Hello everyone, trust you all are doing well. Today I’ll be talking on this interesting topic “ Don't Postpone Your Active Presence.”
I’ll be linking this topic to a parenting aspect. Some of our parents especially men made some mistakes way back and I wouldn’t want new parents and aspiring parents to make this same mistake.
Parents tell themselves too many times that a child is still very young, “they don’t know anything” which is bad. They spend more time hustling instead of being actively present in the lives of their children. See, the peak years of parental influence in a child’s life is before the age of “eight” from this age upwards it drops dramatically. Around this time, many parents ask their children where they learned certain things from. In the life of a child, who is a teenager already, the influence of the parents in that child life’s drops in some kind of way. The responsibility and participation of parents in shaping the outcome of a child and personality is like 6 percent when the child becomes a teenager and after the age of 20-21, it becomes zero.
I’m not saying parents shouldn’t work or provide for their family, No! Do what you must as a parent but I want you to know that if you postpone your active presence in the life of a child or children to later stages, you will find yourself mostly interacting with strangers that another person raised.
From that newborn stage, be actively present. It helps with child development and well-being. Build deep connections, be there emotionally, give them validation, and encouragement, and just be actively present. This will shape the child a lot and will bring some sense of security and trust. If parents aren't present, kids can feel neglected, have trouble with emotions, and be more likely to have problems with behavior or addiction. It can also hurt the relationship between parent and child. Again I’m saying men especially should also be actively present because some of our parents made this mistake and left the load for the women to carry and later in the future they complain children love their mothers more than their fathers.
Life is always happening, and the only time we can truly make a difference is now. Waiting for a better time to be present is like waiting for the perfect wave, but then missing it completely.
Kids grow up quickly, and every stage is unique. If you postpone being present with your kids, you will miss out on shaping their minds, nurturing their personalities, and creating a loving bond. It is about being fully engaged in the moment, listening to them, and participating in their lives. Don't wait for a perfect time.
In conclusion, It is important to be actively present for strong relationships, personal growth, and happiness. As parents being present is very important to a child's development learn to prioritize that. Don’t let us make the same mistakes.
Thanks for your time.
well said, mi negro : don't leave for tomorrow what you can do today
Well u are right I also think that their is a presence of the parents against their child it boosts their confidence and they have more power to do the work they are Inn.