One of the endeavours during our stay in Hojancha was a visit to a coffee plantation.
While you can book tours to this coffee production site from various nearby locations, for us it was just a short walk on foot there.
Eine der Unternehmungen während unseres Aufenthalts in Hojancha war der Besuch einer Kaffeeplantage.
Während man von verschiedenen in der Nähe gelegenen Orten aus Touren zu dieser Kaffeeproduktionsstätte buchen kann, war es für uns nur ein kleiner Spaziergang zu Fuß dorthin.
The farm is surrounded by beautiful greenery. | Die Farm liegt inmitten wunderschönen Grüns. |

Right at the beginning of our visit, we tasted various types of delicious coffee. | Gleich zu Beginn unseres Besuchs kosteten wir diverse Sorten köstlichen Kaffees. |

Costa Rica is home to some of the finest coffee beans in the world. The Arabica coffee plants (Coffea arabica), which are predominantly grown there, are at their most productive when they are five to six years old. | Costa Rica ist die Heimat einiger der besten Kaffeebohnen der Welt. Die dort überwiegend angebauten Arabica-Kaffee-Pflanzen (Coffea arabica) sind im Alter von fünf bis sechs Jahren am produktivsten. |

The coffee plant fruits lying on the stone are at different stages of ripeness. As soon as they have taken on a reddish colour, their seeds, the coffee beans, can be used to make coffee. | Die auf dem Stein liegenden Kaffeepflanzenfrüchte weisen verschiedene Reifegrade auf. Sobald sie eine rötliche Farbe angenommen haben, sind ihre Samen, die Kaffeebohnen, zur Kaffeeherstellung nutzbar. |

This plate is decorated with the four coffee bean stages that occur during the processing of the red 'coffee cherry':
Diesen Teller zieren die vier während der Verarbeitung der roten 'Kaffeekirsche' auftretenden Kaffeebohnenstadien:

In this imposing construction, which consists of numerous components serving different purposes, at first red coffee beans are separated from green ones and those of good from those of bad quality with help of running water (the low quality beans, e.g. those bitten by weevils - superfamily Curculionoidea - float on top).
In dieser imposanten, aus zahlreichen, unterschiedlichen Zwecken dienenden Komponenten bestehenden Anlage werden mit Hilfe von fließendem Wasser zunächst rote von grünen Kaffeefrüchten sowie solche guter von denen schlechter Qualität getrennt (die Bohnen schlechter Qualität, z. B. die von Rüsselkäfern - Überfamilie Curculionoidea - angebissenen, schwimmen oben).

Collecting basin for excess water. | Auffangbecken für überschüssiges Wasser. |

In the background you can see a larger pond covered with bright green glowing aquatic plants. | Im Hintergrund seht ihr einen, von hellgrün leuchtenden Wasserpflanzen bedeckten, größeren Teich. |

Even if the correct English term should be "peeler" instead of "pealer", the coffee beans are peeled in this impressive apparatus. | Auch wenn der korrekte englische Begriff wohl "peeler" statt "pealer" lautet, werden in dieser eindrucksvollen Apparatur die Kaffeebohnen geschält. |

And this is where the cleaned and peeled coffee beans are stored. | Und hier werden die gesäuberten und geschälten Kaffeebohnen gelagert. |

Despite the designation, a certain Spanish soccer coach probably has nothing to do with this. :-) | Trotz der Bezeichnung dürfte ein gewisser spanischer Fußballtrainer hiermit eher wenig zu tun haben. :-) |

The following pictures show the machinery used to roast and then cool the coffee. | Die folgenden Bilder zeigen die zum Rösten und danach Kühlen des Kaffees verwendete Maschinerie. |

Roasted coffee can be fed into the grinder from the large, brown silo. | Aus dem großen, braunen Silo kann gerösteter Kaffee in die Mahlmaschine weitergeleitet werden. |

The tour guide's new employee diligently and with great concentration fills the ground coffee into packets. | Die neue Mitarbeiterin des Tourführers füllt fleißig und hoch konzentriert den gemahlenen Kaffee in Päckchen ab. |

What at first seemed to be completely harmless, turned out to be a very strict exam of whether we had listened carefully enough during our tour, tasted thoroughly and acquired sufficient knowledge of the various types of coffee on offer by having to try to distinguish between them by means of a tasting test. :) | Was zunächst völlig harmlos aussah, erwies sich als strenge Prüfung dessen, ob wir während unserer Tour aufmerksam genug zugehört, geschmeckt und uns hinreichendes Wissen bezüglich der diversen angebotenen Kaffeesorten angeeignet hätten, indem wir mittels Geschmacksprobe versuchen sollten, sie voneinander zu unterscheiden. :) |

As everybody would expect from me, I emerged from the exam as a proven coffee expert ;-) | Wie man es von mir nicht anders kennt und erwartet, ging ich als ausgewiesener Kaffee-Experte aus der Prüfung hervor. ;-) |

With this plentiful 'harvest', we made our way back to our accommodation. | Mit dieser reichhaltigen 'Ernte' machten wir uns auf den Weg zurück in unsere Unterkunft. |

Anyone suffering from hunger after the long coffee tour can satisfy it in this restaurant. | Wer nach der langen Kaffee-Tour unter Hunger leiden sollte, vermag ihn in diesem Restaurant zu stillen. |

I wonder if these monkeys playing in the treetops in the immediate vicinity are keeping themselves so close to the farm because of the great coffee? :) | Ob diese in den Baumkronen der direkten Umgebung spielenden Affen wohl des guten Kaffees wegen die Nähe der Farm suchen? :) |

By the way, I found a very interesting video made by other tourists about the very same coffee plantation tour about which I am reporting on here. | Übrigens fand ich über genau dieselbe Kaffeeplantagenführung, über die ich hier berichte, ein von anderen Touristen gedrehtes, sehr interessantes Video. |
What an excellent post! I haven't been as far south on the peninsula as Hojancha, but this inspires me to take the drive. I'd love to see that coffee plantation. Thank you for sharing this!
I am happy to read that you like my post!
If you have never been there so far, you might be interested in checking out my other post about Hojancha.
From your profile I learned that you are actually living in Costa Rica - keep enjoying that great place! :)
Yes I do live here! A bit farther north than Hojancha, up on the main isthmus near the Nicaragua border. Sircork and I are neighbors, on Volcan Miravalles outside of Bijagua de Upala. If you travel here again, be sure to let me know so we can arrange a visit!
Promised! :)
I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the coffee plantation in Costa Rica through your eyes and lens.
Keep up the great work!
I will try my best. :)
Super Beitrag, da wäre ich echt gern einmal...
Ja, Costa Rica bietet auf kleinem Raum sehr vielfältige Landschaften und eine hohe Lebensqualität (wozu auch der gute Kaffee seinen Teil beiträgt), sodass es auf jeden Fall eine Reise wert ist bzw. sogar ein potentielles Auswanderungsziel darstellt.
Fantastic read and photos!
THIS is what I am talking about and what I envisioned for the Costa Rica Pura Vida community kinds of posts I hoped to see when I launched the community this week!
Thanks for posting it in the community and I look forward to even more from you in the future!
Thank you for appreciating my post!
I still have photographic material for one more Costa Rica post (and of course I might return one day in future again). :)
Oh, my God! I've never seen this before.
You took such detailed photos, it was very interesting to look at all these processes.
You've got a real virtual tour.
Nice to read that you liked my post and might even have learned something new! :)
Organic coffee is always the best coffee ever. It's great that you're able to taste the different coffee in the plantation. 😊
Yes...it tastes wonderful. I didn't know before that different fermentation method/sequence would lead into different taste. I thought the difference came from different varieties of the plants itself or the soil where they were planted.
But apparently they produced different taste of coffee from the same plantation. Great to learn something new.
I learned from you too.😊 Thank you for sharing it.😊
As a coffee lover, this place sure is a good place to visit☺️
This place will surely be an amazing place to visit
I as well learned a few things about coffee here
Keep it up!
@tipu curate
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 15/75) Liquid rewards.
I have never been to any coffee plantations. In south India, there are some but never try to travel there.
But after seeing and reading your photos and post I think I can try somewhere to see the coffee plantation. Nice photos and detailed info. Thanks for sharing have a nice day/evening :)