As a young man, struggling to make ends meet, I have come to realise that almost life issues and problems can be solved with money. Virtually everything about life is money. Before now, people had this false belief that money cannot buy life, as well as love. This is not true. A lot of people have died because there was no money to take proper medical care. So many people have left their once true love to another because of love. Money to some extent answers almost all things. Critically looking at this issue, the problem isn't that money is so important, it is the people that elevate money and give it power. The power that is above anything else.
Before the creation of money, people existed and had a seamless relationship. How were they able to achieve that? By then people survived even without money. However, times have changed and having known that the most constant thing is change hence, it is imperative to also change along with times. The extant society prioritizes money over all other things. Last Christmas, we were to have a family get-together, one of our siblings couldn't make it because according to him, he didn't have transportation fare that would be enough for him and his wife. I talked to another of my siblings to support him with fare but he refused saying that the ceremony could still be held in his absence. That was pathetic. It has gotten to the level that your position in family, society etc is determined by how much you are worth. That's how it is right now and there's nothing anyone can do about it.
Like I always advised, in whatever one does, he should ensure that he makes money for himself. If the majority of life issues are solved with money then, ensure that you make making money a priority. You cannot tell if you can make lots of money if you don't give it a try. Many people have been held back from making money because of fear and what people will think about them, especially if the work is not white-collar. Most times we become lazy because we have someone fanning our laziness. When we're hungry we eat, anything you need someone will give to you. This doesn't allow us to see the need to make money for ourselves.
I started being independent myself at age 22, and from that time I began to take responsibility for my life. As a result of that, I dare not be wasteful and careless with resources because I know that I should, and then I will have to suffer in the coming days. Also, no matter how lean my resources have been, I must live within my resources while still working hard.
The only way to escape lack of poverty is by working. No matter how porous it might be, at least, it will put food on your table. Eating the money you made by yourself is always sweeter compared to the one from someone else. So many people have lost respect and value because of begging for money. Some people do not take another person's call because he's afraid that they might ask him for money.
In conclusion, we have left the Stone Age, we have left the era of trade by barter, and we are in the age of money so make anything legal to make money.
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