In fact, as a friend, I would give him money if I could afford it, but as a potential investor, I doubt I will.
I once approached a good friend of mine for a bussiness loan, a real investor, very wealthy man but two questions he asked me, I couldn't answer it to his satisfaction and that was it ..I couldn't get the money. He sent me back to go and re-strategize and come up with tangible plan otherwise I should forget it.
I totally agree with you that sometimes it's not all about money but good plans to succeed in a business...that's where the pressure lies and should be given a close attention if not, debt is calling
That's how rich people are. I think some of them wants to make profit from whatever venture they go in. I think the person didn't want to lend you money as a friend, they probably looked at you as an investor. If they saw your approach in a POV of friendship they might just lend the money..
It's life though. Life is unfair, and we just have to work harder and make better decisions, so that others might see prospect in us.