Hello hivers, I hope you are well. Today I bring you my second video, which is about What were my expectations when joining Hive.

Esta es una excelente iniciativa impulsada por los amigos de @aliento y @escuadron201.
This is an excellent initiative driven by friends from @aliento and @escuadron201.
Conoci a esta plataforma por medio de mi esposa @andreina57, la cual me impulso a formar parte de ella.
I met this platform through my wife @andreina57, who pushed me to be part of it.
Quise realizar este vídeo para @threespeak, para dar a conocer:
I wanted to make this video for @threespeak, to raise awareness:
What were my expectations when I joined Hive?
1- Generar un ingreso extra para poder mantener a mi familia, ya que en mi País Venezuela el sueldo no alcanza para hacer un buen mercado debido a esto tome la atribución de entrar a esta red social.
1- To generate an extra income to be able to support my family, since in my country Venezuela the salary is not enough to make a good market, because of this I took the decision to enter this social network.
Es fuerte lo que estamos atravesando los Venezolanos; porque el solo hecho de no tener dinero para comprar un pan y darle de comer a nuestros hijos es algo triste, desesperante y lamentable. Pero no podemos decaer tenemos que luchar para sí grantizar el pan de cada día, para nuestros niños.
What we Venezuelans are going through is very hard; because the mere fact of not having money to buy bread and feed our children is something sad, desperate and regrettable. But we cannot give up, we have to fight for the daily bread for our children.
2- Quiero dar a conocer mis contenidos y lo que me gusta y apasiona para así crecer intelectualmente y profesionalmente y de esta maneras llegar a conocer a muchos escritores y escritoras famosas y reconocidas mediante este medio y poder intercambiar saberes, conocimientos y muchas cosas más.
2- I want to make known my contents and what I like and am passionate about in order to grow intellectually and professionally and in this way get to know many famous and recognized writers through this medium and be able to exchange knowledge, knowledge and much more.
Una gran iniciativa dónde se pone de manifiesto muchos de nuestros sueños, deseo grandemente poder vivir muchos años más y así dar lo mejor de mi mismo para seguir triunfando en este medio.
A great initiative where many of our dreams are made manifest, I greatly wish to live many more years and give the best of myself to continue succeeding in this medium.
Invited friend @claire23 to participate in this initiative.
Thank you for your support. Until a future video.
▶️ 3Speak
Hola mi amor, excelentes expectativas. Gran vídeo.