Day 6 - Buying Used Journals is a Thing

in NaJoPoMo5 months ago (edited)

NaJoPoMo 24 - Day 6.JPG

My Sunday was slow. I planned for it to be but on slow days I inevitably get sucked into internet rabbit holes. So I found myself shopping for handcrafted journals on Etsy. I've bought some of the most unique journals off there from very talented peopled.

What I didn't expect to find was a whole world I never even knew existed - buying used journals. At first I was shocked anyone would want to read some else's journal. It felt icky and weird. And I know that had more to do with thinking about someone reading mine than the ones being sold. I noticed the journals/diaries I found were from 40's and 50's and I was intrigued. It would be interesting to peek into someone's everyday life back then.

Have you ever heard of this and if you came across one, would you buy it?


Have you ever heard of this and if you came across one, would you buy it?

I have heard of this. The older the journal the better. I've seen some videos of people showing their latest finds and talking about what is written in the journals. If a person is fully identified in the journal, then there is a whole deep dive into whatever records can be found about their life and in most cases deaths. I can see the attraction of stepping back in time and being a time traveling fly on the wall of a person's life, but it also feels odd since they are not around to give me permission to read their personal and private thoughts.

I feel there's a good book idea here - time travel through the journal, or looking up the person's life and running into their great grand son/daughter or the person that murdered them, or a haunted journal, or buying a journal from someone that used to be a spy and now "they" are after you. There is a whole series of books here...dibs!

LOL. I'd buy that series of books and audiobook and go see the movie/tv series. I think you've got a banner idea. Go for it!

My husband found an old ledger at an estate sale. He bought it because it was interesting to see that this person kept track of every penny spent. Since it was over 100 years old, it was especially interesting to see what was purchased and the cost of it. Not a journal, but it did journal the spending of this person.

ooh that's a great find! What did you think the most interesting purchase was?

I don't have it right here with me, so I don't remember the exact amount, but seeing that he went out to lunch and what it cost. I'll have to look for it (we've moved since, so I don't know exactly where it is now), since I remembered it, I thought it would be interesting to look through it again.