Speaking about Hive: @nahupuku y @dimeilaz
Para ver en Youtube:
#BitcoinPizzaDayVzla - Monday 05-22-23
Place: Milos CCS -
Cripto Teams Involved in this Event:
@dashpay_espanol, @bitcoincafevzla, @criptoinformenoticias, @trubit_latam, @cryptobuyer_latam, @momentoblockchain and Hive - PKM Community -
This event was take place in Venezuela, providing an excellent opportunity to promote blockchain technology adoption and commemorate a memorable day like #BitcoinPizzaDay
PukuSaludos a todos mis pukufriends de Hive y de la comunidad Espavlog y de PKM. Les presento este nuevo video titulado: PKM COMMUNITY AND HIVE IN THE BitcoinPizzaDayVzla EVENT. Bendiciones.
En este video veran Este fue un día muy genial poder compartir con otras comunidades criptos de la ciudad de Caracas y al mismo tiempo poder brindarles a los hivers un espacio divertido y ameno para comer pizza y compartir, como comunidad de Hive, PKM esta comprometida a seguir brindando espacios de difusión de marketing de Hive y enlazándonos con otras comunidades de la web3.0 en el mundo real y virtual en simultaneo. Gracias a todos los que nos acompañaron y que viva la pizza y Hive!
Este evento tuvo lugar en Venezuela, proporcionando una excelente oportunidad para promover la adopción de la tecnología blockchain y conmemorar un día memorable como el #BitcoinPizzaDay
Hosts de Hive: @nahupuku and @orimusic - Gracias a Leury Fernández y al equipo de Dash Pay.
Contenido del Video en ingles:
Hive its amazing, you can share about rock, drawing, etc... is impressive, I think that all the public who wants to get into this community has a field because the content that has been from this project has been a lot and has received a lot of support from the people who like this community. Puku, the microphone is yours.
Good evening, greetings
Well, thank you very much to Dash for the invitation, to Leury Fernandez, thank you all for being here, for listening to us
Well, Hive first of all is an ecosystem, blockchain that covers many things, it is a wonderful international community.
And well, we want to tell you that it is a universe of projects and spectacular communities from all over the world.
In Venezuela there are more or less 4,000 or 5,000 users and worldwide there are about 3 million users approximately
In my personal case I am going to talk to you for a moment about PKM, which is a community within Hive that we are in charge of working on training, rock and video games that have to do with rock
So, as such a specific niche can achieve many things in a community, in addition to making friends, generating totally original content, which is very in line with what is being done at the moment, which is creating video content.
Generating a whole wonderful discourse on crypto culture, on how to handle wallets and move wallets
And here in Caracas there is a very strong movement, we have several communities that we are here gathered at our table, if you want to get closer to talk to us about Hive, well, and our social networks that are
Hiveblogs, Hiveblogs_es in Spanish, both Twitter and Instagram and well, our Pukumundo network, now PKM that at any time you can get there and see what it has to do with Web3.
At this point I am going to give way to Ilaz so that he can talk more about Hive's platform and about his personal projects. Thank you very much, I am NahuPuku.
Ilaz: Ok, good evening, to summarize guys, Hive and many of you must have seen it in Caracas Blotching Week, and one of the things that I loved is the opinion that many people had about Hive, with respect to the fact that it was a very happy community.
And that really has a reason, basically we as a blockchain always show ourselves, let's say that the first part, the tip of the iceberg is a social blockchain, that is, a blockchain that has internal social networks.
Where people can monetize their content by making content in the same way as we do in Web2, we have our own Instagram that is called LikeTu, we have our own YouTube that is called 3Speak, we have our own platform of blogging that is called Peakd, we have another phone that is called Ecency.
So, for the creation of the current content, we have a very large ecosystem, however, once you enter Hive, you realize that we are, as our good friend Nahu said, we are a complete universe, a very large ecosystem that covers both content creators, developers, video players, we have a lot of things waiting to go for all the people who want to make a living inside Hive
It is a huge pleasure for us, for the Hive community, and particularly for the Hive Caracas collection group, who are the representatives, let's say, of the Caracas segment of our entire community, which is not only Venezuelan but also global, here, having participation with all of you
And well, we keep telling you to keep having a good time, remember guys, follow us on our social networks: hiveblogs, hiveblogs_es for the spanish version, and well, obviously follow the networks of our friend Nahu and PukuMundo, you can also follow a project that I have of audiovisual content, which is called Espavlog on Twitter, and well, keep enjoying then, thank you very much for everyone, see you later.
See you all in Hive, because all of you can take all of your communities to Hive, I have already told you too many times, we have many people, in fact we also have our dear friend Mafer, who is already part of Hive and has already taken the community of his magnificent Dosis Web3 project, he is already in Hive and they are doing very well, so any community, welcome to Hive, so we wait for all of you, good night. And I want to invite you all to join, right now we have some details that @orimusic, at some point in the night will give you her bags with some stickers from Hive.
Gracias especiales a los que asistieron a la actividad:
Some Pictures at the event:
Fuente Cámara dos (Frontal):
Video aquí:Cámara: @ladyunicorn

PukuEdición by me, 2023 - NNR
Bendiciones y gracias por ver mi post
Blessings and thanks for watching my post

▶️ 3Speak
Hermano, como siempre activo dando lo mejor de ustedes por este ecosistema. De verdad mi pana que son admirables y se del gran trabajo que siempre realizas.
Gracias bro estamos en eso comprometidos con la evolución y con Hive
How nice to see so many familiar faces from the caraqueña community. Everything you said about the platform you described very well, it's not only the love for crypto and communities, you really make friends here, you and I are an example of that (although you didn't invite me to this event) 🤣 It's wonderful to see you representing blockchain and Pukumundo, you're doing a great job brother, I hug you and congratulate you...
Que bueno hermano me alegro mucho. Y si claro que sí muy buena amistad? Gracias gracias bro. Para uno próximo que hagamos de seguro que si
Fue un criptobochinche bastante genial. La pasamos muy bonito, nos divertimos, hicimos Networking y ¡obviamente comimos Pizza! Mil gracias a Pukumundo por la inivitación, fue todo un placer compartir este momento con ustedes.
Siii jeje aww de nada vale más bien gracias a ti por asistir. Fue genial haberte visto por allí! Muchas bendiciones
Tremendos Hosts tuvo este evento representando a Hive por parte de ustedes y sin desmeritar claro está la presencia de nuestros colegas Hivers para representar a plenitud parte de lo que se hace en nuestra blockchain. Se nota que pasaron una noche muy genial celebrando, conversando, intercambiando ideas y conociéndose más que es la idea principal de estos encuentros, más allá de los enlaces que se generan de forma implícita!!!
Lograron hacer el hashtag tendencia mundial y lograron reunirse con varias comunidades cripto... sencillamente GENIAL 🔥🔥🔥... felicidades por este logro para PKM y Hive y un abrazo grande para mi hermanita y para ti mi Pukuhermano, son grandiosos y les aplaudo por ello... You Fuc&%$ Rockkk!!! 🤘😎🤘🔥🎙️🎸🎶❤️🌟🍻💥💫💯
Mil gracias hermano
Si! Realmente se lograron demasiadas cosas! PKM siempre a la vanguardia
Un gran pukuabrazo retornado hermano
Hola Nahu sin duda este fue un cripto bochinche con muchos motivos para celebrar, quedó espectacular. Gracias por invitarme. Todos los presentes por las diferentes comunidades cripto de Caracas son personas que día a día se esfuerzan por consolidar está nueva forma de economía que está cambiando al mundo con Bitcoin a la cabeza
Jeje siempre a la orden! Un gran pukuabrazo!
Que genial poder promocionar al ecosistema en cada oportunidad que aparezca y esta fue súper especial.
Gracias por ser un promotor extremadamente proactivo.
¡Un abrazo!
Así es!
Vale muchas gracias por tus palabras y por este comentario
Vale oro
Abrazo retornado y bendiciones
Ver esto me dio la idea de hacer unos pero donde se entreguen premios en la vida real así como los MTV awards o los oscars sería interesante ver esto en el mundo de hive 😃😃
Jeje bueno ya existen solo que vía discord jeje ya lo han hecho dos años consecutivos y al ser por discord pueden entrar personas desde todas partes del mundo
~~~ embed:1661526929390837761?t=hN41ie_ooZgOKjulZWq2gA&s=19 twitter metadata:ZGFzaHBheV9lc3Bhbm9sfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL2Rhc2hwYXlfZXNwYW5vbC9zdGF0dXMvMTY2MTUyNjkyOTM5MDgzNzc2MXw= ~~~
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