Hello friends! for some time i was collecting a little money to buy a tool that will help me produce content in HIVE and at the same time be able to help the planet, and of course with my new metal detector I will be able to clean the environment while trying to get some reward! The large amount of polluting metals that we find on beaches around the world is a harsh reality, and today I am going to add a "grain of sand" to help take care of our planet. Today "the planet is a kilo cleaner"🌏📚🧠
Hola amigos! desde hace algun tiempo estaba reuniendo un poco de dinero para comprarme una herramienta que me ayudara a producir contenido en HIVE y al mismo tiempo poder ayudar al planeta, y por supuesto con mi nuevo detector de metal podre limpiar el medio ambiente mientras trato de conseguir alguna recompensa! es una cruda realidad la gran cantidad de metales contaminantes que encontramos en las playas de todo el mundo, y hoy voy a poner un "granito de arena" para contribuir en cuidar nuestro planeta. Hoy " el planeta esta un kilo mas limpio"⛔🛑✔🌐

A kilo cleaner🙇♂️👨🏫/ Un kilo mas limpio💚

At first glance when we see a beach if we look at the surface it is quite clean, we do not see glass bottles, plastics, absolutely nothing!!! But with this activity I discovered that the real dirt is under the sand. Do you know why? Firstly, metals are heavy and end up being deposited on the seabed or in the sand! the lightest ones are swept away by the tide, however 70% of them end up in a place that we can only discover with the metal detector... And let's say that it is a "very dirty hidden world"💚💥💔
A simple vista cuando vemos una playa si observamos la superficie esta bastante limpia, no vemos botellas de vidreo, plasticos, absolutamente nada!!! pero con esta actividad descubri que el verdadero sucio esta bajo la arena sabes por que? primeramente los metales son pesados y acaban por depositarse en el fondo marino o en la arena! los mas ligeros son arrastrados por la marea, sin embargo el 70% de ellos acaban en un sitio que solo podemos descubrirlos con el detector de metal... Y digamos que es un mundo "oculto muy sucio"😫🤯🥴

Today I am going home with great satisfaction, I can say that thanks to my good work the planet is almost a kilo cleaner, I have to admit that if it were not for HIVE I would not have the motivation to do this work because the platform in a certain way It has motivated me to do great things expecting a small reward in return! today I got many strange things while cleaning and I'm sure that many of those metals had years on the beach!💚🌐🧠
Hoy me voy a mi casa con una satisfacción muy grande puedo decir que gracias a mi buen trabajo el planeta es casi un kilo mas limpio, tengo que reconocer que si no es por HIVE no tendria motivacion para hacer esta labor porque la plataforma en cierta forma me ha motivado para hacer grandes cosas esperando una pequeña recompensa a cambio! hoy consegui muchas cosas extrañas mientras limbiaba y tengo seguridad que muchos de esos metales tenian años en la playa!💚🌏📚🧤

strangest objects found🙇♂️👨🏫/ Objetos mas extraños encontrados💚

I think that today the strangest metal object that I never imagined getting on the beach would be these two bullet casings, I think that a 380mm bullet sells for 0.30 euros, I imagine that they are people who go to the beach to "perfect their aim" and do not take the caps after shooting, this steel and aluminum alloy due to its size and bright color can be ingested by any animal! Pick up 2 today.🌐🧠💚
Creo que hoy el objeto de metal mas extraño que nunca imagine conseguirme en la playa serian estos dos casquillos de balas, creo que una bala 380mm se vende a 0,30euros, imagino que son personas que van a la playa a "perfeccionar su punteria" y no se llevan los casquillos despues de disparar, esta aleacion de acero y aluminio por su tamaño y color brillante puede ser ingerido por algun animal! hoy retire 2.📖😮

iron a big problem🙇♂️👨🏫/ el hierro un gran problema💚

Of all the metals that I removed from the beach, the most abundant was iron, let's say that 3/5 were iron! This is a real problem because this metal corrodes with water and literally breaks down in micro quantities, like lead, for example, which is more difficult to oxidize and corrode.🤔🤔
De todos los metales que retire de la playa el mas abundante fue el hierro digamos que 3/5 eran hierro! esto es un verdadero problema porque este metal se corroe con el agua y se va deshaciendo literalmente en micro cantidades, a por ejemplo el plomo que es mas dificil de oxidar y corroer.🧪🔬

This was the second most abundant metal in my collection today, it is about lead! normally on the beaches we get leads that are used for fishing! I took 3 out of the water, note that only one weighs 100g, if you notice well they are not very rusty and they are well preserved to the point that some I can recycle and use them for fishing! each can cost up to 0.50 cents!🤯😮
Este fue el segundo metal que mas abundo en mi recoleccion el dia de hoy se trata del plomo! normalmente en las playas conseguimos plomos que son empleados para pescar! yo retire del agua 3 fijate que solo uno pesa 100g, si notas bien no estan muy oxidados y se conservan bien hasta el punto que algunos puedo reciclarlos y utilizarlos para pescar! cada uno puede costar hasta 0,50 centimos!💥👨🏫

It was certainly a very productive day! I really liked doing this activity and I will do it again in the future! Here you can see some other metals that I managed to clean from the beach! The problem with the beaches is that after a few days they are clean, they are dirty again because the tide carries many metals from the oceans and they end up on the shore! therefore it is a work that never ends!🌐🧤
Sin duda fue un dia muy productivo! me ha gustado mucho realizar esta actividad y sin dura futuramente la ire a repetir! aqui puedes ver algunos otros metales que logre limpiar de la playa! el problema de las playas es que luego que limpias pasado pocos dias esta sucia de nuevo porque la marea arrastra muchos metales de los oceanos y terminan en la orilla! por tanto es una labor que nunca acaba!📚🔬

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▶️ 3Speak
I love metal detecting on the beach. So much easier to dig and more money to find!
Que genial ...
I have really appreciate every of your effort which is really a work well done and keep up the good work.
It is amazing the amount of things that people leave behind… so sad
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An ecological cleaning day with the help of https://www.emop.co.uk would involve using environmentally-friendly cleaning products and techniques to clean and maintain your home or business.
To begin, you would first need to choose a service from eMop's wide range of cleaning and maintenance options. You can choose from services such as general cleaning, deep cleaning, carpet cleaning, or window cleaning, all of which can be customized to meet your specific needs.
Once you have selected a service, you can book it online through eMop's user-friendly website. You can choose from a variety of payment options, including credit card and PayPal.
On the day of your ecological cleaning, a team of professional cleaners will arrive at your home or business. These cleaners have been vetted by emop.co.uk and are committed to providing excellent service and delivering high-quality results.
The cleaners will use eco-friendly products and techniques to clean and maintain your space, ensuring that your home or business is not only clean and well-maintained, but also environmentally-friendly.
Overall, an ecological cleaning day with the help of eMop is a great way to ensure that your home or business is clean and well-maintained while also being mindful of the environment.
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