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RE: []IT - EN - ES] Capitolo 1 Il primo giorno: alla ricerca di risposte - parte 1 / Chapter 1 The First Day: In Search of Answers - part 1 / Capítulo 1 El Primer Día: En Búsqueda de Respuestas - parte 1

@hivewatchers, these posts are 100% the result of different AI. It's an experiment I'm doing to test the use of AI to the limit and to discuss it. As well as being a test, a kind of prequel, for another project.

I'm not interested in the rewards of these posts, so I have no problem giving them up.

I am a very pragmatic person and I get straight to the point: is it necessary to give up completely, can we direct ourselves towards other accounts such as the HBD stabilization fund? I'm interested in stimulating discussion and participation and votes are a metric to measure it: therefore I would like to avoid that the renunciation of prizes alters the measurement.

Accepting this compromise does not mean that I agree with your philosophy.

I was coming to Discord to complain, but then gave up for several reasons:

  1. why move a public discussion that takes place and concerns a decentralized platform to a centralized platform? It's a contradiction.

  2. I saw that on Discord you even ask to identify the person for example via their Facebook profile. It's a joke? It is absolutely against the basic principles of Hive which allows anonymity.

  3. filing an appeal would mean legitimizing yourself in a role that I don't think should be recognized.

In the link you provided, write: “A few weeks ago we added a new abuse category to our scope of work - Machine-generated or AI-generated writing. This type of content is considered fraud. It is not original content.”

Exactly who is “we”? Who do you represent? Who authorizes you to appoint yourself legislator, policeman and judge at the same time? To unite in you all three powers that universally recognized democratic principles are divided between different entities?

I've been around cryptocurrencies probably since before you discovered what they were and the basic rule is one: "the code is the law".

Now I am perfectly aware that Hive provides for downvoting and I do not dispute this: it is written in the code, therefore it is law. It is not written in the code that AI-generated content cannot be published. You are entitled to downvote posts but not to decide what is legal or not. And you are not even entitled to write something like “Even AI itself considers it fraud.”

You can only write: “I and those who support me consider AI-generated posts to be fraud”.

And let's get back to the point: exactly who are you? I don't think, especially taking into account the first two points of the list I reported above, you are entitled to speak for the good of Hive, but above all you do not represent Hive and its community on whose behalf you speak. It seems more like the attitude of the sorcerer who claims to represent God.

Having clarified this, I declare that I will renounce the post rewards, with the same spirit with which one obeys neighborhood bullies.

P.s.: this response comment is also AI-generated, being an English translation created by Google Translator