Many, many days ago. One king was childless. The king's wife would have been pregnant, but she would have died before she was born. The king left nothing to say to Dr. Kabiraj Hekim. He did everything he could. Even magic sorcery did not exclude miracles. But nothing happened. The king was very disappointed. Couldn't figure out what to do. The king became very worried. When he dies, who will decorate the masnad of this king? Who will wear this royal crown on his head!The last time the king's wife became pregnant, the king sent her to her father's house so that there would be no shortage of care for her. After proper care, the king's wife finally gave birth to a son. The king is very happy to hear this news. At once the king sent word to his wife that she should not come to the palace and stay at her father's house. The reason is that no one should look down on the newborn or face any calamity.
One of the king's ministers was very satanic. He was always trying to kill the king. His target was to kill the king and seize his masnad and palace. When this wicked minister heard that a son had been born to the king's wife, his mind was filled with annoyance. Because even if the king is killed now, there will be no work, the evil plan he was pursuing cannot be implemented. If the king dies, his son will be the king - this is the rule.As a result, the rogue minister thought that his dream of becoming a king was being shattered. The minister took a fairly firm decision that the king must be removed from his path by any means.
As it turned out, the minister and his entourage attacked the king's palace one day and killed the king. The king's seat could not be empty, so he himself sat on the king's masnad. Then one day he sent some people to the king's wife.He gave the people a fake letter in the king's name to give to the king's wife. The letter read: I am sick! Come back to the palace soon! The minister's men took the letter to the king's wife. After receiving the letter, the wife hurriedly mounted her camel and set off for the palace with the minister's pike-foot.
On their way to the palace, they reached the foot of a hill in the evening and stopped for a rest. He pitched his tent and went to rest inside.The wicked minister had earlier told his pawnbroker to do 'karma sang' along the way, which meant beheading of the king's wife and children. That is why Pike-Sardar entered the tent of the king's wife in the middle of the night. Seeing the king's wife, Sardar, behaving rudely as he entered his tent, he realized that he had a nefarious intention. Looking at the chief, the king's wife said: Who are you! How dare you enter the tent of the king's wife?