Do ghosts really exist?

hello friends how are you ? today Friends, welcome all of you to the new post.Friends, do ghosts really exist?What do you have to say? I think it's true...

image sourse- #rollingstone

In the year 2019, it was revealed in Ipsos Poll that 46 percent of American people believe in ghosts. In this survey, 7 percent people also believed that they... Everyone says that ghosts exist but some mind is set in the mind of a person that it actually happens.Ghosts are supernatural beings in folklore and culture that are created from the soul of a deceased. It is believed that anyone whose wish is not fulfilled before death and is unable to go to heaven or hell for rebirth becomes a ghost. This may be due to a violent death, or the deceased may have had uncertain affairs in life or may not have been cremated with proper rites.Human beings also have misconceptions and some people believe but some do not. Friends, if you like the post, please let us know by commenting.thank you........