Day 3 of my NaJoPoMo 2024 challenge: Ideas, concepts, and characters

in NaJoPoMo4 months ago

I like coming up with unique builds, class concepts, and character backgrounds that might fit the role. It's sort of like creating a character in Tabletop Gaming but obviously for a video game.

I just see what is available in a game and write down what weapons, traits, and abilities would flow for the concept. For instance, in my World of Warcraft days I would play a warlock with engineering gear. It's not optimal but it is a different type of playstyle that differs from the regular warlock experience of pressing '1, 2, 2, 4, 2,'. My build used the grenades, the engineering tools such as health injectors, invisibility devices, and exploding mechanical sheep. I even recall reviving a healer in a BG using jumper cables.

In New World, there are plenty of elemental(Ice, Fire, Lightning, poison, ETC,) imbued weapons and perks on armor that boost elemental power. I wanted to try to build an 'Elemental Knight' and see how the enemies in PVP combat would react when they realized they weren't just dealing with a physical damage dealer, but an elemental after taste as well.

The point of these builds, for me, is to truly see how crazy the builds in a game can go and how varied of a playstyle I can make beyond the default. Also it really screws up other players when they suddenly realize they have no idea what they are actually fighting against.

I jot down whatever idea comes to mind for an unorthodox game/character build here and just write down how I think it would work and how it might break the status quo of other players.

This journal is a smooth 'leather' cover with a little clasp. The actual book inside is heavy with thick solid lined pages. The clasp helps the journal give off 'Idea book' vibes.



NaJoPoMo? This is the first time I have heard of this. It is cool to see this is a community. 😁

NaJoPoMo was an opportunity for me to begin Journaling as a hobby/past time. I've had some of these journals for years but never used them because I had no idea what the concept of 'journaling' was. I decided to participate in NaJoPoMo a few years ago and halfway through the challenge it just sort of clicked!

I now have an understanding of the value writing down my thoughts and ideas has to me. It's been fun and gives me a chance to vent or quietly express my creativity. I'll be participating in National Podcast Post Month (NaPodPoMo) in November as well.

Glad my post interested you! Thank you for your comment.