My Inleo Progress: 10.9K LEO Power Surpassed + My Check If LPUD Winners Have Received Their Prizes + My New Inleo Premium Subscription (ENG/ITA)

in Olio di Balena9 days ago


Logo Inleo owned by @inleo - Edit by @libertycrypto27- Fonts used are Open Source

image.pngLa versione in italiano è subito dopo la versione in inglese - The Italian version is immediately after the English version


My Inleo Progress: 10.9K LEO Power Surpassed!

+ My Check If LPUD Winners Have Received Their Prizes

+ My New Inleo Premium Subscription


In the Hive ecosystem, I have two main annual goals that I would like to achieve before the end of 2024:

  • 75K Hive Power (HP)
  • 12K LEO Power (LP)

When there are just under 3 months left until the end of the year I have not yet reached these two goals but I am getting closer because in my Hive wallet I have 68012 HP and in my LEO Wallet I have 10929 LEO Power.

Screenshot from:

Screenshot from:

I also have 150.44 liquid LEO in my LEO Wallet and will maintain this amount to participate in the next LEO Power Up Day on October 15, 2024.

For those who, like me, have growth goals related to LEO Power participating regularly in the LEO Power Up Days is important because there are LEO Power delegation prizes that can give an accelerated growth path.

For the LPUD initiative, there are 17 prizes to be won and the luck factor is important because the prizes are awarded by drawing.

Screenshot from: LPUD September Winners

I have participated 24 out of 25 times in LEO Power Up Day and on four occasions I have won a delegation in LEO Power.



Unfortunately even though I won four times only once did I receive my prize because three times the sponsor who was supposed to send me the delegation forgot to do so.

For this reason I decided to make two checks every month to see whether the LPUD prizes are distributed or not.

In the August LPUD out of 17 prizes only 6 prizes were not distributed.
Today, October 7, 22 days after the September LPUD only 5 winners have received the delegation in LEO Power.

In the next image you can see in the yellow-framed boxes all the prizes not yet distributed.


I will do the same check during the next LPUD because I am an Inleo lover and in my opinion this situation definitely needs to be fixed because it is better to have 5 prizes sure to be won than 17!

I hope this post is helpful to the winners who did not receive their prizes: @bradleyarrow, @vocup, @mcoinz79, @mango-juice, @alokkumar121, @jfang003, @bulkathos, @ijebest, @coolguy123, @rtonline, @zonadigital21, @wiseagent

I hope this post is helpful to sponsors who forgot to set delegations: @simplifylife, @l337m45732, @tbnfl4sun, @forexbrokr, @jongolson, @scaredycatguide, @silversaver888, @whatsup, @edicted, @taskmaster4450, @anomadsoul, @inleo

I would like to emphasize that:

  • all sponsors, even those who forgot to set the delegation, are to be thanked because they provide part of their stake to delegate
  • it can happen to everyone to forget to send prizes because everyone's life is often busy.
  • it is not nice to win an award and not receive it

I will end this post by sharing the renewal of my Premium Subscription which costs 10 HBD and has a duration of 1 month.

Screenshot from:

The 10 HBD I spent today is being used to buy LEO and HIVE and to permanently increase the liquidity of the liquidity pool that has LEO and HIVE as its pair.

I have been an Inleo Premium member for several months now and will continue to renew my subscription month after month!

I hope you liked my post and thank you for taking your time to read it!





The images that contain tables, calculations and formulas are of my property

The font I used in my images and in the images I edited is Open Source


Important Note:

I am not a financial advisor and the information contained in my posts are not financial advices.
Before investing in a blockchain project you should always do your own research and personal evaluations.

My advice is to always only invest what you can afford to lose with a light heart!


Italian Version copia.jpg


I miei progressi nel Leoverse + Nuova Sottoscrizione all'Inleo Premium + Focus sulle delegazioni del LPUD di settembre


Nell'ecosistema di Hive ho due obbiettivi annuali principali che mi piacerebbe raggiungere prima della fine del 2024:

  • 75K Hive Power (HP)
  • 12K LEO Power (LP)

Quando mancano poco meno di 3 mesi alla fine dell'anno non ho ancora raggiunto questi due obiettivi ma mi sto avvicinando perchè nel mio Hive wallet ho 68012 HP e nel mio LEO Wallet ho 10929 LEO Power.

Screenshot from:

Screenshot from:

Nel mio LEO Wallet ho anche 150.44 LEO liquidi e manterrò questo quantitativo per partecipare al prossimo LPUD del 15 ottobre 2024.

Per chi come me ha obiettivi di crescita relativi al LEO Power partecipare regolarmente ai LEO Power Up Day è importante perchè ci sono dei premi in delegazioni di LEO Power che possono dare un accellerata al percorso di crescita.

Per l'iniziativa LPUD ci sono 17 premi da vincere e il fattore fortuna è importante perchè i premi sono assegnati tramite estrazione.

Screenshot from: LPUD September Winners

Io ho partecipato 24 volte su 25 al LEO Power Up Day e in quattro occasioni ho vinto una delegazione in LEO Power.



Purtroppo anche se ho vinto quattro volte solo una volta ho ricevuto il mio premio perchè per tre volte lo sponsor che doveva mandarmi la delegazione si è dimenticato di farlo.

Per questo motivo ho deciso di fare due controlli al mese per verificare se i premi degli LPUD vengono distribuiti oppure no.

Nel LPUD di agosto su 17 premi solo 6 premi non sono stati distribuiti.
Oggi 7 ottobre, a distanza di 22 giorni dal LPUD di settembre solo 5 vincitori hanno ricevuto la delegazione in token LEO.

Nell'immagine successiva puoi vedere nei riquadri con la cornice gialla tutti i premi non ancora distribuiti.


Farò lo stesso controllo durante il prossimo LPUD perchè sono un Inleo lover e secondo me questa situazione deve essere assolutamente sistemata perchè è meglio avere 5 premi sicuri da vincere che 17!

Spero che questo post sia utile ai vincitori che non hanno ricevuto i premi: @bradleyarrow, @vocup, @mcoinz79, @mango-juice, @alokkumar121, @jfang003, @bulkathos, @ijebest, @coolguy123, @rtonline, @zonadigital21, @wiseagent

Spero che questo post sia utile agli sponsors che hanno dimenticato di settare le delegazioni: @simplifylife, @l337m45732, @tbnfl4sun, @forexbrokr, @jongolson, @scaredycatguide, @silversaver888, @whatsup, @edicted, @taskmaster4450, @anomadsoul, @inleo

Ci tengo a sottolineare che:

  • tutti gli sponsors, anche quelli che hanno dimenticato di settare la delegazione, sono da ringraziare perchè mettono a disposizione parte del loro stake da delegare
  • può capitare a tutti di dimenticare di inviare i premi perchè la vita di ognuno è spesso piena di impegni.
  • non è bello vincere un premio e non riceverlo

Concludo questo post condividendo il rinnovo della mia Premium Subscription che costa 10 HBD e ha una durata di 1 mese.

Screenshot from:

I 10 HBD che ho speso oggi sono utilizzati per acquistare LEO e HIVE e per aumentare in modo permanente la liquidità della liquidity pool che ha come coppia proprio LEO e HIVE.

Sono diversi mesi che sono un Inleo Premium member e continuerò a rinnovare la mia sottoscrizione mese dopo mese!

Spero che il mio post ti sia piaciuto e ti ringrazio per aver dedicato il tuo tempo per leggerlo!





The images that contain tables, calculations and formulas are of my property

The font I used in my images and in the images I edited is Open Source


Important Note:


I am not a financial advisor and the information contained in this post is not financial advice.
Before investing in a blockchain project you should always do your own research and personal evaluations.

My advice is to always only invest what you can afford to lose with a light heart!



Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Ah yes I thought I had handled this weeks ago but I was looking at the wrong month (August).


This channel in the discord is where a lot of people get that information but nobody is keeping it up to date.
Previously this was a task primarily performed by @anomadsoul.
Maybe he can comment on the situation.

Perhaps you'd like to take on this role in the Discord and make sure everyone is getting what they're owed.
I'm sure it could be arranged.

All that's required is making sure to tell everyone to undelegate 5 days in advance and then tagging everyone 5 days later to get the job done. It sounds stupid but is surprisingly helpful.


Thanks for letting me know, I took care of my delegation to @mcoinz79. Cheers!

Thank you for writing this comment because I'm glad I was helpful
Hive a nice day :)

I didn't realize that I was a winner this time around, but I guess its also the first time that it failed on me. I do agree that the list needs to be updated or maybe someone needs to manage the delegation list and remind people. I am not sure though.

Yes my friend, the list needs to be updated. I hope they find a way soon to have all prizes distributed for the next LPUD.

Congratulations, I love Leo as well, although my power-ups are random, and don't follow LPUD, it's still nice to add to ones stake. A lot of follow-ups are not happening with the prizes and other things too. I hope they get to work on it

Thank you my friend and I hope to accumulate more and more LP
On the LPUD awards I hope they solve because I have verified that it happens often that a delegation is not sent and instead it should be an exception when it happens

My Inleo Progress: 10.9K LEO Power Surpassed!

Congratulations @libertycrypto27 for the milestone, great One.

My Check If LPUD Winners Have Received Their Prizes

This is definitely an issue, I sent multiple reminders to the sponsor and also informed the inleo team, but nothing changed this so far and I am still waiting for the delegation and in another 8 days, we have another LPUD, definitely, this is demotivating.

it is better to have 5 prizes sure to be won than 17!

Definitely, I totally agree with this.

Hope the @inleo team reverifies the details before announcing the next LPUD delegations and delegators details to check whether the delegators are really interested to continue with their delegation.
It's fair enough if someone doesn't want to continue, but it needs to be confirmed.

And congratulations once again on your achievement about Leo power and also for renewing the premium membership, I myself did the same yesterday.

Good day to you and wishing more achievements :)

It looks like I am the sponsor and I don't recall you reaching out.
I'm pretty easy to get in contact with on the LEO Discord for future reference.
I just sent you 5k because that's all I have right now.
But I can allow you to keep it for a couple of months.

Hi @edicted, thank you.
I didn't contact you directly as I felt it's not a good idea, instead, I just responded on the blogs of LPUD.
Anyways, thanks a lot for the delegation.
I would request you to take it back by 15th if you need to delegate to the new winner if you are planning to continue delegations.
Thanks, have a good day :)

I'm going to have 15k available within a couple days which is what I'm increasing my contribution to.
I may increase this to 20k after I remove your delegation, but again that won't be for a couple of months.

Appreciate that sir, have a wonderful day :)

Thanks for your comment and thanks for share your experience about this topic.
I hope with my checks can be helpful in solving this problem
Inleo is a very good project and I am sure this problem will be solved soon

Thank you @libertycrypto27, finally, people are responding because of your shoutout and I am grateful to you for that.
It might be possible that, they have not checked the LPUD blogs and hence, might have forgotten.
Good One and I am happy to be interacting with you and I will always be thankful to you.

What a great post :) Now to both you, and chance you have a Witness vote left? My witness is @thebbhproject .

easy vote link:


I voted 30 out of 30 witnesses but every month-end I check these votes of mine. Before the end of the month I will look at your project and your witness activity and if I like it I will vote for you

What a great post :)

thanks a lot for reading and appreciating my post
Hive a nice day :)

Thanks so much :) I cannot ask for more than that :) !BBH !DOOK

You just got DOOKed!
@bradleyarrow thinks your content is the shit.
They have 42/60 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

@libertycrypto27! @bradleyarrow likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (44/100)

(html comment removed: )

You just got DOOKed!
@bradleyarrow thinks your content is the shit.
They have 37/60 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

Thank you so much for this recount, I'm among the winners last month but very disappointed that till now I have not received anything.

This is my first time of winning. Please my sponsor @whatsup help me to send my wins, thank you @libertycripto27 for this very update.

Thank you for reading and appreciating my post
Inleo is a great project and one of the best hive-based projects and the team is working hard to keep improving this project but the distribution of the LPUD awards is a problem that needs to be solved and I hope it will be solved soon.

Ah it needs to be solved ooh, how can they told me i have won only not to see anything.

Vedo nei commenti sotto che i tuoi promemoria funzionano :)

Ed entrambi i tuoi obiettivi sono sempre più vicini! Pensare che l'anno prossimo a dicembre potresti essere a portata dei 100.000 HP fa quasi impressione 😂

!hiqvote !LOL !PIMP !PIZZA

Why was the resistor fired from his job of leading the orchestra?
He was a terrible conductor.

Credit: reddit
@libertycrypto27, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of arc7icwolf



Spero con i miei promemoria di essere di aiuto almeno in piccola parte a risolvere questa situazione perchè i premi se annunciati ma non inviati sistematicamente invece di essere un incentivo a fare LEO power up diventano un disincentivo.

Come si dice, "meglio pochi ma buoni".

@libertycrypto27! @bradleyarrow likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (38/100)

(html comment removed: )


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@arc7icwolf(1/10) tipped @libertycrypto27

This post has been manually curated by @steemflow from Indiaunited community. Join us on our Discord Server.

Do you know that you can earn a passive income by delegating to @indiaunited. We share more than 100 % of the curation rewards with the delegators in the form of IUC tokens. HP delegators and IUC token holders also get upto 20% additional vote weight.

Here are some handy links for delegations: 100HP, 250HP, 500HP, 1000HP.


100% of the rewards from this comment goes to the curator for their manual curation efforts. Please encourage the curator @steemflow by upvoting this comment and support the community by voting the posts made by @indiaunited.

thanks a lot for the support

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Check out our last posts:

Our Hive Power Delegations to the September PUM Winners
Feedback from the October Hive Power Up Day


Why are dogs bad dancers?
Because they have two left feet.

Credit: marshmellowman
@libertycrypto27, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of gameexp

NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ


What do whales like to eat?
Fish and ships.

Credit: boboman
@gameexp, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of libertycrypto27

NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ

@libertycrypto27! @gameexp Totally agrees with your content! so I just sent 1 IDD to your account on behalf of @gameexp.

Indeed Logo

I can see that you are so eager for the Leo power up day
That’s something amazing
Good job with your games and goals
