Amor a distancia ❤️🩹✈️ - EP. #7 [ESP - ENG]
Long distance love ❤️🩹✈️ - EP. #7 [ESP - ENG]
Muy buenas a todos y un cordial saludo amigos y amigas de EspaVlog
Hello everyone and best regards friends of EspaVlog , I'm Luis Romero @pimoswo, today I bring you a video in which I give my opinion about this situation so complicated for many people which is to have your partner miles away and want it to work.
Long distance love ❤️🩹✈️ - EP. #7
Yo estoy viviendo algo similar y me gustaría que en los comentarios me cuenten sus experiencias y den algunos consejos. Dicen que el amor lo puede todo y confío plenamente en eso. Soy fiel creyente de qué nada que valga la pena es fácil de soltar. ❤️🩹
I am going through something similar and I would like you to tell me your experiences and give me some advice in the comments. They say that love can do anything and I fully trust that. I am a true believer that nothing worthwhile is easy to let go of. ❤️🩹
Muchísimas gracias por tomarse el tiempo de ver mi post, si les gustó pueden seguirme para más contenido. 👋🏽
Thank you very much for taking the time to see my post, if you liked it you can follow me for more content. 👋🏽