Ohh .. this you can have ^^ I would be happy to help you out !.. I actually could write texts with helpful information now that you could be reading for days, hehe .. But I have a far better suggestion. There actually is the Discord Server called "The Terminal" .. The easiest way for you to learn everything about your journey through the Hiveasphere would be to join them there ;)
It is a great location for LEARNING ABOUT HIVE, Discord, and Hive-related communities, full of nice people that you may ask if you need ASSISTANCE, with nearly everything ^^ You will find documents to assist you, a place to learn and practice, and find out about the many opportunities to form CONNECTIONS with other Hiveans.
It host the REDFISH RALLY, a funny challenge for all those that are new here to the world of Hive. The Terminal also hosts the HEYHAVEYAMET project by @heyhaveyamet, which introduces all new Hiveans on a daily basis, so that you don't have to search for them ^^
I am also in their discord and I started my journey there too. It was the best decision that I ever made, hehe .. If you have any question, not matter what about or how weird it may sound, just ask them their and they all will be super eager to help you out as best as possible ^^ .. I just quickly tag a name here if its OK with you ^^ .. She was kind of my "Mentor" there, hehe @brittandjosie
Thank you very much for the info and the resources shared. I will most definetely join the Terminal as it sounds a great resource to gather valuable knowledge required for my exploration journey in the hive community. As for @brittandjosie I just started following her and I look forward to talk with her with the first opportunity given. You are already in my following list and as of now on my faourite list as well!