Pozdrav prijatelji, ovog vikenda u mome gradu Vrscu odrzana je medjunarodna izlozba pasa CACIB, na gradskom jezeru.
Hello friends, this weekend in my town of Vrsac, an international dog show CACIB was held on the city lake.
Prelepo prolecno vreme okupilo je puno ucesnika iz raznih zemalja, goste, i posetioce, puno mladih i dece, koji su imali priliku da vide stvarno prelepe pse.
The beautiful spring weather gathered a lot of participants from different countries, guests, and visitors, a lot of young people and children, who had the opportunity to see really beautiful dogs.
Lepi, ocesljani, pristojni, neki uvek spremni za slikanje, neki za druzenje, a neki su nasli sigurnost kod svojih vlasnika.
Beautiful, combed, polite, some always ready to paint, some to hang out with, and some found safety with their owners.
Veoma lepo organizovano, strpljivo, vlasnici pasa veoma ljubazni uvek spremni za slikanje, pricu, nasmejani. Nasi dragi gosti iz Rumunije bili su obuceni u narodnu nosnju, veoma lepo.
Very nicely organized, patient, dog owners very kind, always ready to take pictures, talk, smile. Our dear guests from Romania were dressed in traditional costumes, very nice.
Na kraju svi su otisli kuci zadovoljni i srecni, veoma uspesna izlozba.
In the end, everyone went home satisfied and happy, a very successful exhibition.