Hello, community friends!
Greetings from @mrdani12 to all my beautiful friends, Hopefully, you guys are doing well, Today I am going to participate in the social media contest which is organized by the splinterland team every week, This time I am going to share the best card for a beginner in splinterland, At the beginning everyone is a beginner and want to learn about splinterland how it works, how to find some best card for splinterland, here I am starting a series about the best cards of splinterland, I want to share my knowledge for beginner in splinterland social media challenge every week.
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Grum Flameblade
Legendary fire Unit
These are the cards which are the most powerful units of splinterland game, Using these unit in the battle field can make you win the battle field, Here is the top 5 most use splinterland unit in the battle with their extreme and great power. This is legendary unit which is fire unit, this unit is famous for his extreme power, This legendary unit cost 11 mana with 4 melee attack 1 speed, The speed is little bit compromise but defence of this unit is very strong with 5 shield and 10 health which is good for this unit. one is blood lust ability which is very dangerous ability and another is void which is good defence from magic attacker.
Swamp Spitter
Common water Unit
The next one is common water unit which is range attacker, This unit have many benefit and ranking it the most powerful unit of splinterland game, This unit have 2 range attacker with 2 speed, For beginner it is very good, This unit have 1 shield and 5 health which is also very great, The armor repair ability make this monster the top ranked unit of splinterland, This unit repair the armor of every one in the battle field which is work like healer.
Commander Slade
Rare water Unit
This is the commander Slade which is a rare water unit, this commander Slade has 10 mana cost which is the powerful unit of splinterland ranking at the top list of splinterland, this unit has 3 melee attacks 4 speed 5 shields, and 8 health is perfect with all the stats, First ability of this monster is dodge which is use for protecting this unit and make many shots miss for this unit, Another ability is killing ability which can decrease the attack of the melee attacker each time when this monster attack on it.
Lava Launcher
Epic fire Unit
The most powerful list of splinterland is going to be excited one every step, This is a ranged attacker which is an epic fire unit, This monster costs 9 mana cost with 3 range attacks 3 speed which is a good number, Another thing is protection, This unit have 6 shields with 5 health which is good for this unit in 9 mana cost, You cannot use range attacker in first positon because range attackers cannot attacks on first positon it became attacker less in first positon, but this ranged attacker has the ability which can be used as a melee attacker in first position.
Djinn Oshannus
Legendary water Unit
The magic attacker with legendary water unit, This monster ranks among the most powerful units of splinterland, this unit costs 8 mana cost with 2 magic attacks and 5 speed, the speed of this monster can kill any card this unit has 10 health which is also better number, there is no shield for this card, This magic attacker has an ability which can protect it from magic attack with getting half of the damage from the magic attack.
This is all about for the top 5 powerful unit of splinterland for beginner, these are the unit with my experience, If you have any question about these cards and want to learn about splinterland feel free to ask.
When I played splinterlands, I tried all those cards. They are pretty good, I even liked playing with only gold cards that I managed to rent... I would love to play again.
Thank you very much my dear friend
You're welcome, it's a pleasure
Thanks for sharing! - @mango-juice