This is a story of two friends who alsmost lost it to pride.
Please where is Sam and Joe? The program coordinator announced.
Please wherever you are make your way to the front and assume the seat of the drummers. We were the best, then when it comes to giving melodious sound when it comes to drumming.
The sound of our drumming differs from so many other drummers. It's a conference ground where so many people converge to worship and praise.
We just arrived at the conference ground when we heard our name from the loudspeaker, feeling like kings we bounced from where we were to to the front seat where the drum set are being arranged on our arrival the boys who sat on the drum humbly stood up giving us full charge over the drum set.
Then we feel like the owner of the jungle.
And it sounded like the conference had just begun. The atmosphere was lit up as people began to dance to the tune of our drumming songs being sung at the highest tempo. The night was amazing as the programme lasted for 3 hours before the finishing of the programme.
Joe and I got invitations to so many programmes in regards to stuff like that until it began to get into our heads that they can't do without us.
This act made us show up in programs at our convenience and sometimes we get there and not carry out our duties. We just go there and spend time with people who already see us as celebrities.
We continued in that paste until pride began to take the best part of us as they say consistency gives room for growth and development but then pride took away the spirit of consistency and filled us with the wrong attitude in consistency came in and with time our drumming skill began to diminish we didn't notice until we got invitations from a small auditorium to come and serve as the drummers in the program, as usual we got there and the treat was exponential just like the celebrities that we were.
But then something happened immediately. We assumed the position of drummers, the atmosphere and the vibes changed just like it will always change whenever people hear the sound of our melodious drumming skill but this time the change was negative.
[I could feel my hands not moving swiftly. People's dancing steps showed how bad our drumming skill has dropped.
Shame took over me as we prayed for that program to come to an end soon. Not long after the program came to an end and the salutations told us our performance was bad I knew we were sliding backward.
I called to my friend's attention “bro something is wrong” I said to him but then he didn't care about what happened back there.
There is a need for us to readjust. We need to keep whatever ego we are carrying and get back to our old selves.
But then my friend was not ready to deal with what was going on in our lives.
I took it on myself to work trying to keep out my differences. I resumed my regular practice and I acknowledge every invitation and treat all invitations with full energy.
And in no time my drumming skill came back alive, left for my friend who decided his way little did he know that whatever you fail to do regularly reduces your potential.
He got to realize what was happening when he followed me to a program and I was invited to sit and I took him with me but then he discovered he was not doing well.
Joe quietly stood up from the drum leaving me with a guy who I was training.
And that was the beginning of another era in the life of my friend.