
in THE 2020s2 months ago

Did Trump just save the government trillions of dollars via freezing the dark money which goes to leftist groups and pedophile rings and so on as seen on this map on Alex Jones? Some colleges in America are racist against Asians. The fact nobody is trying to fix the Oatmeal World Discord Server problem or at least try to invite the 10K+ people back to this server tells me nobody else in this server should currently be promoted to owner since most people take this server to be a joke or don't have the wisdom that is needed among other things.

Who's missing? Child sex trafficking rings Brady Bunch Hollywood Squares: Bill Gates, Epstein, Fauci, Obama, Klaus Schwab, Soros, a black guy, Pope, King Charles; saw this on Alex Jones, Trump and Elon Musk are on fire; but who else is missing?

I created My Gaming Life Log; videos I uploaded: I got problems video; watched: Star Trek: Section 31 - re:View, Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [3 of 4] Tuesday 1/28/25 • MIKE ADAMS TALKS DEEPSEEK AI vs US AI'S, News & Analysis, Missing You 101-102, Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [3 of 4] Tuesday 1/28/25 • MIKE ADAMS TALKS DEEPSEEK AI vs US AI'S, [1 of 4] Wednesday 1/29/25 • RFK JR. SHOWDOWN ON CAPITOL HILL | STEVEN CROWDER, RFK Hearing Produces MORE EVIDENCE Biden Covered Up Fauci Corruption w/ Shawn Hendrix | Timcast IRL, News Nation - Bill O’Reilly reveals who Trump is when cameras are off | The United States of Trump, 'I’m NOT a Putin Puppet, I’m An American!' Tucker Carlson vs Piers Morgan, PBS - Trump's Comeback: Megyn Kelly (interview) | FRONTLINE, Flagrant - Vivek: Kicked out of DOGE? Elon Beef? Trump Relationship and More


Screenshot at 2025-01-29 18-24-56.png
Mary on Timcast

Oatmeal Daily - 2025-01-29 - Wednesday | Published in January of 2025


Discord Screenshot at 2024-09-01 00-04-34.png
Join my Discord Server

In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.


INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

My Gaming Life Log
2025-01-29 - Wednesday - 11:37 AM - My Gaming Life Log created

To maintain an outline, directory, timeline, log, and everything, relating to My Gaming Life Log meaning video games, computer games, maybe I will include board games or non-electronic games and so on possibly.


2025-01-29 - Wednesday - 11:31 AM - My Gaming Life Log

The Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) came out in 1985, same year I was born, with Mario 1, actual memories of video games may only go back to the early 1990s, we'd be gaming other places or renting the NES until we bought a NES by like 1991 if not earlier and the Super NES (SNES) by like 1993; We also played Duck Hunt which came with that first Mario NES game. I remember Mario 1 and then Mario 3 and then later on Mario 2.

Discord Drama

2025-01-29 - Wednesday - 09:57 AM - Discord Log

Trump is probably Spike's alt; how else would Trump know that Spike is making a server, are they bunk buddies? I gave this Ripped Corey Taylor account the Hell role for a reason but accounts like Spike tried removing that role which tells me not to trust any of them as that is not good. I gave this Ripped Corey Taylor account the Hell role for a reason but accounts like Spike tried removing that role which tells me not to trust any of them as that is not good. This is why most accounts in this server should never be promoted above level 20, those who violate this prime directive should probably be demoted to below level 20 as well. 11:04 AM: Nobody join Spike World, Porridge World, or Lera World; or else instant ban; you especially don't want to discover Spike's secrets in his goddamn server, whatever he thinks he's hiding should stay hidden. 12:08 PM: Roy is probably trying to just get under my skin which he isn't, I talk about Roy because he's like a science experiment; it seems Roy is neither a villain nor a super hero; Roy lives in this ironic limbo between greatness and failure; if Roy was merely trying to just mock me, you'd think Roy would want to at least try to attract a growing audience to share in his popcorn which Roy isn't doing as far as I know; Roy is a series of paradoxes which makes me scratch my head; Roy likes to like pretend to mock me by saying things like how nobody can see my blog but my point is at least I'm trying as opposed to how Roy actively does the complete opposite by hiding his content by not listing links to his stuff; I talk about Roy because he appears to be oddly incompetent despite being capable of being actually successful within the realm of being a Meme Master among other things; Roy is the oddest critter I've ever known; I go back and forth between thinking Roy is a government agent or just some loser in a basement; at the end of the day, I don't care what Roy thinks of me whether he truly is trying to help me or is merely only here to mock me or whatever it might be; at the end of the day, I'd prefer seeing Roy excel in whatever he's trying to do in regards to all of that because I'm in the business of helping people help people which includes even Roy. Oatmeal & Roy's relationship is on and off like Ross and Rachel of NBC's Friends of the 1990s. Let the record reflect, Roy won't let me help him and Roy refuses to help me even after six years. Roy, I can power wash your deck, I have experience doing that kind of work multiple times. Anyways, Roy refused to be very specific with me. Roy has boat ships and deck patios. All the trolls in this server are my guinea pigs. This server is a science experiment. I get to see who falls for the BS that the trolls spam. It's easier to keep known criminals around so that I can see who should be promoted or demoted based on how they interact with the criminals. In a way, you might say I'm scamming people. @ roymerrick is weird, Roy used to make a lot of Oatmeal Content until like 2022, Roy must of gotten bored of doing that all the time; looks like Roy only reposts old Oatmeal Content he made years ago in this Discord Server now in 2025, if we ever had a new Roy, I'd be tempted to ban this old Roy from the server and to stop talking about old Roy since old Roy refuses to explain what he's trying to do; I have to assume Roy isn't trying to do anything except have some casual laughs and giggles with himself in some abandon basement since Roy doesn't want millions of followers to watch his amazing content which I find insane not to want. The creators of Porridge World banished the Hawk Tuah Bot, you can go to their server and thank them. Join the Big Spike Unc Server where everybody gets to be an uncle. This might be evidence to why Stg RFK should not have a very high role since he's too Pro-Porridge. This server sometimes has maybe too many unqualified gods and I'd probably prefer making many people mods at level 20 or admins at the highest but often times some people end up becoming gods at level 70 and then I sometimes cave in and start making additional people gods in order to balance out the other gods who perhaps shouldn't be gods; it always seems like a back and forth in this struggle for the game of thrones in the server. I disagree with Magnus muting people, Magnus should probably be demoted if it's too unfair, people above Magnus can determine Magnus' fate. A lot of people have alts which means it is very hard to know who's in Porridge. But the thousands of our former server members can be found in the log channel at # log and they all could be invited back; you can also find former members in some of the other random channels in this server and you can invite them back. Porridgers can't be mods here, why not? But I thought Porridge was cooler than Oatmeal. They say imitation is the highest form of flattery, the greatest compliment you can ever receive in life is when everybody wants to be like Mike as in Michael Jordan, people never sing songs about wanting to be Lebron James. If you hate Porridge World, just go into the log channels of Oatmeal World and invite the over ten thousand people to return to this server, you'll find over 10K+ people connected to this server, you just have to dig through all the channels and logs to find them. This is why @ bigspike808 should be demoted. First, I gave a bad person the Hell role. Second, Spike tried removing the Hell role. Third, Spike didn't bother asking himself why does the bad person who did a bad thing have the Hell role that only Ian or Oatmeal can give people. Fourth, Spike tried to say the bad person did NOT do bad things which is NOT possible because I gave the bad person the bad role for doing bad. Spike is either very stupid or possibly very bad as an evil troll which is why I demote Spike a lot; other people can demote Spike in the future the next time Spike does a bad thing. Spike responded with one word, no. That's it. I gave the guy the hell role because he did bad stuff and you tried freeing that criminal. I don't know what's worse, Spike freeing criminals from hell or the fact none of the other gods have the balls to demote Spike which tells me I shouldn't make any new people actual owners of this server. Spike doesn't know that when I say the gods, I means everyone with any of the roles levels 70-100. When I say the gods, I'm talking anybody who is level 70 or higher all the way up to server owner at level 100. Everyone is free to spam for the next hour, you get a one hour spam pass, have fun. Whoever spams the most wins. Carl bot, shut up, I am going to try to fix Carl. Thank you so much for Spam Hour, you guys are now cooler than Roy Merrick, levels 70 and up are free to declare any hour spam hour, just say the word and you can direct traffic, just say green light red light if you're a gods or higher because this is your server and spam hour can happen any hour you want it to happen and end or begin at any time. Nope, this is the people's server, everybody can decide what they think is NSFW. Feel free to sometimes mute or timeout people for spamming if it is not spam hour or if you feel it is necessary. We currently have at least 27 accounts at level 70 or higher, but most people in the server should below level 20. We currently have at least 27 accounts at level 70 or higher, but most people in the server should be below level 20. This tells me the system is broken and we are letting too many unqualified maniacs above level 20. The fact nobody is trying to fix this problem or at least try to invite the 10K+ people back to this server tells me nobody else in this server should currently be promoted to owner since most people take this server to be a joke or don't have the wisdom that is needed among other things. If we jumped to one thousand server members in the next ten minutes, I promise to ping less often. People don't mute the server because I ping, I ping because people already muted this server; this has been the case for many years, I've studied this for many years, these are the facts; I ping all the time because people ALREADY don't care and pinging everybody does nothing; me pinging everybody all the times proves that I'm right about all of this; I've been right about this for many years. Many times since 2019, I went many months rarely pinging. But mostly only pathological liars join this server, the liars won't tell everyone how many times I went many months since 2019 rarely pinging. It's too bad mostly only liars join this server and most of the people in this server right now have not been following every single day in this server since 2019. I bet every single human in the world one dollar that I will stop pinging everybody and will ghost this server until 200 members get out your wallets, everybody owes me one dollar each.

Twitter Tweets

02:21 AM

Who's missing? Child sex trafficking rings Brady Bunch Hollywood Squares: Bill Gates, Epstein, Fauci, Obama, Klaus Schwab, Soros, a black guy, Pope, King Charles; saw this on Alex Jones, Trump and Elon Musk are on fire; but who else is missing?

02:58 AM
Roseanne is Tim Allen level comedy and he's on ABC which Tim is also aligned with Trump which tells me Colbert is hoping his audience isn't aware of how popular and seductive MAGA really is.

08:28 PM
The screenshot I posted was from a @gregreese report regarding the true nature of the heart which may not merely be just a pump but rather a vortex or a combination of things

@Jennieluoz795, I posted it on Wednesday, the 27th of December of 2023 on my daily blog for that day on Hive Blog, The Alex Jones Show opened with that video report, it was interesting as I like to study the heart as I'm big into natural remedies https://hive.blog/hive-145322/@joeyarnoldvn/2023-12-27 https://madmaxworld.tv/watch?id=6589383bd73929b3eef1ff7d

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2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg
My Adventure in Vietnam

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

01:38 AM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [3 of 4] Tuesday 1/28/25 • MIKE ADAMS TALKS DEEPSEEK AI vs US AI'S, News & Analysis

01:41 AM
Did Trump just save the government trillions of dollars via freezing the dark money which goes to leftist groups and pedophile rings and so on as seen on this map on Alex Jones?

Missing You 101-102

2025-01-29 - Wednesday - 02:00 AM - Missing You 101-102

When Detective Kat Donovan matches on a dating app with the fiancé who disappeared years before, she learns that some secrets are best left in the past.

10:00 AM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [3 of 4] Tuesday 1/28/25 • MIKE ADAMS TALKS DEEPSEEK AI vs US AI'S, News & Analysis

10:14 AM
Did Health Ranger Mike Adams say Open AI is NOT open on Alex Jones, what should Trump do? Some colleges in America are racist against Asians.

Here is a list of what I'm watching

12:46 AM
Star Trek: Section 31 - re:View

01:38 AM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [3 of 4] Tuesday 1/28/25 • MIKE ADAMS TALKS DEEPSEEK AI vs US AI'S, News & Analysis

Missing You 101-102

2025-01-29 - Wednesday - 02:00 AM - Missing You 101-102

10:00 AM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [3 of 4] Tuesday 1/28/25 • MIKE ADAMS TALKS DEEPSEEK AI vs US AI'S, News & Analysis

11:06 AM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [1 of 4] Wednesday 1/29/25 • RFK JR. SHOWDOWN ON CAPITOL HILL | STEVEN CROWDER • Infowars

05:40 PM
RFK Hearing Produces MORE EVIDENCE Biden Covered Up Fauci Corruption w/ Shawn Hendrix | Timcast IRL

09:04 PM
News Nation - Bill O’Reilly reveals who Trump is when cameras are off | The United States of Trump

09:49 PM
'I’m NOT a Putin Puppet, I’m An American!' Tucker Carlson vs Piers Morgan

11:00 PM
PBS - Trump's Comeback: Megyn Kelly (interview) | FRONTLINE

11:15 PM
Flagrant - Vivek: Kicked out of DOGE? Elon Beef? Trump Relationship and More

Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to my Oatmeal Daily which is generally posted & syndicated to different websites daily by me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, feel free to mirror, edit, clip, reupload my content. For more information, see some of the links on this page or you can try to Google search or look me up using keywords like Oatmeal Joey Arnold @ joeyarnoldvn and other keywords. Try using different combinations of words in search engines for better results. Went to bed around 4 AM. Woke up around 9:30 AM. Helped find like grape juice for mom. Printed Larry's fairytale story where he combined a bunch of well known stories together, he wrote it like years ago. I put in 2 printer carts in as ink was low out there in the computer laundry room. Breakfast: 10:15 AM. 6 dozens of eggs into TV at 10:30 PM. I put the black sewing table from the big garage into mom's room at the end of the bed, the table was in the computer laundry room, Larry bought it so mom could do sewing but then it always had stuff on it since the house is too small and not enough shelves, did that around like 2 or 3. Vacuumed. Organized in mom's room and then in the front garage. Some of the onions in the front garage were turning green, black, or soft; I cut up the onions and saved some of it in the fridge. Mom wrote: "Soft icky yellow not ok" regarding how much of the onions to cut up and which parts to save or throw away. Lunch: 05:39 PM. Dinner: 07:30 PM. They got back around like 9. Scanning, 1995 art. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, orange, 10:15 AM. Glass of milk, last of the Chex cereal with milk, 10:45 PM. Lunch: bagel toast, boiled egg, 05:39 PM. Dinner: rest of the small instant pot chicken stew, onions, rest of the small jar of spicy, with some of the deer beef stew in the big instant pot, 07:30 PM. Tea. 2 Reese' chocolate lava big cup. Linda Lindt Lindor chocolate ball. Candy cane balls. Made TikTok ad videos of these candies similar to other foods from previous days.


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