
in THE 2020s11 months ago

Elon Musk is wrong in that everybody is involved in engagement farming, it's only a question of how much, by which means, and other details. Tucker Carlson said he only texts, he does not do Internet, but phone networks run through Internet systems. The definition to what it means to be involved in engagement farming might be as abstract as describing hate speech, it's similar to the tactics of clickbait marketing, it might be in the realm of false advertisement, bait & switch, deceptive drive-by-promoting, invisible lines. Please suspend me because I've engaged in engagement farming based off the definition posted on Urban Dictionary seen in this screenshot from their website, we all engage in farming to various degrees whether intentionally or accidentally; or how many bots is too many bots?

Alex Jones showed video of this woman on the Atlantic Council and @TEDTalks talking about how we all have our own truths, but when she says truth, she's actually talking about perspective, opinions, preference, lifestyle; but she is conflating and redefining to conquer language. I might be ok with Elon Musk Twitter X Grok suspending accounts proven to be connected to a minimum of a million bots (or pick a number) engaged in active engagement farming (for at least 30 days) connected to obvious fraud, crime, or anything that obviously crosses the line.

Garage door fixed. Videos: Bad Parent Oatmeal. Oatmeal in a Black-Hole songs. Living For Love songs. Late Night at Kells songs. Take Over My Discord Server songs. Engagement Farming Forbidden songs. Watched Jack.




Ra Ra Star Wars

Oatmeal Daily - 2024-04-19 - Friday | Published in April of 2024


In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

01:06 AM
Bad Parent Oatmeal

Let me tell you a story of how I was a bad parent so to speak in my life, this is one of many examples of bad I've done whether intentional, accidental, knowingly, subliminally, unaware, subconsciously, or otherwise
Once upon a time, I was a bad parent via being a bad counselor at camps, worked several locations with Word Of Life Fellowship and The Salvation Army a few times between 2004-2010, we'll focus on those particular years for now
Before I tell you how I was bad counselor, let me tell you two things
First, I'm not absolutely saying I was the worst counselor, teacher, helper, parent, staff, or whatever
Not trying to say I was always very bad as a counselor, I did some good at times, I was trying to do good, some people said I was good, I've focused on those aspects at times in my life
I'm not saying I was the best even as I may have allegedly praised myself at times, you might say I was too prideful, not gonna totally argue because perhaps I've bragged, but not to say I'm always trying to say I'm the best, perfect, without flaws, even as a clean-freak perfectionist workaholic neat-organizer running around working too hard spreading myself too thing many times for decades
Second, let me quickly outline the good I was trying to do as a counselor even as I did some bad in the mist of those intentions and what not, let me tell you my perspective, where I was coming from, my intentions, goals, purposes, priorities, thinking, feelings, concerns, paradigms, let me try to summarize some of the Inside-Out internal drama
Quick backstory, I turned eight years old in 1993, started wanting to travel the world as a missionary or as the next Michael Jackson, started thinking about influencing culture, growing up, many things can be traced back to that particular year
I was involved in Word of Life & AWANA clubs in the 1990s, was an actor in a play, took karate, played sports, was involved at the homeschooling club, other clubs, churches, youth groups, random ghetto friends, was drawing, writing, building, making up songs, we started making videos in 1996
I started attending high school in 2000, I continued being involved in clubs and many different things at school, churches, and whatever else as I was in my teens as I was approaching college, so many things contributed to the kind of man I was becoming
But one of the issues was having this idea, right or wrong, of my alcoholic father in the background which sometimes my dad was verbally abusive especially to my mom, so I was thinking I didn't want to become my dad
Without spending hours trying to unpack all of this, let's sake for the sake of argument that there is some truth in what I'm trying to say which to be honest and frank, there might allegedly be bits and pieces of truth in what I try to say, perhaps I had some Star Wars Luke Skywalker Darth Vader fear of diving into the dark side which I would sometimes dive into, all of this is nuance, subtle, perhaps true to various degrees and what not
On top of that was this idea of like trying to become friends with the campers as opposed to being like some kind of authority figure like a parent, teacher, counselor, principal, boss, or what not; and not to say one should never try to be friendly or what not to children as there can be benefits sometimes from such endeavors, relationships, friendships, so perhaps I was not absolutely off-based
Whether wrong or wrong, effective or counterproductive, I was sometimes trying to be friends with campers as opposed to being too much of a demon, like an authoritarian, I was trying to be the opposite of what I saw my dad did, not to say there isn't a time and a place for different approaches, styles, in how you deal with people, management, and everything; not trying to say I was always right or wrong, I was sometimes a mixed bag of pros and cons running around like a Cool Kid Billy Breaker
I was also like sometimes too busy with other things to always focus on counseling, or sometimes I was trying too hard, was being too aggressive, or was too patient, too maybe even passive aggressive, maybe too friendly, maybe joked too much, and perhaps the list goes on and on, perhaps we don't have time to break all that down right now
In my life, I tried doing good but it would reap a bad harvest sometimes, this story about counseling is only one of many things I can talk about relating to how I was trying to help people through a variety of means but perhaps I failed to a large degree, not saying I was always totally failing at times, I'm trying to say I'm aware of some of the failures or what not
As a counselor, I may have tried various degrees of different approaches including the idea of trying to gradually influence them like as if I was an entertainer which included me singing a song, go to sleep little boy, I tried comedy, I even said something like go to sleep or else I'm going to get in there, as in his bed, which I was trying to use the shock value to get him to do the right things which many times campers didn't want to go bed when it was lights out and I didn't want to yell or raise my voice or whatever else
Saying that got me fired in New York in 2005 that summer, you might say I had blind spots, never mind my intentions, and not to say people shouldn't raise their voices, sometimes you gotta, and sometimes perhaps you shouldn't; and I was sometimes all over the place or I wanted to kind of act like I was a kid to better influence them as opposed to being that ugly adult
Not saying I was never trying to be serious as a counselor because I tried that too; but there were times I would try to be goofy which probably didn't translate well; it was difficult as I felt like I still was a kid as I was only 20 when I started counseling
Perhaps some people liked me, some alleged said they liked me, whether they were campers, other counselors, staff, or what have you; so, not saying I totally bombed it all of the time; but I did make mistakes or what not despite my intentions
My weaknesses my include my attitude of maybe being better than other people which I'm also humble which is ironic if I'm also cocky, so we're not gonna unpack all of my alleged character flaws in order to try to understand the choices I made in life, especially as a counselor, like in order to analyze alleged good I did or tried to do, like my perspective, intentions, some of it came from the idea of trying to gradually influence children by giving them safe spaces meaning maybe I was partly a leftist democrat when I was younger in some ways which not say there isn't any truth to any of that at all cuz there might be some at times
I was a bad parent as a counselor when I failed to switch back and forth between play mode and serious mode which people do and I think I can somewhat switch back and forth now as I get older, now that I'm 39, not to say switching is always good; and maybe I was against the idea of switching; not saying switching always works; but I feel like that this contributed to my failures in life; not saying I never ever switched; I'm saying perhaps less often and not as well the younger I was; I was concerned with trying not to appear to mean looking resulting in me becoming too girly at times or too demonic other times like an autistic bipolar Energizer Easter Bunny
Not saying I was always stuck in play mode as a counselor, I sometimes went back and forth; but not being good at switching might be more bad than good sometimes; so this could be added to the list of bad things I did as a counselor or life in general; we'll stop here for now as this is just a minute long outline listing a few reasons why and how I did bad at parenting, counseling

03:21 AM
1996-08-09 - Jack Spoiler Review, Robin Williams, Jennifer Lopez, Bill Cosby

12:07 PM
Oatmeal in a Black-Hole, Version 1, Suno & Noisee AI

12:14 PM
Living For Love, Oatmeal Mantra, Version 2, Nintendo World, Super Heroes, Suno & Noisee AI

12:20 PM
Late Night at Kells 2008, Oatmeal Works, Version 1, Spaceship Battles, Battle Star Wars Trek Gate, Suno & Noisee AI

06:53 PM
Never Gonna Stop Chrissie Mayr, Version 2, File-Cabinet Ocean Surfing, Suno & Noisee AI

07:44 PM
Take Over My Discord Server, Version 1, Gorilla Internet, Guinea Pigs, Super Heroes, Suno & Noisee AI

09:13 PM
Engagement Farming Forbidden, Elon Musk Twitter X Rap, Version 1, Suno AI

11:55 PM
Engagement Farming Forbidden, Elon Musk Twitter X Rap, Version 1, Mars, Cows, Cars, Cyborgs, Suno & Noisee AI


INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

Michael Jackson

01:26 PM

I think I saw a video of Michael Jackson doing a Pepsi commercial in the 1980s, his hair caught on fire. They said MJ was put on pain medicine. It seems that may have been one of the reasons MJ started doing drugs or I mean prescriptions.

On top of that was the story of his skin getting white spots. They said he was slowly becoming more white due to an alleged disease. So, if that's true, then he was covering up the white spots on his skin. On top of that, they said one of the reasons for the plastic surgery was MJ was trying not to look like his father, Joe. Hey, my name is Joe too. They said Joe abused MJ. It seems MJ was getting addicted to drugs, was turning white due to an alleged skin disease, and was trying not to look like his dad.

What you wrote about his nose, I didn't know about that, it does make sense that plastic surgery is dangerous. In some cases, some people have died during or after those types of surgery.

I'm not going to say MJ never did anything bad in his life. But at the same time, I will always be a fan of MJ. He had money. He threw money at people. Not everybody is going to refuse his money. Some took his money and operated on his nose. If you said no, you probably wouldn't have got the money. MJ would have found somebody who would take the money. MJ was probably around yes-men because MJ was a cash-cow.

It can be very hard to get people to see the truth. MJ might be at fault regarding some of the choices he made. But at the same time, some might be guilty of not trying to educate MJ. But it would be tough to get MJ to listen. MJ is sort of like Trump who is another person like this. Trump has a set of beliefs. It's very hard to tell Trump he made mistakes or was fooled by people.

MJ was probably fooled by doctors and others. MJ may have asked if the plastic surgery would work. They probably said oh sure. People wanted MJ's money. People were willing to do anything to get money out of MJ. And on top of that, MJ said people were trying to kill him.

There were theories that MJ faked his death. I used to watch videos talking about those theories. But MJ probably died on that day in 2009. MJ probably died due to the medicine, perhaps an overdose, a complication, a side effect, or whatever it was.

Twitter Tweets

11:24 AM

Elon Musk is wrong in that everybody is involved in engagement farming, it's only a question of how much, by which means, and other details.

03:42 PM
The definition to what it means to be involved in engagement farming might be as abstract as describing hate speech, it's similar to the tactics of clickbait marketing, it might be in the realm of false advertisement, bait & switch, deceptive drive-by-promoting, invisible lines. Truth of the matter is anything can exist under the engagement farming umbrella, many might be guilty of violating this to various degrees as the line between what is too much farming and what isn't as farming happens whether knowingly or unknowingly, farming is like gravity. 03:51 PM: Is engagement farming the same as spam, will the Elon Musk Twitter X Grok AI have the wisdom to know the difference between post manipulation and genuine transaction, the problem is wolf deception is disguised behind the curtains of sheep which becomes a two-folded issue. I might be guilty of farming to a degree. But everybody farms. 04:04 PM: Please suspend me because I've engaged in engagement farming based off the definition posted on Urban Dictionary seen in this screenshot from their website, we all engage in farming to various degrees whether intentionally or accidentally; or how many bots is too many bots? 04:11 PM: I might be ok with Elon Musk Twitter X Grok suspending accounts proven to be connected to a minimum of a million bots (or pick a number) engaged in active engagement farming (for at least 30 days) connected to obvious fraud, crime, or anything that obviously crosses the line. 04:19 PM: First, Elon Musk's X should make sure the rules are clear, Grok could handle suspending accounts. Second, suspension appeals could be filtered by Grok, if rejected, then secondary appeals could be filtered by Twitter staff. Third, Twitter could have trials like @minds.

Discord Drama

2024-04-19 - Friday - 12:45 PM - Discord Log

279/ Roy already left this server, he is literally posting poop videos in the Suno server, Roy will forget about me very soon, as soon as I stop interacting with Roy, I'm the only one keeping this relationship going, Roy has already moved on, Roy will probably leave this server in a few minutes, get out your popcorn, let's count the minutes, how many minutes until Roy leaves, get out your timer, ready, set, go. 01:59 PM: 281/ Instead of getting Suno to come here, Roy is trying to get Oatmeal to go there, Roy is a clown. 02:58 PM: 282/ Roy Merrick has been figured out, let me unpack it. Roy simply interacts with whoever interacts with Roy, if Oatmeal stops interacting with Roy, then Roy will hop in his boatship with not your Bill, Roy will go back to posting poop bingo in the Suno server, Roy will abandon this server because Roy is a fraud, let's count how many seconds until Roy forgets about me. Roy already stopped posting Oatmeal videos in 2022 or 2023, Roy doesn't really seem to care about Oatmeal, which is fine in some ways. But what is odd is Roy is neither building Oatmeal World or Roy World, it seems to me Roy is building nothing at all which you could say is fine. But I thought Roy had potential, I thought Roy could join me in building Oatmeal World, it seems Roy isn't interesting in really building things, Roy would rather tell poop jokes because Roy has a poop fetish, let's count how many seconds until Roy leaves this server. Roy is only here to interact with me, Roy wants me to leave this server and party in the Suno server meaning Roy was never really trying to build the Oatmeal World. I would be fine if Roy was building Roy World, but Roy is not even doing that it seems, Roy is just a random guy online. Roy is neither evil nor really amazing like Oatmeal, Roy is not even FBI it seems, Roy is just a random guy with a poop fetish, Roy is gonna abandon the Legless Oatmeal Dog, let's watch Roy leave this server. Roy is simply online to crack jokes, puns, his poop fetish, and that is it, that is what Roy does, Roy is spamming the Suno server, I hope Roy has fun doing that. Feel free to go with Roy and party in the Roy Suno Poop Server. 04:27 PM: Ian demoted CatNipChip/CatNipGrip again from God to Prison. Ian did this a few times since 2023.


2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc


2024-04-19 - Friday - 03:21 AM - 1996-08-09 - Jack; Robin Williams, Jennifer Lopez, Bill Cosby

Didn't know Jennifer Lopez was in the movie. Also, the Nanny.

11:15 AM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [1 of 4] Friday 4/19/24 • NANO-BOTS - News, Reports & Analysis • Infowars

11:51 AM
Alex Jones showed video of this woman on the Atlantic Council and @TEDTalks talking about how we all have our own truths, but when she says truth, she's actually talking about perspective, opinions, preference, lifestyle; but she is conflating and redefining to conquer language.

12:54 PM
Joe Rogan Experience #2138 - Tucker Carlson

12:57 PM
Tucker Carlson said he only texts, he does not do Internet, but phone networks run through Internet systems.


Here is a list of what I'm watching


2024-04-19 - Friday - 03:21 AM - 1996-08-09 - Jack; Robin Williams, Jennifer Lopez, Bill Cosby

11:15 AM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [1 of 4] Friday 4/19/24 • NANO-BOTS - News, Reports & Analysis • Infowars

12:54 PM
Joe Rogan Experience #2138 - Tucker Carlson

06:05 PM
Democrat Donor Self Immolates Outside Trump Hush Money Trial w/Brandon Gill | Timcast IRL

Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to Oatmeal Daily with your host, me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, each day, I publish/syndicate these entries/posts/articles/web pages/stories/etc, to websites/blockchain/social media/email/etc. This is mostly a personal blog/vlog/diary/journal/autobiography/outline/news. I teach class sometimes at night. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. Boring/mundane daily template log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. I got up at 10:58 AM. Larry told mom Jimmy posted a photo of himself on the SM website. I saw mom look on the website. We did not see any of that. Maybe somebody else was able to get in there and remove the unwanted content. Breakfast, 11:11 AM. Lunch, 01:30 PM. Helped Larry get the front garage door to open up all the way, we dug a hole in the ceiling for the outside handle and lock, around 3. Hooked up a different sprinkler for the cherry tree, mom wanted a different sprinkler. I could not find the one we used to have. But did get one. A little leak but it is ok. Spare. Not gonna say. Shelton Music is being sold as of 2024. Yesterday I went into one of the SM pages on Facebook, some of my accounts were admins for pages and groups. I did not have access any SM account profiles if there were any. But I went into a page to try to remove 2 of Jimmy's accounts from being admin. But it required Jimmy approve the removal of himself from being admin or he would be removed automatically after 30 days Facebook said. But then somebody must of got Facebook Meta to override that as a business entity was connected to the page. Looks like the page was removed or turned private or something. But now they may be lacking th valuable URL that was connected to that Facebook page. Dinner, 07:30 PM. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, apple, banana, 11:11 AM. Lunch: carrot bread from previous days, 01:30 PM. Rice, beans carrots, celery, really good meal, delicious, I ate up that small bowl in 4 minutes, 01:52 PM. Dinner: good beans soup stuff, 07:30 PM. ChinhPham0343: Son Class 0174: 2024-04-19 - Friday - 10:35 PM. 1. Pages 103-106. Hat story, husband, wife, hats, ties. Observe, look, watch, with eyes, pay attention. 42: Not Very Musical. Rose, rise. Glimpse. Shook. Obey. Plants v Zombies 2. Heath Seeker. Barrage. Possess, to take control. Portmanteau. Noctarine. 2x2 can be read as two by two. Power Vine. Solar Sage. Sage is an herb plant, like a mint. Inferno. Pea Vine.


sounds ptsd is way too popular after earthquakes or conflicts of all sorts. it could become source of income for life after someone's soul is shattered thru war-criminals or other low-lives that trade on ppl. jacko had a very strict daddy, made money in culture of prescriptions and his delicate nature expressed in ways not every kevin home alone would wish for. the inner peter-pan got swallen probably from sorrows he had to face, particularly when a nose that some maniacs claim - represents ur lower thumb size that should be ur pride like ur hairline on ur eyebrows- fallsoff or collapses. happened a few times to kate moss from abuse of inhalers or powders but im not certain about the present look of middle-life-crisis individuals that finally could afford on being kids, havin their childhoods without worries and they can afford it in their thirties or forteas or further and further into infinity butt they look creeps with younger gens that mainly stair at screens and r often soo hooked into bankin apps from age 3+ that they get brainwashed with visions of technocracy bs ks in wef with who yep yep knows into doubting their own nwo values after santa klaus got admitted he likes wearin...

 11 months ago  

you had me at peter pan