To become successful, find a void and fill it. Take the time to connect with people when it is time. Take a step back. Appreciate the ride through life each step at a time.
Videos: It's The Ra Ra Freestyle 01-02. The Way Home, Seasons 1-2, Spoiler Review. Vietnam Oatmeal, 2012-2017. Fonnie Filden Polka by Roy Merrick, Music Video, Oatmeal Music. Watched Resident Alien.
Night Cafe AI made this using my face
Oatmeal Daily - 2024-04-04 - Thursday | Published in April of 2024
In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
01:04 AM
It's The Ra Ra Freestyle 01 | 2
01:07 AM
The Way Home, Seasons 1-2, Spoiler Review
02:04 AM
Vietnam Oatmeal, 2012-2017
I turned 27 years old in the year 2012, went to Vietnam to teach English in 2012, went to Vietnam four months after being released from prison which I almost got sentenced for maybe over a year, wanted to travel since like 1993
I turned eight years old in 1993, wanted to impact culture probably since 1993 or longer, many things can be traced back to that year, Seattle 1988, California 1992, Idaho 2000, New York 2004, Hawaii 2007, Philippines Joy Sanchez encouraged me to work for New Star in Bac Ninh
Come on over, come on over human
Ended up landing in Hanoi around Thanksgiving 2012, crazy taxi ride, went to work at New Star with two hot women from the Philippines until the school fired me during my sixth day in Vietnam, then Andy Nguyen let me work and sleep at Papa Foods in Bac Ninh
Technically I wasn't actually hired in the first place even as they promised everything was finalized, Hanoi Anna helped me look for work in Hanoi in 2013, we had many adventures many places
Worked at a museum for a few days but was fired again, went to Hanoi Anna's hometown, flew to Saigon in February 2013, went to Tracy Honey's hometown for Tet, Tracy helped me get 2 jobs, Kathy helped me get to those jobs, then I create the Kathy Stole My Bike meme, I ended up at a hostel in April, first apartment in May, was working with FYG, Dalat in June, Tan Van went south in July, Cambodia in August
Kathy stole your bike?
That wasn't the only crazy thing, got fired from those 2 jobs Tracy got me, but I was always looking for new jobs even while I had those 2 jobs, so I was able to get new jobs and new students, I also moved around a few times as the police were always kicking me out of everywhere I lived
I got hired to work at that one high school around September 2013, got a big class at the Leaf Pagoda in October, lost another bike which led to students at the pagoda donating money to me
People were mocking me on the Another Side of Vietnam (ASOV) Facebook group starting at least by January of 2014, I got fired from the Leaf Pagoda around March which was around the time I ran off with Dai Trinh, also a spin-off with The Rock Nguyen, started playing basketball with a group, had several apartments or places to sleep a few times like especially that year in 2014
Taught English in District 7, Bible English in District 3, Mr. Ribs BBQ, guy stole my wallet, then became homeless around August of 2014
Recorded a YouTube series with TLL International around that time, police broke my glasses at Circle K, then I moved into Old Ink 2 days later in October, ended some of my classes to focus on District 1, bought a like $500 camera around November, started focusing on Park English, English Rain, FYG English
In 2015, my best student was the LEGO Mark, and I forget when the AAA Spa student started, I was binge watching shows more often, I'm only including random highlights from the top of my head for this video
In October 2015, my Old Ink landlords said they were moving, so I became homeless, people tried helping me find a new apartment, but then I was no longer able to extent my visa for my passport
In 2016, Australia Rom, FYG, and Anna Barbie family tried helping me extend my visa, some said I was on an alleged blacklist but who knows the truth, went to Dalat or something with Anna's family for Tet and/or also there was a funeral for somebody
I gave around one thousand dollars to Anna's family to prove that I don't suck even as I needed the money to fix my visa, we ended up wasting it karaoke and restaurant even as they all knew I needed the money, perhaps I was wrong to give the money, then Anna threw ice-cream at my face
2017 was similar in some ways to 2016, some of my students included Chinh, the head of Purio Coffee, another student where we watched Zootopia one time, I would sleep at Anh Coffee until they like banned me, then slept at the Opera House cafe or whatever it was called
Ended up returning to America for Thanksgiving in November of 2017, I decided to keep this video to just one minute of a few random highlights from the top of my head, I have blogs detailing some of what I did each month I was in Vietnam, I included many links for each of my monthly posts or articles detailing each month of my five years in Vietnam
Always wanted to travel the world since 1993 when I was eight years old, had many adventures living in different states and countries minus Texas which I did not live in during the year of 2009 as we all know, I perhaps worked too hard in life doing too many things which is ok but also risky and problematic and more
I decided to return to America to try to build a home I could someday go back to meaning I didn't want to become an orphan where like nobody in America would take me in someday in the coming years if I ever needed to return but I was intending to live the rest of my life in Vietnam
Had many adventures in Vietnam both good and bad, we don't have time in less than a minute to unpack every place, person, and thing, and have had many mixed feelings about everything
Left Vietnam to return to America for different reasons including to not only build a backup plan home but also finished up home videos, scanning as the family historian, I helped them on projects, and work on my autobiography
11:50 AM
Fonnie Filden Polka by Roy Merrick, Music Video, Oatmeal Music, AI Video
Twitter Tweets
President Alex Jones ready to Homer Simpson the Bart Globalism out of America.
Halloween With Aladdin
2024-04-04 - Thursday - 04:41 PM - My 1994 Log
1994-10-31 - I told mom I remember probably my first Halloween party which was probably in 1991 when I was six, we probably went to the house of a blond mother who was probably a few years younger than me and had many kids, she was probably my like Sunday School teacher or maybe Children Church. At her house was candy which I told them my mom forbidden me from eating and maybe I said I also didn't want candy and sometimes as a kid I would say I didn't want candy. I would sometimes go like weeks or months without eating any or a lot of candy as a child. Well, I think they asked if I had allergies and the answer mom told me to give might have been candy and dairy products. Also, at her house was like a SEGA Genesis and they played an Aladdin game. I found the game to be interesting.
Update: I thought this might have been Halloween 1991 but the Aladdin game didn't come out on SEGA until November of 1993 meaning this could have been Halloween 1994 or it could before 1994 assuming it was a different game or something. But I have memories of the SEGA version of Aladdin as the SNES version looks unfamiliar to me. I think I started wetting the bed less often after like 1994 or whatever. So my memory says maybe I still had that problem around these memories meaning it had to be like before 1995 or whatever.
Discord Drama
2024-04-04 - Thursday - 01:26 PM - Discord Log
181/ Roy shared this alleged screenshot of somebody talking about Anti-Oatmeal content in a Discord Server, I'm Oatmeal, I was telling Roy my Discord Server appears to be too dead, I said like nobody saw Roy's videos as Roy doesn't seem to really share or link to his own content. Ian, so, Roy might be in a secret Discord Server. Roy, are you in a Black Market Oatmeal Discord Server or you photoshoped a fake screenshot? 183/ Roy, you're either photoshopping random Oatmeal Content which nobody sees, in Black Market Oatmeal Discord Servers under the table conspiring behind my back in the darkness like an Oatmeal Deep State but I doubt you would have more than ten people in these secret holes in the planet, or maybe you're doing both of those two things. 185/ Roy said to me, "You are more famous where you are not." If not being here in this Discord Server meant I would get trillions of followers yesterday, like I would leave this group and never look back. If that was the case, I would not hesitate. But I doubt that is true. Sometimes the opposite is true. I'm gonna assume Roy is being deceptive. Not sure what Roy gets out of these games. But I think Roy is full of BS. I hope Roy has fun with whatever he thinks he is doing. 187/ If Oatmeal was not in this Oatmeal Discord Server, if Oatmeal is more popular where he is not, then does that mean this server would grow if I was not here, or why else would you say that I am popular where I am not, why say that? 02:18 PM: 188/ I left this server for the month of December of 2023, Roy said his observation is that conversations about me increases where I am not, I was not here for a month which is why Fish owes me money, but I doubt this server grew a lot during the month I was gone. 02:38 PM: 189/ If Roy is marketing me on the Internet, in Discord Servers, on AI related websites, YouTube, and/or wherever, if what Roy is doing eventually pays off at an aggressive-enough accelerated exponential rate, then I'll eventually put out content for the world to see apologizing for how I treated Roy since like 2019 as in these past five-plus years. That's a big if. I doubt that day will ever come someday. We will see how things play out in the next five years as we approach 2030. I'll gladly confess I was wrong about Roy if we find out that Roy played a large enough role in launching the Oatmeal Empire. But I highly doubt that day will come. But if it comes, I'll make videos about it. I'll write articles about it to correct the record for the history books to be archived and Bit-Torrented. But with that said, I criticize Roy for hiding in the shadows. If Roy's tactics ends up working at a high enough level in the end, then I will confess and apologize for being wrong about Roy. I doubt that day will come. I mean like that day might come maybe if Roy changes tactics. But I doubt doing things in the shadows will really work. I mean like it could work. Also, it is sometimes hard to know who should get the credit for success be it me or Roy in some cases as we both run parallel. There is a lot to be said. Roy could make it work. There might be a path for victory for Roy. But many things may stop Roy from that victory assuming Roy wants what I want. Like do we both want the same things is the question. That is an open-ended question. I have more to say but will stop for now. To be continued. 03:12 PM: 196/ I might be in a catch-22 where I'm damned if I do, damned if I don't as Bart Simpson once said, damned if I'm here in my Oatmeal Discord Server, damned if I'm not here. I'm damned for being here if this group on Discord is too dead meaning I'm wasting my time if this is not going anywhere, if this tree is not bearing excessive amounts of good fruit. On the other hand, I'm also damned for posting in this community hub on this Discord app if doing so means it's my fault this server is mostly full of over 600+ alleged Lolcow Troll Ghosts who muted this server, assuming not being here like Roy Merrick said would result in the Oatmeal Empire going supernova. I say all of that to say it seems that me messaging in this server might result in nothing or it might result in missing out on this Oatmeal Empire really taking off based off Roy Logic meaning I might be in a lose-lose situation for being in this server based on those two scenarios. Roy likes to talk about observations, it seems to me based on my own observations that this server is not really taking off meaning I should probably spend less time here assuming this server is not working well enough, and of course people are still free to use this server as they sometimes do as usual but this server might currently be too stagnant as in a mud-hole as opposed to a flowing river of growth. Like this post to unlock the unlock channel which is where you can unlock image permissions. 04:51 PM: 202/ Accounts with @SPAM or @MUTED or @JAIL or @ZIPPED related roles are disqualified from accessing #unlock but those in @PRISON can simply like this message to get access to the unlock channel assuming they don't have those other roles. 05:18 PM: 203/ Please don't escape prison to access image permission in this server simply by following instructions found in pinned messages nobody reads similar to how nobody reads messages like this as over 600+ people have totally ghosted and muted this Oatmeal Discord Server meaning nobody is reading this until you can prove me otherwise, prove me wrong, Steven Crowder Change My Mind, but I doubt that day is coming similar to the day Roy proves me wrong, I cannot wait for Roy to prove me wrong about him somehow getting the ball rolling with the Oatmeal Empire, but please ignore this message and do nothing like you usually do or better yet leave this server as this server might be too dead at the moment it seems until Heirs of Oatmeal can come in here and resurrect this server somehow, I find it funny how I make it so easy for people to get image permissions, I make it so simple for people to get higher roles to take over this server, I give people opportunity to plug, to advertise, to spam to an extent, to troll within reason, to debate, chat, talk, date, share content, links, media, files, video, photos, memes, GIFs, voice channels, movie night, trivia night, other activities, other things, offline-meet-ups, many different things, people can really take over this server if they want it, many people seem not to want to take over this server for better or for worse, I know only three people are reading all of this, I'm taking all of that to heart, I am writing all of this for the record to show everybody how everybody here in this server are not in this server and I'm sharing this on other websites for other reasons too, to be continued. Did you know people with @PRISON like roles are blocked from accessing # unlock? 05:51 PM: 209/ Why wouldn't a troll simply follow the instructions to get image permission and higher roles in order to cause chaos in this server, isn't that what they want to do, I'm literally handing a sledge hammer to my 600+ trolls and they all could pick up the virtual hammers and destroy this server and yet they just sit there and do nothing, but I thought they came here to destroy this server, I'm not sure what they're waiting for, I've already given them the keys. 08:01 PM: The general rule is people in this server can become @GUARDS on their own, but if they're start causing chaos, we can demote them and then block them from becoming @GUARDS on their again, it is that simple. Retr0, so, if you were already a god, do you think you're smart enough to make yourself into a @GUARDS ? 09:24 PM: 211/ THANK YOU EVERYBODY FOR NOT ESCAPING PRISON, I KNEW YOU WOULD DO NOTHING, GOOD JOB. IF YOU ESCAPED PRISON, PLEASE DON'T TELL ANYBODY ELSE HOW TO DO IT, THANK YOU. 09:28 PM: 212/ THANK YOU TO THE 600+ PEOPLE IN MY DISCORD SERVER WHO ARE NOT IN MY DISCORD SERVER WHO TOTALLY MUTED THIS SERVER, MOST OF THEM PROBABLY FORGOT THEY ARE EVEN IN THIS SERVER, I KNOW THEY ARE NOT HERE, THAT IS WHY THIS SERVER IS DEAD, THAT IS WHY I'M NOT HERE.
Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc
Resident Alien 308
2024-04-04 - Thursday - 03:42 AM - Resident Alien 308
They go to space to fight the gray aliens, rescue the baby girl for the mayor, but green mantis alien captured the star and pretended to be him on earth. That was the twist at the end.
12:30 PM
To become successful, find a void and fill it.
Here is a list of what I'm watching
Resident Alien 308
2024-04-04 - Thursday - 03:42 AM - Resident Alien 308
05:27 PM
Biden Admin TURNS On Israel, Even Colbert Says END WAR NOW As WW3 Looms w/Daniel Turner| Timcast IRL
08:29 PM
Obama and Transgenderism in Sports - Sage Steele on Being Fired From ESPN
Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to Oatmeal Daily with your host, me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, each day, I publish/syndicate these entries/posts/articles/web pages/stories/etc, to websites/blockchain/social media/email/etc. This is mostly a personal blog/vlog/diary/journal/autobiography/outline/news. I teach class sometimes at night. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. Boring/mundane daily template log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. I got up at 11:20 AM. Cloudy, greenhouse is 60, screen door opened just a crack. Breakfast, 11:30 AM. Lunch, 01:11 PM. Dishes, greenhouse screen down, compost, dirt, mail, 03:20 PM to 04:30 PM, while talking to mom about the short people reality show she was watching. I told mom I remember probably my first Halloween party, see logs above for more on this. Dinner, 06:20 PM. Dishes again, 07:00 PM. More food, 07:30 PM. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, apple, orange, 11:30 AM. Lunch: lamb meat vegetables salad, 01:11 PM. Dinner: 2 pieces of the trout caught by Larry and his daughter Jayne, plus vegetables, tarter sauce, it had bones, it was good, 06:20 PM. Took 4 tablets of Ibuprofen for my headache that started yesterday. I get these headaches or migraines an average of like five times a year or less when weather changes since like 2018 or something and maybe not as often before 2018 or I didn't notice patterns before 2018 and maybe not really bad migraines at predictable times of the year before 2018 is my assumption. Rice, 07:30 PM.
What do you want to do in the future?
I want to go to America and become a journalist and writer.Dear @joeyarnoldvn !
and i want to do what i already do
Do you want to marry?
My dear bro Joseph!
I hope your wish comes true!🙏
Dear Joseph!
I'm curious about Ricky!
How about Ricky?
Are you a singer?