An eagle once laid an egg in the house of a wild chicken. The hen gave heat to the egg. One day the baby came out of the egg. The baby eagle was reared as a baby chicken. His nature also became like a chicken. It calls like a wild chicken. Can't even fly
One day he saw an eagle flying with its wings in the sky. He asked in surprise, what is it ?? The wild chickens replied, it is an eagle. Great bird. Even if you look like him, you have become a wild chicken. You can never be like him.The baby eagle never tried to fly, believing this. That's how he spent his whole life. Once he died. He didn't even know he was born to fly high in the sky, to rule the sky !!
Teachable: Most people are like that. Born with infinite power but most of them can't use it. Let's try to be one without being the majority. Our condition should not be like that of an eagle.