I recently saw a meme online about a man who began studying science and physics and then continued for years. There were two photos of him: one from when he first started and another from years later.
The first photo was clean and well-groomed, but in the second, he appeared tattered, with an untrimmed face and uncombed hair.
So the meme's basic idea was that the man became so committed to a cause that he no longer cared about his appearance.
Memes are sad funny concepts that painstakingly satirizes reality
I remember spending hours in a saloon trying to get the right haircut. I trimmed my goatee and looked nice, but since COVID, I have grown oversized beards, hardly go to the barber anymore, and even when I did, I would have to start looking like a semi-crazy man before I realized it was time to get a cut.
Yesterday, I was looking for an important document to complete some KYC when I came across an old passport. I took it out, checked it, and noticed how plump and fine the picture reminded me of 5 to 7 years ago.
I could not believe I was in that picture. I focused on the waves in the hair, the skin tone and color, and when I looked at myself now, I looked like a complete joke in comparison to what I saw on that passport.
Life shapes us into people we never expected to be.
First, after COVID, I stopped shaving my beards, and when I lost my brother, I stopped going to the barbershop altogether. I stopped buying moisturizers, and I believe my face shrank and I lost weight.
What we feel, what is going on around us, and how we react to it all influence how we look.
There are people who can not go without getting manicures and pedicures, and then they develop kidney problems or have a major accident and become a ghost of their former selves; they can not even take a bath, eat well, are depressed all the time, and it does not matter how they look.
I saw a lady who developed a type of myloema, possibly from ear cancer, and after a few months of moving from one hospital to another, she shrank in size and was no longer as plump or attractive. Unfortunately, she died from the condition.
Your stability might just be your prime
...and prime is fleeting
Humans are like lions; we are fine and beautiful in our prime, but we face unexpected circumstances that alter our course. Every stage of our lives is fleeting, so we can not rule anything out. This is why we are unable to say what we can and cannot do.
Obviously, life can happen and we become people we did not intend to be. A minor shift in our trajectory causes us to change and adapt.
Being poor, rich, sick, broken, repentant, or depressed can all have a significant impact on our lives. This is why a shift in the state of mind can change the stability of our lives; it is like a kayak being pummeled by a storm.
For example, people's behavior when they are rich or poor does not reflect their true selves. We do not have real selves. We are like sponges, soaking up whatever liquid is in front of us, adapting, changing, and becoming something else to meet the challenges that life throws at us.
There is no such thing as stability because we cannot control everything in our lives; we are always one second away from discovering something we did not know before: either good, or bad
Obviously, many people are fortunate not to face uncertainty, but there are those who must constantly adapt in life, particularly because life has become a thunder dome for them, throwing countless dodge balls at them.
We are not set in stone, as much as we would like to believe otherwise; there is nothing more fleeting than the stages of a person's life.
Today, I went to the barbershop and noticed how long my facial hair was. More than 60% of my face was already covered in hair, which I would not have allowed in the past.
Nobody knows what they will become tomorrow; sometimes we can only hope to remain the people we want to be because life happens and you are living in a situation that you could not have imagined before. Be humble and prayerful .
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I was expecting to see the old picture Joe, but you kept me in a suspense 😃
Indeed, unexpected circumstances we can't control every now and then, to the point that we unconsciously forget ourselves focusing on the situation on ground...it happens
Good enough, you dragged yourself to the barbing saloon after a long time...I am sure when you look yourself at the mirror now, your mood will change..u could smile at ur handsomeness right? Lol, u could just feel happy within, little things matters
Please look cute for yourself and for your lovely fam ❤️😍
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Lol. I didn't want to upload. I wanted to just use pictures I've taken that matches the theme of the post since I already have that type of picture already.
I just went to the barber, so I won't have to look like a mad man. My hair and beards grows too long and sometimes I just forget I need to cut it. It's not like I forget, it's just that I don't really put it to mind anymore, like I use to, in the past.
Thank you. I'm glad top comment has voted your comment.
🥰..be putting mind on it going forward, just look good and be happy regardless
Yea, I am glad my comment was upvoted 😍
Well I think life happens to all, they ve not just gotten to that point yet. And for every experience we have, there is a giving account of it. I believe life is the gift we must cherish and live it grateful. Weather rich or poor.
Yes, sometime we are caught in the loop of forgetting to care for ourselves while buried up in some pursuits. Story of my... former life. But thank God we have people around us to trigger us out of the loop.
Good Morning Bro.
Yes, I believe so too. However, the depth of life issue; the deeper and distraught it becomes takes us away. This is why I shared this experience. I'm thankful that many can relate. Someone even shared how post-partum and pregnancy phase changed her. These depth of experience leaves unchangeable scars.
I agree with everything you said. Motherhood almost made me forget about myself and my well-being, a lot of things I used to do I totally had to abandon them. Even the way I dressed changed.
But this year I made a conscious effort to also look out for myself, though I am not there yet but am making progress
Yeah motherhood takes a toll on people, I have seen it first hand from a second person POV and even post partum takes a toll on women. Some women even change in appearance and all that. It's good to see it's better for you now..
Life slowly reshapes us without us even noticing. One day you’re fresh and well groomed, next thing you know, you’re looking at an old picture wondering what happened. Responsibilities has a way of making us forget about ourselves
Yes, I agree with you. Youthfulness, vibrance, beauty and vigour comes in the apex of our lives. Lots of people are lucky, but some others aren't so lucky
unfortunately there are both lucky and unlucky ones
Firstly, you did well by going to the barbershop to get a nice haircut. Getting a good haircut always has a way of lifting up our mood
Secondly, I 100% agree with all you've said, sometimes were so stuck in achieving a particular thing and end up forgetting ourselves in the process.
I've been doing Same lately and honestly this is a wake up call. Thanks for sharing ❤️
How are you doing? It's been awhile
I did it a lot in the past, unfortunately I have now suffered irreparable losses and consequences, and now that I'm back to being thoughtful, cognisant and mindful unfortunately a loss is a loss, whether you plan to lose or you didn't plan.
I'm here, thank God, you?
But thank God it's not always too late to pull ourselves out ❤️
I'm alright☺️
Some are too late. A lot of mine are too late.
I wouldn't say so......
I don't agree with you...... Okay let's say it's too late, but it's never too late to start all over again