They are making me pay to use the cards I bought, in the format I enjoy, in order to eliminate a problem they already solved in Modern? Something doesn't feel right with this move.
How much more before the game breaks entirely, and the only real humans left playing hold NFTs that are worth less than the electricity it costs to display them, on the back of a token that is worth less than LUNA? Go ahead, whales, enjoy your private game.
Because only 1 person bought a 10 dollar spellbook in the past 5 days. One. Is this a sustainable model? Can you, let alone a company, much less a game that was once a great game, survive on 60 bucks a month?
Your comment is further proof for me that the only solution to be adopted is the elimination of bots
all other solutions are flawed solutions that create discontent even among real players.
Thank you for your comment