How Can I be Eligible For 13th Untamed Airdrop?

in Olio di Balena4 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone in splinterlands how are you today? I think you are happy to hear that 13th untamed airdrop is revealed. When I saw it in splinterlands block, I immediately entered my splinterlands account to see maybe is there, I realized that it was not there. I went back to splinterlands block to read the article. I discovered that it was not yet unlocked.
The name of this card is Gorlodon, this is a powerful card with High number of health. I can't wait to see this monster in action. The most interesting thing about this monster is the reach ability. This monster can take over the battle if your first monster is destroyed.
True strike ability simply means Gorlodon can not miss target. You are sure that an attack from this monster will surely hit the target. I think, I have seen this type of ability in a battle. Its accurate precision is 100 percent. But this true ability can only be activated in level three which requires 10 cards to leveled up.
one thing I like most about this Monster is the melee attack, I only saw few monsters with such heavy melee attack, and most of the monsters are function in the first position of the battle. I knew an attack from this monster will really affects the targeting monster. Imagine 6 health is damaged from your first monster with just a strike. For me, when such happen to me sometimes, I ended up the battles without watching the remaining again. This 6 melee can only be activated at level 6. At level one, Gorlodon has 3 melee; from level 2-3, it has 4 melee and from level 4-5, it has five melee.
the luckiest part of this monster is, the more you hit it, the more it increase in melee and speed. The enrage ability makes it like that. When fighting with enraged rules, you know how those monsters increase in melee and speed sporadically. This monster does not need enraged rule to function, this ability can only be activated in level 5.

Well! It is very simple question. You don't need to stress yourself upon this question. Though Gorlodon is not available now until certain amount of packs remaining are sold out. The best way to be eligible is getting more packs and open it. The reason I said getting it is that, you can get it from buying, gifting and winning. Make sure you have enough portion while opening this cards, it will give you more Opportunity to get Gorlodon.

Do you want a strong card that will demolish your enemy in battles? Do you want to become champion? Do you always want glory not defeat? you need this Epic death splinter monster. The reason I love monsters with high melee is that, it makes battles so quick. Whenever I used Sandworm in a battle, I feels so comfortable because of its melee attack. Despite of missing chances sometimes, I still emerge as a winner. One attack can end up such targeting monsters.
Imagine having Gorlodon in the front, as you always know that, the hottest area in a battle is in the front. That is the reason whenever players are arranging monsters, they tend to use strong monsters in the front; because, once the front line battle is penetrated or linked, there is possibility of losing the battle. We used our strong monsters to lead the battle. If you are now having two strong monsters in the front- your first monster and Gorlodon; it will be very difficult to penetrate. Is like a country going to battles with best solders with well experienced and best weapons that superceded their enemies.

Paired with experienced players with good cards especially having 3 gold card is not easy. I thought, I would not win the battle till I watched it to the end, and I saw that I won the battle. Click here to watch the battle.

• Heavy Hitters: All Monsters have the knock out ability
• 21 Mana cost is given

Living Lava: using monster with shield ability as the first position is no longer new in splinterlands. That was the monster that can give me confidence in this Battle. Using other monsters aside from shield ability monster would have resulted to defeat. You could see that it takes longer time before it was eliminated. Living Lava missed target 2 times consecutively, but its shield ability made it to stay longer Despite missing chances.

Ant Miners: Since the Mana cap is not enough, my plan is to use monster that would be gaining health when monster dies so that when it leads the battle, it will have enough health to stay longer. Since the rest of my monsters have small number of health. You could see that Ant Miners gained 8 Heath at level 4. Assuming this battle did not finish at level 4, Ant Miners would be able to say longer, fight and win the battle.

Kobold Miner: I hid this sneaky monster here since it has small health. One strike would bring it down and I have big assignment for the monster. I knew the Mana is small; therefore, most of the monsters that can fight very well was hid in the middle such as Kobold Miner and serpentine spy. Hence, that's called for Kobold Miner to start sneaky from behind.

Serpentine Spy: this opportunistic monster was highly needed to destroy monsters with small health. Hmmmm! This monster is wonderful. The moment Cerberus was left with two health, it eliminated. Once the first position monster's health is damages to minimal, serpentine took the opportunity, destroyed it, before destroying other monsters with the same amount of health in the same line up. That was what it did to Cerberus, assuming Cerberus wasn't destroy at that particular time, it would have increased its health which would have resulted to devastation and frustration of my Monsters.

Fire beetle: well! Fire beetle wasn't give time at all. It was destroyed in level 2. The second monster got eliminated after Creeping Ooze. Though it stroke once before it dies. One thing that made me to placed it adjacent to the last monster was that, it was the second monster with highest health in my lineup. Therefore, it would take time before reaching serpentine spy and kobold Miner which are my main monsters to deliver the victory.

Creeping Ooze: the last monster, no way I could put this at the middle because its work is not that important here. The major two reasons I used it here are:

  • To reduce the speed of enemy's monsters.
  • delay from reaching other monsters that are my major focus to give me victory.

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All the pictures and gif are gotten from splinterlands website and splinterlands blog


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Thank you my friend, I will do that

Thanks for sharing! - @marianaemilia

Nice Work! Thanks.