
in THE 2020s2 days ago

When faced with anger, you have three options, act on it, hold it in, or let it go. "As long as you play God, you will never know God," Jesse Lee Peterson to Jim Breuer. Jesse said both good and bad emotions generally stem from a subliminal animalistic reaction which roots from the depths of not just jealousy but anger itself; often times, humans are piloted through this hate that steers them towards a Satanic obsession with pride which is the greatest weakness as it blinds everyone who comes near it's pull like a black hole.

You can now play games on YouTube, here is a car game I used to play on my first smart phone when I lived in Vietnam around like 2016. I do not drink but most people know nothing about me and yet they always pretend and think they do when really they do not and most people do not know that they do not know meaning you cannot even tell them i said this because they cannot accept it because their minds are actually always drunk which is why they project their drunkeness onto me because they're angry and jealous of me subconsciously without even knowing which leads them to pride which leads to a fall like the Devil.

Shoveled off moss off the driveway; watched: Adam Carolla! The Roseanne Barr Podcast #87, Fallen State with Jesse Lee Peterson - Jim Breuer Joins Jesse! (Ep. 397) ‪@JimBreuer‬, And, This is Steve Bannon | This is Gavin Newsom


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Bannon on Gavin of California

Oatmeal Daily - 2025-03-16 - Sunday | Published in March of 2025


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In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.


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Drunk Oatmeal
2025-03-16 - Sunday - 05:27 PM - Discord Log

I do not drink but most people know nothing about me and yet they always pretend and think they do when really they do not and most people do not know that they do not know meaning you cannot even tell them i said this because they cannot accept it because their minds are actually always drunk which is why they project their drunkeness onto me because they're angry and jealous of me subconsciously without even knowing which leads them to pride which leads to a fall like the Devil; 08:42 PM: people are very predictable, i say please leave everybody because i study psychology and i know many people will leave right after i ping them which makes it look like i made them leave when really they were going to leave no matter what i said or not said; Zack The Cat @ zacatk179 should demote all the losers down to below level 20 mods

Twitter Tweets

01:06 AM

You can now play games on YouTube, here is a car game I used to play on my first smart phone when I lived in Vietnam around like 2016.

03:10 PM
When faced with anger, you have three options, act on it, hold it in, or let it go.

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My Adventure in Vietnam

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

02:48 PM
Fallen State with Jesse Lee Peterson - Jim Breuer Joins Jesse! (Ep. 397) ‪@JimBreuer‬

03:28 PM
"As long as you play God, you will never know God," Jesse Lee Peterson to Jim Breuer

Jesse said both good and bad emotions generally stem from a subliminal animalistic reaction which roots from the depths of not just jealousy but anger itself; often times, humans are piloted through this hate that steers them towards a Satanic obsession with pride which is the greatest weakness as it blinds everyone who comes near it's pull like a black hole

Here is a list of what I'm watching

02:03 AM
Adam Carolla! The Roseanne Barr Podcast #87

02:48 PM
Fallen State with Jesse Lee Peterson - Jim Breuer Joins Jesse! (Ep. 397) ‪@JimBreuer‬

08:00 PM
And, This is Steve Bannon | This is Gavin Newsom

Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to my Oatmeal Daily which is generally posted & syndicated to different websites daily by me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, feel free to mirror, edit, clip, reupload my content. For more information, see some of the links on this page or you can try to Google search or look me up using keywords like Oatmeal Joey Arnold @ joeyarnoldvn and other keywords. Try using different combinations of words in search engines for better results. Went to bed around 3 AM. Woke up around 8:30 AM. Breakfast: 09:05 AM. Drove mom to Sunday School, cut somebody off by accident by making a last minute left turn into a lane at the stop light before the church, I didn't check my blind spot, the driver moved out of the way and flipped me off. Sunday school finished up Matthew, they talked about what to do next time. Mark did the sermon on how pride is the greatest sin and weakness, Mark asked people to outline Job, Nikki gave a good outline. Job talked about how there is value in reaching out to God in the mist of the mystery of not knowing everything stuck in the thread of time. Lunch: 02:52 PM. Church, Brian talked about the value of faith, stepping out like Peter onto the water. Dinner: 08:00 PM. Continued sorting boxes in my room from the book shed for mom to midnight, sorted through all sorts of things from the past like 50 years or mostly 30 so years mostly for today relating to finances, missionaries, mom was doing a lot of health after she was not feeling well in 1996, she was exploring more natural remedies especially since like 1997. Food log: Breakfast: 2 tangerines, coffee, oatmeal, 09:05 AM. Lunch: rest of that oatmeal, potatoes, coffee, 02:52 PM. Dinner: beans soup on corn bread and chips was good, tea, 08:00 PM.