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RE: [ESP] ¿Qué recompensa nos va a tocar? / [ENG] What reward will we get?

in Olio di Balena3 years ago

Quite unfortunate, today many people are not in the Church for heaven. They left everything to be workers in the Church because they have other intentions different from that of Christ. Once their needs are not met, they become rebellious or leave for another. May the Lord have mercy on His children and help everyone understand the importance of christianity and faith.


Hello @bitzfund I greet you with respect from the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Thanks for your comment. You are right, many people are moved only by interest and many try to manipulate the promises of Christ at will. Jesus of Nazareth is Truth and Justice, he is Light, Way, Bread and Life and whoever accepts him as Lord and Savior and is faithful to his word He will reward him in due time.

Hola @bitzfund te saludo con respeto desde la República Bolivariana de Venezuela. Gracias por tu comentario. Tienes razón, a mucha gente la mueve solo el interés y muchos pretenden manipular a su antojo las promesas de Cristo. Jesús de Nazaret es Verdad y Justicia, es Luz, Camino, Pan y Vida y quien lo acepta como Señor y Salvador y es fiel a su palabra Él lo recompensará en su debido momento.