NaJoPoMo 2024 Catch up: The Final Day

in NaJoPoMo4 months ago

Hello there! I haven't given up on the NaJoPoMo Challenge, I just figured out I am a terrible daily poster. Also schedule conflicts but nevertheless here I am on the final day to round up my Journaling thoughts and experiences!

I think I left off on Day 21 so we'll go from there.


  • Day 22

I don't write in a journal everyday. This is the big Gasp moment for many but there are some days I do not consider 'Journal Worthy'. Seems silly and insignificant but it might be that I think the action is just a waste of time.

Even small entries in a journal can be significant but I think the paper, ink, and time spent on the entry could be better used for more important entries.

Living monotony is pretty boring but to write about it afterwards? That's just a double whammy and to wish for more to happen during writing about it invites possible chaos.

Stay safe while writing!

  • Day 23

I talked about Journal paper types but there are also the spines to think about. I have many spines that are held together by a wire/fabric line that sometimes get in the way when opening the journal to a certain part of the journal that disjoints the whole writing experience.

It's a little hard to describe but it's obvious when reaching that part of the journal. Regular books seem to often have a glued spine that can begin to break down and just ruin the writing experience as chunks of paper begin to pop out during writing or leafing through the book. It sucks trying to keep a book together when the spine is failing.

Spirals look like a solid option but to me I cannot organize them because they don't fit with other books. Maybe if it is the odd one out than yeah, I could figure out what the journal was, but to organize a bookshelf full of spirals seems difficult.

I don't know! Spines of a book need to be solid to keep their composure/form but sometimes, despite being at the back of the book, they just get in the way and are super annoying.

Sounds silly but that's just my thoughts.

  • Day 24

I am slowly learning more and more about journals that seem interesting but it seems like the more specified journals I learn about the more complex methods of writing in them become.

I mean a pen and paper is pretty simple but there are some pens that will only write on certain papers and with specific inks/tips in particular. Sounds cool at first but then once the original supplies run out it becomes difficult to acquire more sufficient supplies for the specific journal.

I have a black paper journal that I haven't finished because I haven't found a sufficient white ink pen that writes properly. They are all varied and seem to get runny or not write properly after a few strokes. Very annoying!

Having a journal that stands out and requires specialized tools sounds cool but if the ability to acquire more of those specialized tools become increasingly difficult to find and attain than the whole point is moot. That special journal turns into a fancy paper weight.

My advice is to keep is simple. If wanting a special journal then please buy plenty of the fancy supplies to keep up with the writing!

  • Day 25

I get anxious while writing for long periods. I absolutely hate how I get anxious over such an activity like journaling. I am somewhat fast paced (I think) and to stay in one spot for too long brings about anxiety. I have to focus on my breathing sometimes while I write to ensure I don't get anxious but it is difficult focusing on that, trying to recall my day or thoughts during events, and having proper handwriting so I can re-read it/understand my writing after/later.

I tend to overthink many things and writing is no different. I WANT to enjoy the act of writing but I also want it to be over with so I can start on the next part of my day. again, sounds Silly but that is just me in my current time.

I did a post on proper breathing during gaming and it seems like those techniques help me quite a bit on other activities. Funny!

  • Day 26

I've talked about 'Proper handwriting' but that doesn't mean I participate with the concept. I write incredibly words incredibly small. Maybe it's just to save space but I just cannot write big letters without it looking like splotchy, loopy, imitations of a letter. Maybe it's from occasionally shaky hands but writing big letters/words and seeing the aftermath just looks awful... to me.

I've had many people comment on my tiny handwriting but as long as I can read it then it's good! I think I want to get the word written out as quickly as possible and to move on to the rest of the words.

Maybe the smaller text size is my 'writer' voice. I think of it as tiny and that is how it displays to others.

  • Day 27

I do think about my journals for others but that isn't my purpose for writing. I mean, it's obviously going to still be here when I am gone and that's why I continue to think about how others will view it.

I mean, I am just writing my thoughts or days events out. Not much information in my personal journals that can be used in there but still, what if it is able to provide some beneficial value to somebody in the future? Wouldn't that be great?

I think so. I mean, I am not looking for some future person to have access to my entire life and take on my mantle, though it would be funny, but isn't it like the most uncommon piece of information that suddenly fits into a wider scheme of data that saves the world or solves a problem?

That would be pretty cool to be apart of and I often have that thought when writing in a journal.

Maybe it only happens in stories but those stories have to stem from reality somewhere!

  • Day 28

There are some journals I've forgotten about as their purpose has become sort of obsolete. How sad is that? It's not that the quality of the journal has dissolved or regressed as the years passed but the goal for them has become the thing that has degraded.

That is the downfall of having journals with a purpose. If there is no reason to pursue the purpose then the journal becomes defunct. It's a shame and almost makes one feel terrible before remembering that it's just an inanimate object.

Well, that is also a terrible way to look at a journal but it is what it is. Goals, purposes, and viewpoints change but that doesn't mean the journal needs to lose its purpose. It just needs to evolve with the purpose/viewpoint.

I think I will open up some of those older 'purpose' journals and see how they can continue to be utilized. There are plenty of unwritten pages on there and to squander them would be a huge disservice to both the tree that the pages came from and the holder (me)!

  • Day 29

Plenty of journals, sort of low on writing tools, empty on things to write about. I mean, not really but I just have a different viewpoint on things to catalogue. I have sort of become jaded at many things and don't find many things interesting beyond 'is this of value to me?'.

Journaling does give me a value because I am able to freely express myself and keep a proper system based on journal type and what purpose I've given the journal.

Journaling is what we make of it and I have found this method works for me. So I'll try out other methods but will probably continue this method because I like it.

  • Day 30

Getting closer to the end. I have asked others if they are participating in a yearly challenge and they've declined or have said they were unaware of 'yearly/monthly challenges'. I sort of envy them because doing a monthly challenge is difficult but to participate in a challenge is an activity that is meant to grow oneself and see if they like or to witness how others are doing it.

It's definitely a challenge worth pursuing!

  • Day 31

Well, here we are. I sort of lost the 'daily posting' part of the challenge but I have completed 31 entries (I think!) and that's sort of the goal.

I feel like whilst everyone else has properly crossed the finish line I am on the floor just rolling past it with my batch posting on the last day with only a few hours to November 1st.

Funny thought. I think participating in these challenges has definitely grown my expertise and knowledge on journaling. I haven't sought out more research or knowledge on the hobby but reading the other participants posts has shown me how far and varied the hobby can be.

I also discovered I am not a daily poster. I am just not active enough of a participant to be on everyday posting. Maybe I will develop this skill as I continue to participate in monthly challenges but I much prefer batch posting.

Anyway, Thank you for reading my NaJoPoMo 2024 entries and congratulations to the other participants that have completed the NaJoPoMo 2024 challenge! Keep on figuring out what's 'write' for you!


Woo Hoo - Congratulations on another year! The best thing about journaling is that it can be whatever you need it to be.

And the challenge can be used to get back into the habit of journaling or be a support tool to build or grow something else. This year I used part of my journal entries to outline scenes for my next novel. Now I have 31 scenes ready to draft.

Thanks for participating!

I was also not a daily poster, but I still appreciated the monthlong challenge and gained valuable insight. I definitely chuckled more than a time or two. NaJoPoMo is a challenge I'll return to for sure.