Coping With Lockdown

in ActnEarn5 years ago

Most of our 2020 has been spent locked in our houses and having almost all social interactions in our life being cut off. Many of us may never have imagined that the lockdown and social distancing restrictions would last this long when it was first announced. While a lot of us can be thankful for the privilege of being able to work relatively comfortably from home and stay safe from the Corona virus, the situation is one that has completely changed our daily lives.


Humans are inherently social animals. We have a need to belong and interact with other people to stay mentally healthy. More and more people are developing anxiety or depression as their lives becomes limited to their 4 walls. Positive psychology focuses is a concept that focuses on creating solutions out of the inner strengths you already possess. It is a process that helps guide you to look at the same things from different perspectives.


My recommendation during lockdown would to focus on the Positive Psychology Interventions determined through extensive research that focus on increasing happiness and positive cognitions and emotions. During quarantine, it is becoming tougher for therapists to give proper therapy as sessions can no longer happen face-to-face, leaving even professionals with no way to gauge your progress. As such, through psychoeducation on the aspects of Positive Psychology, we can find ways to cope by ourselves in a healthy and effective manner.


All positive psychology interventions can be classified into 7 broad categories:

  1. Savoring Positive Psychology Intervention's
  2. Empathy Positive Psychology Intervention's
  3. Meaning-Oriented Positive Psychology Intervention's
  4. Gratitude Intervention's
  5. Optimistic Intervention's
  6. Strength-Building Measures
  7. Kindness Boosters


Some of the exercises you can get started with are given in the link below. Further information can also be found on positive psychology there.