
in THE 2020s11 months ago

Oatmeal Basketball, NBA destined was my belief as a kid but I didn't want to spend like 80% of my day for the first forty years of my life only practicing and playing basketball. But basketball was always an incredible part of my life and still is at times. I felt like I had talent and potential. But I wasn't always playing and wasn't always in shape.

The Way Home talk with mom. Videos: Basketball Oatmeal. Watched Star Wars Andor 112, Florida Pastor on Alex Jones, Timcast.



Screenshot at 2024-04-02 12-01-25 People at Work Warning.png

Steven Crowder, People at Work Warning

Oatmeal Daily - 2024-04-02 - Tuesday | Published in April of 2024


In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

12:51 AM
Basketball Oatmeal

Been playing basketball since the 1000s
But the 1001 was a thousand years ago, you're not older than oatmeal mud
You're only as old as you want to be but I really was born in the second millennium Anno Domini
How could I possible know, that was like centuries ago, you aint no Bhakti Sa witch
We're currently in the third millennium Anno Domini but my story starts in the previous millennium
I turned six years old in the year 1991, was probably trying to learn how to dribble the basketball around that time
I was in the city newspaper in 1992, we were playing wrestling at a camp at the FGHS high school in Forest Grove, Oregon
Started drawing basketball possible as early as age 8 in 1993, played baseball that year, and started playing basketball in a children city league thing starting probably that same year
Since I grew up in Oregon, we were fans of the Portland Jail Blazers, I mean Trail Blazers, including Clyde Drexler who was the main star in the early 1990s, I sort of have memories of rooting for Clyde
Took karate in 1995, was involved in Bible clubs, but was also playing basketball on city leagues almost every single winter and summer from 1993 to 1999, those seven years during that decade, may have skipped only all of or part of 1994 but that's it I think
Started rooting for Michael Jordan maybe starting around 1995 or not sure which exact year but I eventually cheated on Clyde Drexler with my new love of MJ which increased in 1996 with Space Jam starring Bugs Bunny and Bill Murray of the Ghostbusters
My eyes were glued to the 1998 NBA Finals, did not really watch a lot of basketball all the time before that, I remember especially focused on MJ's final game that year
Started playing basketball even more at the ghetto park around that time or after that, started playing more so with the gangsters including Elder Hernandez, Joe, Randy, and one day in 1999 or before that they gave me the nickname Coolkid
Started watching on TV and listening to the radio almost every single Blazer game especially starting around like 1999 or something like the last few years of the 1990s or starting more so after 1998
Started reading the sports section of the Oregonian newspaper like everyday or as often as I could starting around that time even as my tree rats needed to relief themselves on papers more valuable than the Bible just kidding
My dad took me and my brother to where he grew up in southern Oregon one year, I think 1997, so we got to see Crater Lake High School and Umpqua Community College where he played basketball at with Woof
Also saw my dad play when we visited California in 1992 where my dad was born but was adopted as he was secretly adopted out of the Peter Rasp and Mary Hocking family as Peter was from the Netherlands and almost died on the Titanic had his not been a drunk
Was homeschooled until I started attending the Forest Grove High School (FGHS) from 2000-2004
Tried out for the Freshman basketball team in 2000, I didn't make the cut
They said I could be a manager and maybe would get to play in a few games eventually but then I would not show up for practice, I ghosted Tommy Tamez and the other players
I didn't make the cut again the second time I tried out my Sophomore year in 2001 and perhaps part of the reason was due to me quitting the manager position I had the previous school year and also I played like the 1980s Bad Boys Detroit Pistons which is discouraged at the high school level and I was partly influenced by ghetto street basketball
2001 was the last time I tried out for high school basketball, I don't remember trying out in 2002 or 2003, I was watching/listening to almost every Blazer game from like 1999 to like 2004 and in some ways I started following the Blazers less and less each year that I got older and especially starting in like 2002
It might have been Richie Van Dyke who randomly talked me into being a co-manager with him for the Girls Basketball Teams my Senior year starting in 2003
Especially in the 2000s, I would fantasize being tall, black, and in the NBA never missing baskets and eventually dunking even at 5'8" like some kind of Spud Webb who was only 5'6"
But there were times in my life I would tell myself I didn't want practice playing basketball for like ten hours every single day for the next like thirty years or whatever, there was a part of me that didn't want to make it into the NBA
I really enjoyed playing basketball and even being team captain a few times in Physical Education (PE) during high school
In 2004, went to New York, our basketball team was named The Llamas and we won the championship in a tournament that summer
After that, would continue playing basketball with people at my first college in New York from 2004-2006 during free time which is where I was given the nickname Thief in the Night, reminds me I would play basketball during lunch even in high school as well
Basketball related nicknames during high school might include Tweety Bird, Joe Cool, Ghetto Joe, Cool Kid, the boy with the hops
Played basketball with people at my second college in West Virginia in 2006, at Camp Kuratli and Revolution Hawaii in 2007, with a team in 2009 in Portland, Oregon
Continued playing basketball with people with Blake Webb and in California in 2010, other places too over the years, played in Vietnam 2012-2017 but maybe not every year, played at an open gym where I live now in 2019, made a hoop for the clam starting around 2020
I don't watch or play basketball as much now as I used to but it was always part of my life many times over the course of my 39 years of my life since my birth in the year 1985
I felt like I had talent in basketball even tho I wasn't always playing the game, I felt like there was a lot of potential, I played a bunch a few times but I would sometimes only play a few minutes a month kind of thing and then perhaps play a lot during certain periods of my life on and off a few times
It was hard as I was getting slower and slower at basketball as I got older and older due to not always playing, bad health, getting out of shape, getting fat, not going to the gym, bad diet, not stretching, not sleeping enough, not taking the time to take care of myself, being so out of shape, being distracted with other things, feeling frustrated, lacking confidence
Basketball will always be very important to me, MJ is number 1, Kobe is number 2, Lebron James is number 3
This video was an outline of my relationship with basketball in my life, it included a few dates, I didn't mention every single thing, I tried mentioning just a few random things relating to this topic from the top of my hear without spending many hours unpacking all of this and more
If you like what you see, follow me at JOEYARNOLDVN, The End


INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

Discord Drama

2024-04-02 - Tuesday - 02:46 PM - Discord Log

172/ Retro Retr0 in my Discord Server wrote to Ian Oat Box: "I dont really get why so many people try to troll in the server but they only troll by being really unfunny and spamming slurs, or swatting and stuff of that sort. And people think Joey is genuinely retarded, but don't look any further than that, it's really lazy. And the 'proof' FISHMAN has is mostly screenshots from discord that have the user of 'Oatmeal Joey Arnold' when there are many people here named that and he refuses to get IDs and says they are from meme world as proof. Just something I was thinking about." 175/ Ian Oat Box replied to Retro Retr0: "There are many kinds of trolls: one category is the kids who are just chaotic. they are the ones who just say slurs and edgy things and don't care about the truth. Another category of trolls are people like FISH MAN. They tend to be midwits who have a hard time discerning the truth but think themselves to be much smarter than Oatmeal and like making fun of him. Another category would maybe be someone like Roy... God only knows what Roy's all about, but he's one of the good ones."


2024-04-02 - Tuesday - 03:19 PM - My Laptop Log

My 2021 ASUS laptop froze at around 03:16 PM today. Now about 3 minutes later, I am trying to figure out what went wrong. I do not know if it freezes due to anything relating to CPU, GPU, RAM, the NVMe M.2 SSD hard drive which I replaced some months ago, the graphics software, the operating system, or what. This computer last crashed or was restarted for whatever the reason probably on Tuesday, the 19th day of March of 2024. Maybe I wrote down what happened that day. Maybe I have notes regarding when this PC last crashed. I used to take a lot of notes about the crashing. Then I think the crashing only happened every month or maybe every several months last year in 2023 is what I remember maybe due to me changing the OS to what I am using right now. In my logs and notes, I mentioned some of this before regarding trying to figure out why this PC freezes which I never had a PC freeze like this before meaning something is off about it. Update, my log had an entry for a crash from December of 2023 which might have either the last crash before this or one of less than like five. I think maybe it has not crashed in like four months as in first crash of 2024 maybe. But sometimes I do not log crashes. It's been at least 2 weeks or so since I restarted my laptop. Maybe it crashed then or it crashed before that. So, I say that to say it is like crashing less often since I replaced the SSD and changed the OS in 2023. Maybe there were a few other changes in 2023 but those are 2 of the biggest changes that did help.

2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

Andor 112

2024-04-02 - Tuesday - 02:56 AM - Star Wars Andor 112

They try to get him. He goes to the funeral of like his mom. There is a video of her played where she inspires what might become additional forces of The Rebels. He frees his sister or GF or something. He faces a bad guy dude. I don't remember Princess Leia in this last episode of season 1 which came out in 2022. I guess season 2 has finished filming. It is an interesting story.


Here is a list of what I'm watching

Andor 112

2024-04-02 - Tuesday - 02:56 AM - Star Wars Andor 112

11:10 AM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [1 of 4] Tuesday 4/2/24 • IRAN VOWS REVENGE, News, Reports & Analysis • Infowars

11:38 AM
LIVE: President Trump to Give Remarks on Biden's Border Bloodbath in Grand Rapids, MI - 4/2/24

11:41 AM
Steven Crowder - Why RFK Jr is RIGHT! Biden Worse Than Trump... Left Freaks Out! | Guest Missouri AG Andrew Bailey

12:44 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [2 of 4] Tuesday 4/2/24 • RODNEY HOWARD-BROWNE - News, Reports & Analysis • Infowars

02:49 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [3 of 4] Tuesday 4/2/24 • RODNEY HOWARD-BROWNE - News, Reports & Analysis • Infowars

04:25 PM
Jerry Seinfeld Rants About Hating Everything, Talks Hugh Grant Playing Tony the Tiger and Unfrosted

04:56 PM
The Quartering - Steven Crowder Lawsuit Gets VERY FISHY! Wild Theories Fly As To Who Is Behind Coordinated Smear!

05:04 PM
SHADOW CAMPAIGN 2024, Voters Register With NO ID Sparking Election Fears w/Nick Freitas | Timcast IRL

08:04 PM
Tulsi Gabbard: War, Politics, and the Military Industrial Complex | Lex Fridman Podcast #423

Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to Oatmeal Daily with your host, me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, each day, I publish/syndicate these entries/posts/articles/web pages/stories/etc, to websites/blockchain/social media/email/etc. This is mostly a personal blog/vlog/diary/journal/autobiography/outline/news. I teach class sometimes at night. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. Boring/mundane daily template log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. I got up at 10:40 AM. Raspberry sprinkler turned on as mom said she could not turn it on, then greenhouse fans. Then fight with mom on the definition of sugar. Mom said most people see the definition of sugar based on how it functions in the body and not on the sugarcane itself. I said the definition should stem from how it comes from a plant and how molasses is more sugar than the white sugar they extract from the sugar which they call sugar even tho it is only part of the sugar plant. Mom was not happy with what I was saying and said I must accept things in this world that everything in the wold is like this. But I do not accept. Breakfast, 11:14 AM. Dishes and everything around 02:00 PM for an hour or less, included talk with mom regarding episode 10 of season 2 of The Way Home, it turned out she missed the last like five minutes and we discussed and debated theories regarding the show and what might happen in season 3. Lunch, 02:45 PM. Dishes, greenhouse, compost, trash, around 7 for 30 minutes or less. Jane gave me a hug. Dinner, 07:32 PM. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, apple, 3 tangerines, 11:14 AM. Lunch: some kind of meat on potatoes, 02:45 PM. Some leftover KFC chicken around 4. It was ok but not very good. Dinner: mom made me a delicious fruit blueberry tomato strawberry lettuce yogurt salad, 07:32 PM.

 11 months ago  

only a B-

 11 months ago  

why you say that?

 11 months ago  
