The title of this writing actually drew my attention once I saw the publication.
In life, people are different. There are people who worship wealth and anything they need to do to keep them wealthy must be done, not considering the effects on humanity(other people).
I can remember watching a video online. The video detailed how the government and oil companies downed the idea of water-driven engines to support their business and make more money. Water is free and affordable to a common man but those who "pack" wealth to themselves still hike prices of fuels and work against ways things can be made easy for the common man.
Nice writeup boss, I really learned got a lot of ideas from the post.
Enjoy your day friend!
That's the idea: to draw the attention using the title of the post. Apparently it's everything in the title that talks about curing cancer but I did it in a way that attacks readership..
Yeah, you've basically reiterated my point here, thank you. It's the seeking of wealth by providers of oil or medicine that has some of th highest greed there.
In reality, life can actually be very cheap, but the people who benefits won't let it be.