When I see YouTubers discussing how to improve your finances, one common suggestion is to cut down on small expenses, like buying a $5 coffee every day. Here in Nigeria, a typical expense that I face is purchasing data, as subscription costs can add up significantly, especially if you're using the best network. People often recommend finding ways to limit these little expenditures. They argue that if you saved that money over time and invested it in the S&P 500, it could lead to significant wealth.
What they are saying is not far from the truth, but sometimes, the little things are very important to us and can be the reason we feel genuinely happy and productive. For someone like me, I love spending my money on data subscriptions because I rely on data not only for my business but also for my personal life. Without it, I find it difficult to get my life organized, and spending time on platforms like YouTube and Instagram makes me genuinely happy. I don’t know about you, but those small things keep us uplifted. Therefore, I conclude that these small purchases hold significant value for us. It’s not just about cutting back; it’s about understanding what they mean to us.
Don't be carried away
Some of the little things that financial experts suggest we do can be very important to us. For instance, many people love movies and spend a lot of time watching platforms like Netflix. It’s essential to reflect on how valuable these activities are to us. If something brings us genuine joy, it is worthwhile. We shouldn't feel pressured to abandon our interests; after all, our happiness is the most important thing. However, we should also pay attention to our significant purchases and how we spend our money on them. It's crucial to consider these factors more closely.
One aspect of making big purchases is that it can make you feel special, primarily because many people offer their congratulations. However, after some time, life tends to return to normal. While you might feel happy for a while, this feeling doesn’t last forever. Eventually, you will likely find yourself back in reality, dealing with its challenges. If you're financing a car or a property, even paying off the total amount at once can have a lasting impact on your finances. It's essential to prioritize and understand what is truly important to you.
Listen bro
Many of the small purchases we make can significantly impact our finances. When you add up these little expenses, you may realize they are draining your budget, making it difficult to save. However, you don't have to eliminate all of them; just focus on one or two that are most important to you. For me, it's my data subscription, while for someone else, it might be their daily Starbucks. The value of these expenses lies in how much happiness and productivity they bring into our lives. It's wise to stop paying for services like a gym membership you don't use or a Netflix subscription you don't watch.
We should focus on our major purchases, as they tend to provide a temporary sense of satisfaction that eventually fades. It's crucial that we buy items not for how they make us look to others, but for their true significance to us. It's important to consider all these factors because, in the end, the choices we make are for our own well-being.
thanks for your time.
I wouldn't consider biuying data as something that is usefull to ditch, like the starbucks situation is. When I lived in the caribbean buying data was the same as by you, something that had to be don and was expensive. But on the other hand, look at in how many ways it brngs you stuff. Not like netflix, but also in the option to learn stuff, surf around and stay in touch with other as well.
Getting data seems more like something usefull. I guess it is more the ditching buying the chocolate bar at the gas station that goes along with buying the data :D
But indeed...looking at all of the small purchases does really help in the end.!
I wouldn't mind cutting on small expenses if it's for a temporary measure but definitely I can't cut back on data, this doesn't even cross my mind, even remotely. I think unnecessary small expenses is where I'll put most of my focus on when it comes to cutting down expenses to free up more funds for saving/investing.
Well everyone should learn to control on money and people should first invest the money they earn and they spend what they left for whole month I think these is of the best life hack to build wealth and save money for future