Journaling = Net Positive

in NaJoPoMo5 months ago


In a journal we can write down all of our hopes, dreams, plans, gripes, challenges, issues, and leave the energy of those things on paper. Writing things down brings clarity and cleansing.

When making plans, listing goals, and writing down our hopes and dreams, we breath life into them. What a grand adventure we've laid out on paper. Something grandiose can become actionable once it's written down.

By the same token, when dealing with gripes, issues, and challenges, clarity can come from writing things down. Even better is that sometimes just by writing feelings and emotions down we no long feel them as powerfully or at all. The very act of allowing ourselves to put it down on paper has removed them from us.

There seems to be a transfer of power in the exchnage of writing things down. The funny thing is that it goes in two different directions. Or at least that is how I perceive it.

What do you think? Have you noticed that that when you journal on positive things like goals and plan and dreams that the very act of writing is like breathing life into them? Conversely, have you also noticed that when you write negative emotions down that that energy and emotion are pulled from you and have less impact on you?

How can it be that writing things down in a journal can have such a positive and opposite effect?