matter rallies could possibly be as violent as the January 6 Riot. Europe Open Borders is HERE RIGHT NOW in AMERICA, what HAPPENED THERE is NOW HERE! If you've ever supported Trump or America, you can no longer become a police officer. When I was living in Vietnam, people showed me papers saying China had big global plans for 2020, that scared me to death when I saw the documents years ago.

President Harris

2021-03-23 - Tuesday

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President Harris

Man thrown in jail for not using his kid's preferred pronoun. In mainstream psychology, they don't believe in higher dimensions meaning the voices you hear in your head cannot be anything external or anything that goes beyond what nature-limited science can measure. You own the house but cannot sleep inside your own home. Exorcisms actually have a waiting lists. More exorcists are needed. Amazon drones flying around looking inside houses for guns. Doom is a video game that was originally designed to help teach and condition military to become insane killing machines. Vietnam was a big example of how Americans were often unwilling to shoot people in the face, many of them could not do it.

How do you conquer a nation?

Historically for thousands of years, in order to conquer a land, they would kill most of the men, women end up submitting to whoever is ruling the land. So, if you are able to control the women, then you can often manipulate culture to a large degree. But you also have to destroy men, the ability for men to be men, to a large degree. When a land lost too many of their men, as young as 12 years old, the land would be invaded and changed. That is a big pattern in world history globally. If you teach girls how to never become mothers, that is a big plus in conquering a nation.

Covid is the Pluto of Pandemics

2021-03-24 - Wednesday

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Which one is Hillary Clinton?

Come to a party, just bring some beer. Come to America, just bring some children. Matt Damon worships Bill Gates. New school shooting coming soon. United Nations MURDERED KILLED STARVED over 10 million people in 2020, the U.N. CONFESSED, ADMITTED TO THIS, wake up people, the UN ADMITTED to GENOCIDE CRIMES, LOCKDOWN led over 200 million people to have less food and many of them had no food. What happens when a person does NOT work and has NO FOOD? Dollhouse is a famous television show based on MK-Ultra. Mexican President said today the Mexico Texas Border Crisis is the fault of Biden.

Covid is the Pluto of Pandemics

World Bank came out with an idea of having Pandemic Bonds. This was before 2020. Oddly enough, the bonds were not paid out to countries around the world because the Covid Pandemic is kind of like the Pluto of Pandemics. For how many years did people say Pluto is a planet? Were you shocked to find out Pluto was too small to be a non-dwarf planet? If a Christian couple and a gay couple went to a bakery, which of the two couples might not get a cake? Men and children come up through Mexico, they put them in hotels.

Sliding Door

2021-03-25 - Thursday

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Father tricks his daughters into promoting Killer Covid Vaccines

They ALLOW people to SHOPLIFT AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!! Americans have to get the jab but the people walking into the country don't have to. People are getting BANNED on Facebook for mentioning how 20+ EU states have discontinued the jab jab. This will be our little secret, don't tell anyone. Basketball announced the vactard section where you can mix and match the super strands, you'll be sorry in some months from now. The NBA special vactard section still requires face diapers. In the UK, they've announced having national sewer monitoring to help supervise required twice a week self-testing which people are told they must do. You CANNOT talk about your dead mom, that would be political. Baby cannot have mommy who is wearing a mask, plastic smuddering the baby.

Big Global Experiment

According to scientific studies, they found that most people will commit crimes if authority figures told them to, we are currently in a global experiment since 2020. Hello Stupid Americans, you guys wear diapers on your face, you guys are so funny and so stupid, ahahahahahahaha. Love, your favorite authoritarian, Rocket Man Kim of North Korea. PS. We may bomb you if we feel like since like China said, you guys can no longer speak from position of strength. But like Putin said, I wish your sock good health, wink wink, nod nod. Ahhh, you crazy translators, not sock, I mean puppet. Wait a minute, silly translator, I mean stooge. I decided not to join the military.

Facebook Rocketman Timeout

2021-03-26 - Friday

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Stupid Nose Masks. ISIS eats hearts, terrible monsters traffick women and children into America to rape, murder, eat, etc. They're giving vaccine passports to those who are ticking disease bombs. It is illegal to wear a mask and a gun at the same time in Texas, it's against the law there to carry a gun and a mask at the same time, it's against the law to cover up your face like that while carrying a concealed weapon. In the future, if the elite goes into caves, many of them may get sick if they're vaccinated, if they're down there for years. They'd go underground if things got bad enough, if meteors were falling from the sky, if there were terrible things happening all around world, natural disasters, etc. When they come back up to the surface, they'll try to murder the survivors who are actually tougher at that point. On the tombstones of billions of people very soon, "I survived Covid but not its vaccines. But I did it for the greater good." Why don't you get a Health Passport if you defeat Covid on your own without a vaccine? United Nations admits hundreds of millions of people in third world countries are on the verge of starvation due to the 2020 lockdowns which continue into 2021 and beyond, the UN and others have said lockdowns must end and yet they continue them and more and more people die as they are not allowed to sell, to earn money, to own land, to own animals, to own plants, to grow food, to make money, to buy food, and that leads to not having food which means starving to death.

Alcohol Prohibition Still

Alcohol prohibition is still in America in that they try to stop farmers from making their own Moon Shine or things made out of grain and other things which can be used to fuel tractors and a variety of things. Big Oil is probably happy about that. People will be dying all around you the next few years but they'll try to lie about why and how they died. They will try their best to cover up the fact that people are dying mostly because people taking the Covid Vaccines and also because they're already not healthy. Over 20 million Americans may be dead or close to it in the next few months especially because of the jab. Our job is to help people see these lies before people continue to die more and more to help wake up more and more people as millions to billions of people die before 2030 or even before 2025, these next few years, as cryptocurrencies rise so much in the 2020s especially. Hunger Games is based on Agenda 21, on what the globalists are doing in creating Super Cities, a Mad Max kind of world outside of the Walled Matrix Wall-E Smart Kingdoms. Circuit Judge Dale C. Cohen stole a child from mother MELANIE JOSEPH via a bad ruling. The mother was not wearing a mask. That is it.

No-FlyZone Above North Pole

2021-03-27 - Saturday

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Red Sea has a rabbit hat?

Why is there a no-fly-zone above and around the North Pole? If only people understood how hospitals are generally full of Super Germs, imagine turning the entire world into a live hospital. Some of the secrets of the Skull & Bulls secret society, which many U.S. Presidents were members of, were leaked on the 29th of October of 1975 during the Frank Church Committee. Welfare Socialism accelerated in America in the 1930s through FDR. Some of the goals of Skull & Bones includes destroying the church and especially the family, it started back in 1830 in America but has connections to especially Germany in particular. The Illuminati and other secret societies and groups hated George Washington who wrote dozens of letters regarding them, you can still find those letters if you want to read them.

Skull & Bones

Back in the 1800s, royalty was a term meaning not just government as some of the nations had kings but also religious, for a long time, government had those two attributes of having kings who were there on behalf of God or gods or deities of some sort or another. Skull & Bones were seeking to end family and royalty. People have heart attacks, Covid did it says the fake news. People take Covid Vaccines and then die of a heart attack, fake news will then say those deaths have nothing to do with the vaccines but when a person is hit by a car and then dies, the same fake news will say Covid totally took the wheel of the car to drive run those people to their demise.

Reagan Nixon Trump

2021-03-28 - Sunday

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Ellen Allen

Trump is a combination of Reagan and Nixon. What she said in a video is partly true but is not necessarily the entire story, Trump did some good but the Old Guard gave Trump a lot of bad Intel over the years, Trump continues to get bad advice to this day, regardless of what Trump knows, Trump is playing a dangerous game either way, Trump is playing with fire even if he does not know any better and it might become worse if he does know better. The average IQ globally will go down a whole lot before 2025.

Borg Lizard People

The Borg Queen in the Star Trek First Contact movie is portrayed as a worm parasite that is injected into the spinal cord of the host. Would you surprise if any of that was based on anything in reality? Could this be the secret to how Lizard People obtain control over their hosts? To be clear, I have no idea what to think except that I know that I don't know anything much. The more I know, the more I know I don't know. Ignorance is a nice thing normal people can hide behind. I'll continue to dive in deep.

Lawyer Mover Oatmeal

2021-03-29 - Monday

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Covid Vaccines Kill People

They picked a problem they could never fix, they weaponized the corona viruses which mutates so much they have not been able to make vaccines for them since the early 1900s, over a century, and vaccines are already bad enough and yet they weaponized them. On top of that, they enforce health passports through a global government even as open borders run wild with refuges not getting the Killer Vaccines. Why so many actors play women? For example, Mrs. Doubtfire. A lady blocked a governor from filming inside a public government building. The lady was trying to block governor Ted Cruz in Texas from filming how badly they treat people in the buildings where they store the refuges coming into America through Mexico. I was almost NOT allowed back into AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Storming The Country Not Capitol

Millions of people are storming not on Jan6 but into the country but without the jab. Genesis 3:22 is about living forever and that is why globalists are crazy addicted to that number, 3-2-2. You killed Kenni, I mean Philadelphia. Toby Hugh Daniell, I am talking about something that happened to me but also to other Americans. I'm making a contrast between Americans and non-Americans entering America.

Border Pandemic Flying

2021-03-30 - Tuesday

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Naked Man Hold Hands With Girls

Border Pandemic, America Died. George Floyd had Covid and the cop was not a cop. They will send robots after you. Learn how to kill robots. Do it now or else. What is the Internet? For all you old people out there, the Internet is like a Landline Telephone Answering Machine but much faster. Nike sells 666 Satan shoes with human blood in the sole, music video shows a gay rapper giving Satan a lap dance. As Privateering died around 1714, Pirating began to rise. I'm watching a Netflix documentary series called The Lost Pirate Kingdom. Please tell me Terminator robots are not real. In Canada, they suspended a jab for people under the age of 55. Some of the most successful people of all-time generally have a success rate as high as like 30% and many many many many times a lot lower than that. Just look at William Shakespeare for example. They admit Lockdown is all about Global Warming and not about Covid, they admit in mainstream news, read all about it. Why do news reporters wear masks? Because viruses can hop through the screen and into your body. They're trying to protect you and keep you safe. Besides, camcorders and camera equipment in general can't wear masks, only people can do that.

Project Looking Glass

There is a rumor that all potential future timelines according to calculations made by Quantum Computers, that no matter what they do, it all converges in an inverted Umbrella Academy where evil loses. If you're on the losing side, you will lose. In the end, the good guys win no matter what, join us or pay the price in the long-run, Project Looking-Glass. Wallstreet Journal and others said we must learn how to be prisoners in our own homes globally. Since genetically modified jabs are so good, why not eat genetically modified foods as well? It is said pirates abolished slavery in the 1700s. Daily, people walk up into Texas into airports and fly to random cities across America, billions of dollars was spent, many don't know English, many don't know where they are going. Many are begging, crying, for help. SpongeBob was canceled for having a Clam Flu Pandemic in their Kwarantined Krab episode because it might create anti-Asian hate. People eat people in Venezuela, that is coming to America soon.

Hunger Games Triangle in Texas

2021-03-31 - Wednesday

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Can only do business in this Hunger Game Triangle in Texas?

Chosen 2 coming on Easter. Corporate Communism. If you get the jab, watch out for the fall of 2021, RED ALERT. RINO Republicans should NOT wear masks, even as they sit at the border in Texas debating the Migrant Invasion. It's like debating if a person who is on a fire is on a fire. Of course he is on fire. Of course America died. Alex Jones gave a cow down analogy, that is America, in the mud, fire ants all over, you beat the cow to save the cow which represents where America is right now. Find a new dog to scare the cow up. Border patrol stops Americans from walking through the big gaps between walls while other people walk right through them untested as Super Spreaders. If you American, if you have ID, you cannot do it. But if you come with nothing, you can do anything you want.

Hunger Games is Real

Within about a week after lockdown started in 2020, leaders in Texas were told no business outside of this triangle, Hunger Games is real. Big engineered American drought is scheduled for the summer of 2022. Vaccine passport will be in many countries around the world and in many states all over America before May of 2021, network with friends now, it is too late to wake up more people. Stop just talking to people and take action. Start doing things now while you still can. Develop plans and start doing things now. It is now or never. TRUMP STILL CENSORED: Facebook removed a video of Lara Trump interviewing former President Donald Trump from its platform, saying it won’t allow anything “in the voice of Donald Trump.”