Ciao Lozio, per quanto riguarda la missione millionaire per il mio livello oramai non è altro che uno spuntino mattutino, nel senso che è la prima cosa che faccio di mattina, per non dimenticarmela, ed oramai la reputo uno spuntino in quanto mediamente ogni giorno con la somma di tutte le missioni normali che faccio arrivo a fare quasi sempre 400k di starbits. Nel nuovo update che hanno messo personalmente non ho trovato nessun cambiamento, probabilmente perchè rispetto più che abbondantemente i requisiti però se vuoi un consiglio non ti demoralizzare su questa cosa e non fare troppo affidamente su questa missione, certo, all'inizio è molto utile per fare i primi accumuli di starbits ma man mano che cresci diventerà meno rilevante. Il tuo focus principale dovrà essere l'aumentare costantemente i fans bilanciandoli con la skill (scegli uno strumento, chitarre o microfoni per lvl bassi) per poter fare le music lesson dello strumento scelto per far salire in pari la skill in proporzione coi fans che hai. se hai + fan della skill l'ego sale in % e prenderai un po' meno starbits dalle missioni, finchè sei sotto al 10% di ego non è nulla di grave. Io sto sempre a zero, poi ti posto uno screen delle mie statistiche.
Per quanto riguarda le missioni brevi, ti posto 2 screen di esempio che spiegano meglio delle parole. Anche se sono relative all'ultima area, il discordo si applica anche alla prima area con la prima missione da 5 minuti e l'ultima che della suddetta che da come massimale + starbits.
come potrai vedere nella missione da 5 minuti il massimale giornaliero che poi andra' a calare continuando a fare la suddetta è di 13k mentre nell'ultima che dura ben 4 ore e 16 minuti è di 21k (che generalmente la faccio partire prima di andare a dormire) calcola quante missioni da 5 minuti faccio in 4 ore rispetto a una sola che generalmente mi da sempre meno di 10k ... ha provato a darmi 1k 2k anche 100 starbits ... nelle missioni da 5 minuti di contro facendone di + e per qualche strano calcolo è + facile avvicinarsi al massimale, tipo ora che sto facendo la rap battle ho preso 2030, 12786, 2809... queste missioni brevi le faccio fin che sono profittevoli, ovvero fino a 2900 starbits, poi passo alla successiva, quando sono a lavoro e non posso guardare il telefono ogni 5 minuti faccio quelle da 15 minuti che sono le seconde della penultima e ultima area, e anche le secondo della prima area, quella da 10 minuti, una volta spremute tutte faccio 2 music lesson, poi la giornata è finita XD
Quindi ricapitolando con tutte le aree sbloccate avrai 4 missioni da 5 minuti (la prima per ogni area) una da 10 (la seconda della prima area) 2 da 15 minuti (la seconda della 3^ e 4^ area) che dovrai farmare, + fans hai + il massimale delle missioni si alza.
queste sono le mie stats, non ti spaventare a guardarle sono solo il frutto di una costanza giornaliera che oramai vado di automatismi, punti a cui non guardo neanche +.
oggi stranamente invece sono stato sfortunato, arriverò a mala pena a 350k mentre ieri ho fato circa 450k (bilancio con ieri quello che non faccio oggi)
ti posto sotto i log delle missioni di tutta la giornata così vedi ogni singola missione quanti starbits ho preso se vuoi dagli un occhio, ho dovuto cancellare un po' di roba, eccedevo con il numero di caratteri e non potevo postare LOL
Buona lettura ^_^
Dimenticavo + ripeti la stessa missione nel giorno meno starbits prendi e + aumenta l'ego che ti da la missione stessa, il tutto si resetta verso le 2 di notte.
Bye bye
21:11 You found a coffee and your energy recovery rate has been increased for an hour because all your coffee cups were full.
21:11 What a racket! Your full band rehearsal was interesting to say the least! You earned 1741 Starbits. You also gained 381 ego.
21:11 You have been doing this mission too many times today and your fans are getting bored! The maximum STARBITS has been reduced.
21:11 The caffeine from one of your coffees has run out so your energy recovery rate is now lower.
21:06 What a racket! Your full band rehearsal was interesting to say the least! You earned 2565 Starbits. You also gained 352 ego.
21:06 You have been doing this mission too many times today and your fans are getting bored! The maximum STARBITS has been reduced.
21:00 What a racket! Your full band rehearsal was interesting to say the least! You earned 6550 Starbits. You also gained 324 ego.
21:00 You have been doing this mission too many times today and your fans are getting bored! The maximum STARBITS has been reduced.
21:00 The caffeine from one of your coffees has run out so your energy recovery rate is now lower.
20:55 You found a discarded pizza which has been stored in one of your Pizza Boxes.
20:55 What a buzz touring the entire country! Get back to the studio and work on your stage craft. You earned 372 Starbits. You also gained 254 ego.
20:55 You have been doing this mission too many times today and your fans are getting bored! The maximum STARBITS has been reduced.
20:55 Some of your drunk fans woke up and have forgotten everything about you!
20:38 What a racket! Your full band rehearsal was interesting to say the least! You earned 2068 Starbits. You also gained 296 ego.
20:38 You have been doing this mission too many times today and your fans are getting bored! The maximum STARBITS has been reduced.
20:32 You found a coffee and your energy recovery rate has been increased for an hour because all your coffee cups were full.
20:32 2024 drunks love your music and became your fans because all your whiskey bottles are full. They will probably forget who you are when they sober up!
20:32 What a racket! Your full band rehearsal was interesting to say the least! You earned 8869 Starbits. You also gained 268 ego.
20:32 You have been doing this mission too many times today and your fans are getting bored! The maximum STARBITS has been reduced.
20:26 You found a coffee and your energy recovery rate has been increased for an hour because all your coffee cups were full.
20:26 What a racket! Your full band rehearsal was interesting to say the least! You earned 6237 Starbits. You also gained 240 ego.
20:26 You have been doing this mission too many times today and your fans are getting bored! The maximum STARBITS has been reduced.
20:21 What a racket! Your full band rehearsal was interesting to say the least! You earned 3778 Starbits. You also gained 212 ego.
20:21 You have been doing this mission too many times today and your fans are getting bored! The maximum STARBITS has been reduced.
20:16 2028 drunks love your music and became your fans because all your whiskey bottles are full. They will probably forget who you are when they sober up!
20:16 What a racket! Your full band rehearsal was interesting to say the least! You earned 12074 Starbits. You also gained 183 ego.
20:10 You found a coffee and your energy recovery rate has been increased for an hour because all your coffee cups were full.
20:10 You found a discarded pizza which has been stored in one of your Pizza Boxes.
20:10 What a racket! Your full band rehearsal was interesting to say the least! You earned 3753 Starbits. You also gained 154 ego.
20:05 What a racket! Your full band rehearsal was interesting to say the least! You earned 5168 Starbits. You also gained 128 ego.
20:00 You found a coffee and your energy recovery rate has been increased for an hour because all your coffee cups were full.
20:00 What a racket! Your full band rehearsal was interesting to say the least! You earned 1173 Starbits. You also gained 99 ego.
19:54 You had a great interview on local radio and earned 3669 Starbits. You also gained 572 ego.
19:54 You have been doing this mission too many times today and your fans are getting bored! The maximum STARBITS has been reduced.
19:48 2062 drunks love your music and became your fans because all your whiskey bottles are full. They will probably forget who you are when they sober up!
19:48 You had a great interview on local radio and earned 5124 Starbits. You also gained 529 ego.
19:48 You have been doing this mission too many times today and your fans are getting bored! The maximum STARBITS has been reduced.
19:41 You had a great interview on local radio and earned 2456 Starbits. You also gained 486 ego.
19:41 You have been doing this mission too many times today and your fans are getting bored! The maximum STARBITS has been reduced.
19:36 I bet you wished you had learned to play some orchestral instruments before! Sounds so good. You gained 11760 Skill points.
19:36 The caffeine from one of your coffees has run out so your energy recovery rate is now lower.
18:35 You found a coffee and your energy recovery rate has been increased for an hour because all your coffee cups were full.
18:35 What a buzz touring the entire country! Get back to the studio and work on your stage craft. You earned 4848 Starbits. You also gained 235 ego.
18:35 You have been doing this mission too many times today and your fans are getting bored! The maximum STARBITS has been reduced.
18:05 What a buzz touring the entire country! Get back to the studio and work on your stage craft. You earned 3685 Starbits. You also gained 216 ego.
18:05 You have been doing this mission too many times today and your fans are getting bored! The maximum STARBITS has been reduced.
17:50 What a buzz touring the entire country! Get back to the studio and work on your stage craft. You earned 1410 Starbits. You also gained 197 ego.
17:50 You have been doing this mission too many times today and your fans are getting bored! The maximum STARBITS has been reduced.
17:34 4768 drunks love your music and became your fans because all your whiskey bottles are full. They will probably forget who you are when they sober up!
17:34 What a buzz touring the entire country! Get back to the studio and work on your stage craft. You earned 2553 Starbits. You also gained 175 ego.
17:34 You have been doing this mission too many times today and your fans are getting bored! The maximum STARBITS has been reduced.
17:19 What a buzz touring the entire country! Get back to the studio and work on your stage craft. You earned 1246 Starbits. You also gained 156 ego.
17:19 You have been doing this mission too many times today and your fans are getting bored! The maximum STARBITS has been reduced.
17:03 What a buzz touring the entire country! Get back to the studio and work on your stage craft. You earned 3759 Starbits. You also gained 138 ego.
17:03 You have been doing this mission too many times today and your fans are getting bored! The maximum STARBITS has been reduced.
16:48 6661 drunks love your music and became your fans because all your whiskey bottles are full. They will probably forget who you are when they sober up!
16:48 What a buzz touring the entire country! Get back to the studio and work on your stage craft. You earned 3776 Starbits. You also gained 120 ego.
16:48 The caffeine from one of your coffees has run out so your energy recovery rate is now lower.
16:11 6671 drunks love your music and became your fans because all your whiskey bottles are full. They will probably forget who you are when they sober up!
16:11 What a buzz touring the entire country! Get back to the studio and work on your stage craft. You earned 2011 Starbits. You also gained 101 ego.
15:52 What a buzz touring the entire country! Get back to the studio and work on your stage craft. You earned 6887 Starbits. You also gained 83 ego.
15:27 You found a coffee and your energy recovery rate has been increased for an hour because all your coffee cups were full.
15:27 6106 drunks love your music and became your fans because all your whiskey bottles are full. They will probably forget who you are when they sober up!
15:27 What a buzz touring the entire country! Get back to the studio and work on your stage craft. You earned 7607 Starbits. You also gained 63 ego.
15:11 Interesting reaction! You might need to rehearse a bit more! You earned 2453 Starbits from the short tour of venues in the county. You also gained 338 ego.
15:11 You have been doing this mission too many times today and your fans are getting bored! The maximum STARBITS has been reduced.
14:50 Interesting reaction! You might need to rehearse a bit more! You earned 804 Starbits from the short tour of venues in the county. You also gained 310 ego.
14:50 You have been doing this mission too many times today and your fans are getting bored! The maximum STARBITS has been reduced.
14:50 The caffeine from one of your coffees has run out so your energy recovery rate is now lower.
14:50 The caffeine from one of your coffees has run out so your energy recovery rate is now lower.
14:24 Interesting reaction! You might need to rehearse a bit more! You earned 5904 Starbits from the short tour of venues in the county. You also gained 284 ego.
14:24 You have been doing this mission too many times today and your fans are getting bored! The maximum STARBITS has been reduced.
14:08 Interesting reaction! You might need to rehearse a bit more! You earned 7056 Starbits from the short tour of venues in the county. You also gained 256 ego.
14:08 You have been doing this mission too many times today and your fans are getting bored! The maximum STARBITS has been reduced.
13:49 You found a coffee and your energy recovery rate has been increased for an hour because all your coffee cups were full.
13:49 Interesting reaction! You might need to rehearse a bit more! You earned 7703 Starbits from the short tour of venues in the county. You also gained 230 ego.
13:49 You have been doing this mission too many times today and your fans are getting bored! The maximum STARBITS has been reduced.
13:33 You found a coffee and your energy recovery rate has been increased for an hour because all your coffee cups were full.
13:33 Interesting reaction! You might need to rehearse a bit more! You earned 627 Starbits from the short tour of venues in the county. You also gained 202 ego.
13:33 You have been doing this mission too many times today and your fans are getting bored! The maximum STARBITS has been reduced.